Chapter 10: The Shirt

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I'm lying on my back in the bed with her head on my chest. I run my hand up and down her naked back. I'm watching her sleeping. I'm watching how she's breathing slowly in her sleep. I won't let Calum to take her away from me. She's mine. Doesn't matter if he like it or not. I don't want to leave her again. I look out of the window and I see it's already sunrise. I have to go. I try to put her head slightly on the pillow and her arm away from my chest. I look at her and she's still sleeping. I slowly stand up from the bed and start to look around the room for my clothes. "What are you doing?" I hear a soft voice from behind me. I put on the last piece of my clothes on me, which is a shirt and turn back to her. I sit down on the bed and she moves closer to me. I wrap my hands around her forearms. "I have to go" I tell her. "Why?" she asks. "It's almost 5:30, I don't want to be caught by your parents. Especially your dad. How would I explain that?" I say and stroke her cheek with a smile on my face. "I don't want you to go" she whines. "I'll come back soon doll, I promise" I tell her and she nods. Then I stand up and leave.


When he walks out of the room I drop back on the bed and pull the cover on my head and sigh. At least he stayed and didn't kill anyone. Or didn't try to kill me. "Avi, wake up" I hear my mum from behind the door after she knocks on it. "I'm awake" I reply to her. I stand up from the bed and put on my bathrobe. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower. When I walk back into my room, my mum's already standing there with a backet in her hands and looking for clothes to do a laundry. "Who does this belong to?" she asks and when I look at her, she's holding red plaid shirt in her hand. Damn it, Luke. "Uhmm, probably Sam forgot it here" I say, hoping she won't ask any more questions. "Okay, should I wash it or will you take it to him?" she asks and I almost panic. "I'll take it to him" I say and literally rip it from her hand. "Okay" she says with a smile on her face and leaves. I sit on the chair and sigh. I'm going to kill him. I slid the shirt in the bag just in case he's going to show up somehow through the day. I'll smash it into his face. I rather don't even want to imagine what my parents would do if they would find out he was sleeping here. A stranger who they never met before. Especially my dad. He's just so protective. I walk into the kitchen where my parents are eating breakfast. "Morning" I say to my dad. "Morning princess" he says and smiles at me. I spread the jam on my toast. "Oh, until I don't forget" my dad starts talking "we're leaving in two days. Your cousin is getting married this weekend, so don't forget to pack your stuff." Damn it. I forget about that. My cousin Chloe is getting married. She lives in Canterbury and the way lasts for about 55 minutes, but since our mums are sisters, they planned the weekend together. Great.


I walk around the town with the sunglasses on until I don't see a small café. I spot her sitting outside with another girl. I think it's her friend, but I don't remember the name. I'm not even sure if she ever mentioned it. I walk from the side where she can notice me. I hope she will. But she doesn't. I'm already inside, so I ask for a coffee. When I walk out, I go and stand on the place and start to staring at her. It doesn't last for long when she notices that someone is watching her. She looks around and when she spots me, she hesitates for a second, but then her lips spread into the wide smile.


"Who are you smiling at?" Lea asks and turn around. I know she can see him. "Who is that?" she asks and curl a wisp of her hair on her finger. She smiles and winks at him. "Back off Lea, he's mine" I tell her and she pouts her lips on me. "Oh c'mon. Won't you share that hottie with your best friend?" she asks and I just shake my head and we both start laughing. I look at him and indicate him to join us. When he takes a step forward, two boys rush to our table. They distract me for a second and when I look at the place where he stood before, I see that he's gone. I wanted him to meet Lea and obviously he doesn't have a problem with meeting her, but I think he has a problem with Sam. I just hope he will come to me later. The thing is I never know where he is but somehow, he always knows where to find me.

I was hanging out with my friends just around the river. We were talking and having fun. Later we were joined by Sam's younger sister Courtney. Now the sun is almost down and I'm slowly walking home. When I'm walking through one of the streets, I spot a person leaning on the wall of one of the houses. "Hey doll" he says and I smile. "Hi" I say back to him. "Did you have a good time with your friends?" he asks and crash his lips onto mines. "Yeah, I did. You could join us" I tell him when he let me go. "I don't think so" he says and wraps his arm around my waist. "What's your problem?" I ask him. "Not what, but who. I just don't like your friend. Uhmm, you know, not the one with the blonde hair, but the other one" he says. "Sam" I say and he nods. "Yeah, by the way" I stop walking and reach into my bag. "You should keep an eye on your stuff" I say and hold him the shirt. "Thanks" he takes it from me. "Actually, my mum found it" I say. "Oh, I hope it didn't get you in trouble" he says and place a kiss in my hair. "Well, I told her it belongs to Sam" I say and he stops walking. "Why? Are you ashamed of me?" he asks. "What? No! I'm just. I panicked, okay? Beside this, my parents don't even know you exist. If I would tell them it belongs to someone who they don't even know, they would watch my every single step" I explain. "You're right" he says and wraps his arm around my waist again. "So, I guess I should meet them" he says. "Wait, you want to meet my parents?" I ask confusedly. "Yeah, I can't see any reason why I shouldn't meet them. What about the day after tomorrow?" he says. "That's impossible. The day after tomorrow we're leaving to Canterbury. My cousin is getting married and my mum and her sister decided to spend the weekend together, so we won't be here for few days" I tell him. "Then I want to meet them tomorrow and I'll go there with you" he says and smiles at me when we turn to the street where I live. "Or maybe right now. It's not that late" he says again. "Well, I don't think my dad will agree with an option that you're going with us" I tell him. "Anyway, what about your eyes? I thought you can't control the flashing to black" I say, I got used to it, but I don't know what will my parents think about it. "I can't, but they don't have to know what I really am. I'll say it's a disease" he says. "Yeah, I guess I didn't tell you that my dad is a doctor" I say and giggle. "That's ruining my plan. Thanks" he says and laugh.

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