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It was quiet for a while since jin arranged the food on table and served everyone.Everyone digging into their own plate and filling themselves up.Their faces turning pure ecstatic while they ate.I watched them all for a while before actually taking the fork and deciding it was safe to bite into my waffles.
Man was it delicious!

During my conversation with yoongi this morning,he had given me a brief description of all the members of the mafia.

His exact words were"You dont need to be afraid.We keep an image for people to fear us but believe it or not we're anything but!"


Even though this was practically the jeon mafia,Namjoon was incharge of everything.He was their leader in everything
The only thing jeon junglebook here was capable of, was bossing around!

Next was Jin,Seemingly the eldest.He would look after every member like a brother.He was also "a lunatic obsessed with dad jokes and himself"as yoongi defined!His cooking was unmatchable even against masterchefs.The main reason as to why they didnt have chefs in their mansion.

Then came Hoseok,basically the sunshine in their dark lives.He was always loud and energetic.He's like the sunshine itself.

And came jimin,
Park•Flirty•Jimin.A tease wherever he went.Always so smooth with the women,might I add with the men as well! Could i blame him?absolutely not! with looks like his,anyone and everyone would willingly sell their soul to him.

Then taehyung.He was as innocent as he was playful.A dork.His looks could kill,but he never used it to take advantage no.Instead of a seductive smirk,he would smile the widest boxy smile.That made him adorable and beloved by almost everyone.

And lastly jeon junkcockadoodle! He didnt say much but that he isnt what he portrays himself as.The same taehyung told me the other day.

Yeah ryt as if i'd believe that again!

I Finished my food and kept it where jin told me to and left the others

time skip~

It was afternoon and i was bored as heck!
Laying on the bed i sighed thinking what to do.There was a knock on the door causing me to get up abrubptly.

"Yes?"I asked

"potato its me taetae!can i come in?" he asked

I chuckled at his cuteness .

This guy was supposed to be a ruthless mafia with no concern towards others and here he is asking permission to enter a room which isnt even mine!

"Yes you can" i replied

A giddy looking taehyung came inside with a smile on his glowing face .

"Arent you bored by yourself?Come on let me show you around!!!" he said getting all excited again

"What for?" i questioned raising  my eyebrow curiously

"Well since your gonna stay here for A while why not know the place  and us better right?" he said and tilted his head to the side cutely

A while?and thats supposed to be how much time??  I didnt really wanna go but i was on the brink of death by boredom!
I Atleast had a tv at my place.

"Yeah sure why not" i replied smiling

"Yaaeeyy!"taehyung said and held my hand
"Les gooooo~" he sang

•skippety skip the time•

Me and taehyung had been roaming the megahumongalogous mansion for the past hour

There were more rooms than i expected! 27 rooms to be exact,6 floors,14bedrooms,a kitchen on every odd floor,11 bathrooms,2 living rooms on each floor,3 dining rooms,with a huge garden balcony on the 2nd and 4th floor ending with a very very very large swimming pool on the top floor.


was i awestruck? pfft no!cuz i was ded!

There where a few other rooms maybe,4 more.1 i clearly remember as the interrogation room.The others where for their "business".That was what taehyung said.

While walking we casually bumped into few of the others who were more excited to show me the fun parts and beauty of their house.

It was weird.They were weird!

"whats wrong?" taehyung asked probably noticing me gazing suspiciously at him

"Um..its just,u guys are mafia's n all but you're being normally normal with me.Like its creepy normally normal!"

Taehyung burst out into laughter at this and i have no idea why

"Oh y/n is being normal not normal?" he asked still laughing

"Well not usually for the biggest mafia in korea right? i mean-"

"Ahaha y/n its nothing really hehe" taehyung said chuckling nervously

Whats wrong wid dis boi?

"Um okay!i mean, if u say so"

"Well there might be a reason though" taehyung said

i looked at him immediately and jumped at him
"Really?what?tell me!"

"Okay okay" he said laughing

"well you basically remind me and yoongi of someone special"

"Really who?" I asked getting more curious by the second

"Just....Someone" he said getting all gloomy for a minute then turning back to his usual self

"Oh..Umm.okay.You and yoongi must have been really close to that person then"

"Of course! since me and yoongi are cousins technically"

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