Chapter 7: The Leaving

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When I finally open my eyes, I'm tied on the chair in the middle of the room. My face hurts. I think someone had to punch me. "Are you normal again?" I hear Calum's voice. "What the fuck happened?" I ask him. "Well, you should be actually happy that I showed up right on time or your lady would be dead right now" he says. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask him again. "Well, you almost choked her to death last night" he tells me. "Fuck. Please tell me she's alright" I say. "Yeah, she is. I pulled you away from her and tied you on the chair like we usually do when it takes control over you" he says and smile. "Where is she?" I ask. "I took her home" he replies. "She will hate me after this. I can't even get close to her. I fucked it up" I say more for myself than for him. "I think you should talk to her. She knows what you are, maybe she will understand" he says. "Maybe, but I wanted to keep her safe and I almost choked her to death. If you wouldn't come, she would be dead. If I did it last night, I would be able to do it anytime. Well, he would be. I don't want to live with the feeling that I hurt her" I say. "Just talk to her, okay?" he says and I nod.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam asks me. "Yeah, I just feel a little bit sick" I tell him. "I think I got a sore throat" I add. "Avi, it's summer" Sam says and I shrug. I decide to wear a scarf around my neck since Luke's palm prints are still visible. "Okay, do you need something? Should I bring you something? Just tell me. That's what friends are for" he says and smiles. I smile back at him. "You're like my mum" I giggle. "Sorry" he apologizes and we laugh. "Maybe" I say and he looks at me. "Yeah?" he asks and raises his eyebrow. "Maybe you can come tonight and we can have a movie night?" I ask "You know that Lea and Jordan have a program for tonight already, right?" he says and I nod. "But you can bring your sister" I say. "Okay, I'll ask her but I can't promise you that she will come" he tells me. "Okay, never mind. You can come alone" I smile. I don't want to be alone. I'm too scared. It's about 10 minutes since Sam left. I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I say and the door slowly opens.


I walk into the room and see her on the bed. "Hey" I say and she looks at me. The fear. I can feel it. She's scared of me. That's what I didn't want. "Hi" she says finally. "Can I talk to you?" I ask her. "Only if you won't try to choke me to death again" she answers. I close the door behind me. "I'm sorry about that" I say and try to smile at her, but I can't. "I never meant to hurt you. You know that doll, right?" I say and she nods. I sit down on the bed and start to untie the scarf around her neck. When I put it off, I see my own palm prints. They're still clearly visible. I can't look at how I'm hurting her. I wanted to protect her. I have to protect her. She needs to be safe. And she won't be until I'm around. Ashton was right and I was wrong. I'm the danger for her. I can't fight with this terrible thing inside of me. I can't hurt her anymore. I have to leave. Now. "I'm sorry" I say and stand up. I walk out of the room and then out of the house. I look around and then I start to run. Run away as far as it's possible. Somewhere where I can't hurt someone who I love.


What the hell was that? I put the scarf back on my neck. I can't risk my mum would see these. He definitely didn't come just to look at his own palm prints on my neck. He couldn't know that I have them. When he put off that scarf he looked, uhmm, terrified? Like he couldn't believe he did this to me. I wanted to go after him, but I saw him run away just few seconds after he left my room. And I'm actually still really weak. I can barely walk to the bathroom which is opposite of my room. I'm not able to run after a boy who has a demon inside of him. This is sick. Few days ago, I didn't believe on stuff like supernatural creatures. And then I fall in love with a boy with a demon inside him. Great. Yeah, that's all what I ever wished for. I just hope he will come back soon. He just probably needs to think about the situation. Just like I do.


I feel like I'm running forever. When I finally stop, I find myself in the forest. I don't have any idea where I am right now, but it doesn't even matter. The most important thing is, I can't hurt her anymore. No, I can't. Since he's inside me, we're one and the same. Doesn't matter if he's taking the control over my body or not. I look around and start to run again. The thing is I never get tired. I can do whatever I want. I'm not tired, I don't have to eat or sleep. It's crazy. I wish a lot to be a normal boy again. But if I would be, I would have never met her. That would be probably better. Anyway, all I do is hurting her.


"Hey there" Sam's head appears in the door. Damn it, I forgot I invited him for the movies. "I'm sorry, but my sister already had plans" he apologizes. "That's okay" I move a little on the bed so he can sit down next to me. "Do you feel better?" he asks and I shake my head. Yes, I feel even worse after Luke's visit. Why couldn't he stay? He always makes everything more complicated. I'm not even mad at him that he almost choked me to death. He has to know. I need to talk to him. Why can't he have a stupid phone? But I can't leave now. I don't want to be a rude host. Anyway, Sam is my best friend, he's always there for me. So, I spend the night watching movies with Sam. When we go to sleep around 2am, I realize I can't fall asleep. I look at Sam and he's sleeping like a baby. I stand up from the bed and put on some clothes. Not that I don't have some on me already, but I can't go out in pyjamas. I look at the phone. It's 3:15am. I walk out of the house as quietly as I can and start to walk. After 20 minutes I arrive at the place where I wanted to. I walk in the house. It's dark everywhere. How unexpected. I carefully walk upstairs. I open the door on the room where I was with Luke the other night when I suddenly feel a movement behind me. This feeling is followed by someone's pushing me against the wall.

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