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Y/N's POV:

Its been a week since jungkook and i had talked properly to each other.
After our movie night which was conveniently interrupted by the boys,Yoongi and Taehyung have been sure we both keep a six feet distance from one another as if there was some deadly virus!

Not just that but we couldnt even start basic conversations without the 2 devils interrupting.

How am i supposed to befriend jungkook when theres a distance of a kilometer between us?

I scraped my fork across the plate not bothering to eat.In all honesty i wanted to befriend jungkook not because i pitied him but because i understood him.
He and I both lost our parents at a young age.If i didnt consider his point of view when we met that would make me heartless.

"Y/n what's the matter?aren't you hungry?"

I looked towards taehyung with a glare and chose to ignore him. I've been ignoring both him and yoongi until and unless they put off their show in distancing me and jungkook.

Yoongi and taehyung exchanged concerned glances with each other.Taehyung looked towards jimin who was seated beside me enjoying his carbonara.
He kicked him from underneath the table causing jimin's leg to hit the edge and his food to land on his forehead

"Mother of gravity why did you do that you little piece of-"

Taehyung smacked his head and motioned towards me with his eyes.He signalled jimin by moving his eyes towards me and the untouched food.
Jimin finally understood and sighed and turned towards me

"Ooh y/n~" he cooed
"Why aren't you eating?Is it not tasty?I can assure its amazing" he took a big bite from my plate like the mannerless jam he is and stuffed it in his mouth

"Mmmmmm~heaven,sent you to m-Ow hey!"

"I said make her eat.Not allow yourself to eat from her plate"taehyung whispered harshly after smacking his shoulder

"Ugh fine fine."he cracked his knuckles "Time to unleash my charms"

He turned to me and smoldered.

"Y/n....if you dont eat"he said coming extremely close to my now burning hot face.His breath fanned against my ear and everyone could see my flustered state.
"Then i'll choke you and shove my d-"

"JIMIN!I never said to seduce her you shitface"taehyung said and yoongi got up and landed a punch on his chest.I coughed and tried calming down while jin choked on his noodles and namjoon patted his back while hobi awkwardly drank his sprite.Jungkook on the other hand was shooting lasers through his eyes at jimin.Once he saw me looking at him,he smiled the warmest smile i have ever seen.

"Wait,wai-AAh..i was gonna say darn plate stop it bro"
With one last pull taehyung let go of the poor boys hair followed by yoongi who gave a blow to his stomach

Coughing,the said victim sat properly (or tried) in his chair
"All i wanted was to enjoy my lachimolala"he muttered under his breath

Feeling slightly guilty i chuckled and took a bite looking at jimin and he smiled lazily while clutching his stomach

The rest of the dinner went without a word except a few painful groans and incoherent curses from jimin

Time skip:

I sat between hoseok and jimin (who now had an ice pack on the side of his abdomen) and looked over at the songs they were watching.

Hoseok hummed the tune while jimin had his eyes shut.I quite liked this song so i decided to sing along

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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