~chapter 14~

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Katniss POV.

'The victors'

Finnick: so me and annie were talking about a suprise for all of you.

Annie: that is correct! Finnick can I tell them?

Finnick: sure, annie

Jhoanna: tell us

Katniss: comon!

Annie: okay okay! So me and finnick have been saving up for about a while and we thought we could bring all of you to district 4!

Peeta: Omg!

Kiah: WHAT??

cressida: wait really??

Haymitch: omg

I put down my phone. And start to shake.
District 4?
My mother works in district 4 and I'm guaranteed to see her and I'm afraid of what shell think of me and peeta you know.
Peeta walks inot the dining room of where I am and sees me. "Katniss?" He asks I sit their staring off into the distance thinking of prim.
"Katniss" he says again I sit their still his voice is muffled.
"Katniss.." I sit their still I cant move my body for some reason.
I hear peetas voice again but I cant quite make it out.
"Hey katniss!" I hear prim saying. "Prim.." I say crying I hear peetas voice again but it's very muffled. I get back into reality when peeta is shaking me.
"Katniss!" He pulls me into a hug and grabs willow.
"Are you okay?" He asks me I nod my head.
"So I guess were going to district 4" he says smiling. I look down he just pulls my head up. "Katniss its going to be okay." He says I smile. I know my mom has changed and I really wanna talk to her but I still wont forgive her.
Peeta and I pack our suitcases and willow and rye and head over to the odairs house.
Jordon who is only 2 is so much like his father. He always carries a plastic trident and has some sugar cubes somewhere. When we walk in finnick is playing some sort of game with jordon where he has to catch fish with his trident and annie is greeting everyone.
"So while we are in district 4 where are we going to be staying?" I ask finnick he looks over to annie. "Were going to be staying at our old house that was very very big and right by the ocean kinda like a beach house" finnick says annie nods.
When are we leaving? Pollux signs "3:00 so in 20 minutes" annie says pollux nods and starts 'talking' to cressida and his daughter. Willow and rye are somewhat sleeping and jordon keeps on booping rye.
Effie and haymitch are laughing about something but I'm pretty sure haymitch is drunk. Jhoanna and kiah are criticizing effies outfit and its honestly kinda funny.

"I brought some bread for all of you" peeta says everyone praticly turns to peeta and I'm afraid their going to trample him so I hold his hand tighter.
"So for finnick annie and jordon I got sourdough wich is your favorites" peeta hands the bread over.
"Jhoanna and kiah I got you both some salty bread that I think is disgusting but apperntly to you its good" he says handing the bread over "shut up" they say together.

"Cressida pollux and millie I got you all some baguettes." "Thank you" cressida says. She pulls out a camera and starts recording.
"This is for the children and when their older and we have to.." she pauses because of annie and finnick covers her ears as he always does. "Tell them about the games and the rebellion I have all the." Pauses again peeta is very sensitive to these things and I know he doesnt like it but I cover his ears as well. "Propgandas interviews and even everyone of the children's birth" I uncover peetas ears and finnick uncovers Annie's ears.
"Wow" I say.
"Its time to go!" Finnick says we all walk to the train station because tis a pretty short walk and it was nice to talk to people. I leave peetas side to talk to jhoanna and annie.
I have willow in my arms and annie has jordon.
"We need to go shopping in district 4 all of your clothes are old...well not Annie's more of Katnip's-" she pauses with her hand covering her mouth.
"Katnip?" Annie says. I forgot annie doesnt know.
Jhoanna knows because we were roommates back in the rebellion and bacicly told echother everything and she knew gales nickname for me.
We continue walking and talk about life and other things happening until we reach the train.
Annie and I walk back to our family and I clench peetas hand.
All the worrys fill inside of me mostly about how my mother will react to seeing me..if she does but I'm 99.999% sure I'll see her.
I step into the train with peeta trailing behind me with the rest of the group.

e all sit down in the regular seats. I sit beside peeta and hold his hand. Effie and haymitch sit across from each other, finnick and annie are sitting together and finnick always is overprotective of her while jordon plays with willow, rye and millie, cressida and pollux sit together and that's are seating arrangement. Effie stands up and I think back to the quarter quell. Although effie, haymitch, peeta and I have changed a lot it still feels the same. Except the fact that effie let's her natural hair out and not so crazy makeup. I almost forget theirs other people when I'm brought back into reality.
"So it will be a 7 hour train ride too district 4 wich means we will get their around very late." All of us nod and we look over to the center of the table. It's a big pig with an apple in it mouth. Theirs a lot of memories of the first hunger games of when I shot the arrow at the game makers and they brought that stupid pig in.
I get a bit of pig and a glass of orange juice wich is my faviourte drink.
After out dinner is done we head into the bedrooms. The kids surprisingly have their own rooms so I just decide they can go in their own rooms. I lay out all my stuff and lock the bedroom door.
I have to take a shower and I dont want someone to accidently walk in me changing.
I undress and start to hop into the shower. I look down at my body. After the games and the rebellion I hated it it has to many scars, burns, bullet wounds, and more it makes me sad. Peeta says their buetiful but I dont believe him.
I just wash my body and start to dry off.
I walk back into the bedroom and start to get changed into a shirt that haymitch got me and some pajama pants. I lay down on the bed and I here knocking. "Who is it" i ask the knocking becomes more frantic. "What?" I ask again. "Its finnick" I just unlock the door. "Why didnt you just say that in the first place" he just shrugs and lays down on the bed. "So."  He says I just stare at the ceiling. "I came in here because we never talk anymore" he says looking at me I just chuckle. "I mean you have a kid now I have 2kids and were both married so I mean" he just gets up and hands me a sugar cube. "Katniss, do you want a sugar cube?" I start burst out laughing and take it. "Arent they for the horses" I say mocking him.
Me and him just sit their talking for hours on end and we ended up playing some sort of hand game. Until I hear someone knocking.
"Hello?" Finnick asks. Annie comes in the door.
"Oh hey annie!" I say she lays down on  the bed next to finnick and I. "Can I play?" She asks I nod and I teach it to her. We start playing and we realise it's almost midnight.
"Well goodnight katniss" finnick and annie say walking out of me and peetas room. "Goodnight" I say I lay down on the bed and i await for peeta to come but he doesnt. And I start to get really worried so I walk out and see him in the kitchen. I sigh and walk over to him.
We are the only ones their so I just stand their and smile watching him bake something. Its almost been 20 minutes until he realises my presence and almost jumps out of his skin when he sees me.
"Katniss what are you doing here?" He says worried.
"I've been here for like 20 minutes" I say laughing he looks down and smiles. "What are you doing up so late?" He asks.
"Well finnick and I were talking for I dont really know how long and we made some sort of hand game and annie joined us after a little bit and we didnt even realise it was midnight. And I cant really sleep without you." I say he looks up to me and his smile fades. "Katniss you need to go to sleep I understand you need me but if you wake up you can just call for me okay?" He says in a steady voice I nod and go on my toes to kiss him on the forehead.

I head back into the room and crawl up into the warm covers and sit their looking off into the distance.
I hear everyone talking in the kitchen for some reason. And I'm scared their planning something. But I dont know what. But i dont want to know so I cover my ears and before I know it I'm sound assleep.


A/N: this was a very very long and time consuming chapter to write so sorry for not updating and this is way longer than most of it currently it's at 1661 words that's crazy! I'd like to thank all my supporters for ALL MY FREAKING READS AND VOTES ITS AMAZING!!! I LOVE YALL AA

I'm really excited to show yall what's next in the next few chapters😏

Dont forget to comment and vote!✨


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