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As i made my way towards the room, i was greeted by sumi.......My study buddy
We werent too close n all but i liked her,she was always willing to help
Come to think bout it,she was the one who wud start small talks n what not

"Heyy, how r u?" i asked as we both made way to our seats
"Im fine how have u been this weekend n what did u do?"she asked
"Oh im gud......My weekend was the best and most adventrous by far this time"
"Really??" she asked raising one eyebrow
"Of course!!I went on a date with the perfect guy and we watched a romantic movie ending it with a candlelight dinner,.................... But of course i had to be awoken by the stupid alarm" I said sighing
"Yah! I for once thought u were serious" sumi whined as she hit my arm to which i giggled ..

As we were talking about random stuff our proffesser had  begun the class

Time skip~

I waved sumi goodbye as i went in the opp. Direction
I was scrolling through my phone wearing earphones not caring bout my surroundings when i bumped into someone making me fall hard on the ground.
When i looked up with anger i saw a tall man........I couldnt see his face as it was covered by a mask
I only saw his eyes........Those dark brown orbs staring right into my soul.......They were cold......
As i got up and waited for an apology he just turned around n walked away......

Wow that piece of piglet shit!

I ignored it and reached home.....The rest of the day went completely normal
Eating,ticking my a$s off for 5 hrs cz i cudnt complete my assignments then eating again n netflix n chill for an hour before bed!
As i made my way to bed i thought about the guy from earlier........Although his eyes were dark i could stare at them forever!no im not exagerating!
but i soon got angry as he just left without an apology,he sure aint someone who has manners!
I Just wish i cud've punched him before he left!
"Little shit of my neighbours dog....Wait!i dont have neighbours or a dog!"
i grumbled as i lay asleep

A/N: u like?????.......Thats it for now! bubbyee

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