Author: so welcome everyone, I'm here to tell you all the rules you need to follow to enjoy this festival without causing youself and others any problems,
Conscience: Umm... Buddy it'd be great if you leave this room,
Because I'm the one who'll be explaining this part!
Author: you again-_-
*Ignoring him*
Conscience: So...As I was saying,
Where are all my fans??
Ohh there you are!
But I am not the conscience you are used to,
I'm Version 2, V2 for short,I'm Davin's conscience, but I am not... and I'm not the conscience you know that's for sure,
Stay tuned and you may even see me again around here,
Author: If you are done talking to your fans could I tell them the rules?
Oh right the rules!?
You ofcourse have more than one books in your portfolio,
Well then, congrats cuz you can enter all of them,
1. You can enter as many books as you want,
Not everyone can understand all of the 5440+ languages that exist in this world
2. All the books entered in the awards must be in English.
3. A book needs to have atleast 5 chapters to participate
Since it'll be hard to judge a book with just 1 chapter
Also note that,
4. The judges will be reading only first five chapters,
It's on these early stages of writing is when your raw and innate talent shines the most,
Quick tip;)
Memorise this
password: bookishloveTrust me when I say this, the three idiots who decided all this thought a lot about about this specific rule and we've decided to end on,
5. You can enter one book in only one genre,
This is done to declutter the awards and avoid confusion,
We really are not doing all this for followers,
But, the judges, they will really be putting a lot of effort into judging your books,
So,6. Make sure you follow the judges
I SAID IM DOING THE RULES TELLING!!! ( • ̀ω•́ )( • ̀ω•́ )( • ̀ω•́ )
Lemme resume
We need a lot of people to join in and have fun,
7. Give a shoutout to the Lumina festival by us MADwritersOrg (compulsory)
So if any of your follower is interested they can join in!
8. Add the festival book to your reading list,
So you never miss a single thing happening in the festival
The winners, I'm happy to say,
9. Have to compulsorily join the prom for obvious reasons;)
And that's it I guess,
One last thing....
Let's keep everything fun and peaceful shall we?
No fights no arguments only fun
IF, you still have any question and doubts regarding the awards or prom you can ask here >>>
********** ALL THE BEST **********
Acak☞ The most awaited day is here, an after exam (more like no exam) festival is here, to celebrate this moment of REST & FREEDOM GET COOL STICKERS SHOUTOUTS AND WIN AMAZING PRIZES! AWARDS AND PROM Participants form: CLOSE Judges Form: CLOSE Impromptu...