Chapter 33: The Fight

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Well, honestly, I totally regret those times when I wished he's fully a demon. Whatever his aim is, I'm not okay with it. He maybe helped me with my problem, but it won't make me change my mind. I still have that plan and my plan has to work. At least, I finally can stand on my own feet. I wouldn't say I could run, but I definitely can walk. I wonder how long I'm supposed to stay here with him. I have to control myself, becuase I guess if he will get angry, he will hurt me and there's no one who could help me. I could try to run away from here, but there's no chance I would make it far. Honestly, I don't even know where exactly I am. Somewhere in the woods. That's all I know. I stand up from the bed and slowly walk out of room and go downstairs.


I'm laying on the couch thinking, how I'll make her to make a decision to become immortal. My thoughts are cut off by steps. I quickly sit up and see her walking down the stairs. I smirk. She already can walk. I thought it will take her much more time to recover from this. The advantage is, she doesn't know how to get back to the town. So, she's basically stuck in here. "What's up baby girl?" I ask her with a grin on my face. "Nothing, I was just bored and I kinda felt alone up there" she says and shrugs. "Did you? Really?" I ask her again with my eyebrow raised and she nods. I stand up and within second I press her against the wall. "I can help you with this" I whisper in her ear, even when there's no one who could hear us.


I walk downstairs and see him sitting on the couch. Well, I think he was laying on it, but when he heard me coming down, he quickly sat up. He smirks and I start to have a weird feeling inside of me. This smirk doesn't predict anything good. "What's up baby girl?" he asks me with a grin on his face. I hate when he's smirking and grinning at me. I also hate when he calls me baby girl and basically, I hate him. I just wish he could be miles away from me. Why would he had to pick me? Why couldn't it be someone else? Why me? "Nothing, I was just bored and I kinda felt alone up there" I tell him and shrug. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut? Why would I have to say anything? Sometimes I feel like I can't control my body actions when he's around. "Did you? Really?" he asks with his eyebrow raised and I automatically nod. Damn it. What's wrong with me? I see him stands up from the couch and within second my body is pressed against cold wall. "I can help you with this" he whispers in my ear. I know where is this heading and I don't like it. I have to stand up for myself against him. I can't let him to do anything what he wants with me. I'm not his puppet. He brushes his lips against mine and I'm disgusted by this. I kinda hope that he's gonna stop there, but I know he won't. He starts to place small kisses down my neck to my collar bone and I use all of my anger to push him away from me. I'm not his property. I'm not a thing, I'm human. He just can't do with me whatever he wants. Just no. He looks at me with an unspoken question in his eyes. Well, anyway, he doesn't have to say anything, because I already know. He warned me about this, but I didn't listen to him. He's angry now, and it's all my fault. I know I'll be punished now. I don't how, but I know I will be.


"I thought we already went through this baby girl" I say and give her a look. She's looking down on the floor. She knows she made a mistake and she's gonna be punished for that. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I warned you about this yesterday. Didn't I?" I say and keep my eyes on her. She takes a step back and she would take few more if she wouldn't be stopped by the wall. She knows that very well, thare's no chance she could run away from me. I will always catch her. "Didn't I?" I ask her once more losing my patience with her. She's different than she was before. She's not that girl she used to be. She's not listening to me anymore, she's not doing what I want, she tries to stand up against me, even when she doesn't have any chance to win. "I'm asking you one last time. Didn't I?" I shout at her and within second I'm right in front of her and hit the wall with my fist right next to her head. She twinkles a little, but it seems she's not scared enough of me. Something's wrong. What if I made a mistake when I told her? What if she...? No, it can't happen. I won't let this happen. I'm in charge. She's doing what I want her to do. "Didn't I? Answer me!" I yell at her and hit the wall with my fist again on the same place. I catch her arm somewhere around her elbow and turn her to face me when she tries to just go away. Now I see it. I see the fear in her eyes. "I asked you a question baby girl" I try to get an answer from her one last time. For real. She's still quiet, but the fear in her eyes is visible. I feel that her body is shaking from all that fear. What kind of game is she playing here? I bite on my bottom lip and throw her to the middle of the room. She's laying there on the floor and tries to stand up slowly. I quickly run to her and push her back to the ground. She's gonna regret that.


I know he's furious and every single time when I just don't do what he wants from me it's getting worse, but I refuse to behave like he wants me to. I can think by myself. I can do whatever I want. He doesn't have any right to tell me what to do. Well, I know this is not the safest way how to do it and that I can and I know I will get hurt. I will get hurt so badly that I will probably regret this for the rest of my life, but there's that little hope really really deep inside of me, that maybe he's not that monster he thinks he is. Maybe somehow I believe he has some weakness for me and he just can't hurt me, but I'm probably wrong. Maybe I'm naive when I think I can somehow bring back that boy with blue eyes. I can't help myself, but I know he's somewhere there. Somewhere deep inside of him. I know he said it was him all the time, and that this boy probably doesn't even have any idea who I am or even where he is, but I want to bring him back no matter what. If he will remember me or not. If not, he at least can go back to Australia to his family. At least it would be good for something. But first, it's important for me to stay alive, because obviously, if I'll be dead, there's no one who would help him. Maybe this demon thinks I'm stupid and naive, so it's time to prove him that he's wrong. I'm still laying on the floor and he's standing above me and grinning at me thinking there's no chance for me to win this fight. I quickly stand up before he can push me back to the floor. As I expected, he catch my arm and pull me closer to him. That's the moment which I use and press my lips against his. I'm not sure what exactly this will cause, but if not anything else, he would be at least confused for some time.

AN: We have here a little bit of action. I'm sorry if in some part of this you were expecting smut. Maybe next time... :D 

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