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I looked over at jungkook who was furiously staring at me and holding my arm with a tight grip.I winced when he tightened it even more due to my lack of response to his question

"Leave her arm now" yoongi said coming beside me

"And i should listen to u because?" jungkook asked in a mocking tone but yoongi just smirked

"You wouldnt want me to blow ur cover now would you?" he said causing jungkook to make a threatened look at him

Cover? what does he mean? you mean like a magazine cover?

"I cant believe you would actually do that right now...........................
..But im not taking any chances" he said and let go of arm reluctantly

I massaged the area he held and glared at him causing him to do the same.We glared at each other for a good 5 minutes until yoongi decided to throw leaves in jungkook's eyes

"Oowww My eye-Hyyyuunggg!"jungkook whined

"It wasnt me it was mother nature" yoongi said as i tried my best not to laugh

"Just so u no, i would have won that glaring competition if it wasnt for him" jerkook said still rubbing his eyes

"Uh-huh!whatever fits that empty skull butthead" i said and yoongi chuckled.
Jungkook looked bewildered for a second,processing if i indeed said that.I dont know why but i felt more confident with yoongi around.

"Okay come on lets get in and rest for a while before we start the day" yoongi said and ushered me towards the main door and i followed while jungkook was still glaring at my back

"Alright,i hope you sleep well now y/n.I'll take my leave now"yoongi said and patted my head

"You too" i said and smiled genuinely

"tsk losers" jungkook said throwing an annoying glance at us and heading the other direction

I would've clapped back but felt tired enough already.So i headed back to the room i was in and fell asleep in no time

Time skippeu~

"Y/n....Y/n wake up" i heard someone say but was too lazy

"Y/n get up.U gotta eat"

"Mmhhm"i hummed.

"get ur butt off the bed young lady"

I Groaned and shifted in my position with my eyes closed

"5 more minutes veronica" I mumbled the name of my maid who used to look after me at my foster family's house.

"Y/n i gotta peee........Unless you want me to do it here"

I opened my eyes and looked at a innocent looking taehyung with a grin on his face.

"Uuhghhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~"  i whined and got up

"Wow your a deep sleeper!its a wonder how you got up when jimin and jin came to rescue you" he said and chuckled

"I think the word is kidnap not rescue and I aM nOt a hEaVy sleEe-" i slurred feeling sleepy again

"Oh no no no.I wasnt kiddin when i said i gotta pee,so GET UP" taehyung said and pulled my arm and dragged me to the washroom

"Now freshen up and come down in 30minutes" he said and rushed outside(probably in a hurry to do his...*Business*)

I sighed and got up lazily.I took a shower and brushed my teeth.I picked a purple sweatshirt with some baggy jeans from the enormous closet. I was surprised they had undergarments which fit perfectly.

Pfffttttt of course they do.They're mafia's!they probably bring a girl here every day.

I dryed my hair and slowly opened the door to find an empty hallway.Taehyung said to  be ready within half an hour but since i dont have a watch. I cant tell! hopefully im not late.

I carefully got out of the room and headed towards the dining room. I remembered it from my previous encounter with that hoseok guy.

As i walked in I was greeted by the aroma of something deliociously sweet.

"Oh you're finally here!" i heard someone say and turned around. It was jin,wearing an apron and preparing food.

To say i was surprised wasnt it all.

"What? first time seeing a handsome guy cook?
oh wait, Yes it is!coz theres no one handsome created by god except me.Im utterly irresitable.You might call it a crime"he said with a smirk

I Rolled my eyes at that

"Ah ah i see u little girl.Dont be afraid to except the truth even though it might be..........

I Stared at him in disbelief!One of the most powerful man in korea is here cooking waffles and pancakes and making dad jokes and laughing like a horse!can life get any wierder?...yes!yes it can.

I rubbed my temples and sat down on the chair and just then the others all came in.By then jin's laughter had died down and he continued cooking.I stared at how his veins popped out on his hand when he stirs the mixture or cuts the fruits.Even though i wanted to deny it,he was hella handsome.He had really broad shoulders but a slim waist and long hands and legs so his body was balanced.He seemed like a model even when cooking.His features were really well defined.His caramel brown hair parted a bit to see his forehead and perfectly shaped eyebrows.His dark brown eyes focused solely on the food being  prepared. I didnt realize i was staring when  someone next to coughed.

It was the jam.except.......There was no jam!!!

"Were u just checking jin hyung out?" jimin says staring at me and causing the others to look too

"W-wha-NO! w-why would I?" i said avoiding his stare and started to heat up.

"Oh my,You WERE!!"

"I Said No! how can you be sure?" i said and narrowed my eyes at him

"Well for starters you stuttered"

"Umm...I can have...A lisp?" i said unsure

"You can.....But you dont!And you're cheeks are all red.And u avoided looking at me and-"

"Okay okay gosh ur unbeliebubble" i said but quickly put my hands over my mouth.


"Aehahaaahaheehehhahahooho sEe i told you im irresistable"jin said and did a hair flip(it was a fail)

"Sksks pervert" i heard someone mumble and turned to namjoons direction.He pretended not to notice and started whistling.

"I heard that!" i said through gritted teeth
"and i am not!"

"Oh but you are miss fatty pervert"

"What the- Youu!!!" i said and huffed annoyed

'Theres nothing wrong in looking at peoples hands!" i defended myself

"Oohh were u only looking at his hands?" hoseok chimed in and wiggled his brows

"Yes now be quiet!Im hungry" i said feeling irritated

"Okay my fatty patootoo" taehyung said and grinned

Even yoongi chuckled next to me and juancook snickered

I had a feeling this was gonna be a long day and i didnt even have breakfast!

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