5. Broken boy 0.1

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(1170 words) Warning: This chapter slightly mentions suicide (I shouldn't have to keep reminding you by this point) and DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). If any of these topics disturb or upset you, please don't continue to read, thank you and have a nice reading.


Six days. It had been six days since he saw the Broken boy standing on the edge of the cliff. Six days since that same boy tried to end his life. He didn't know the name of the Broken boy, but he did know that as long as he kept coming to the cliff, that boy would stay alive.

At least, he hoped so.

That night, when the Broken boy was looking out into the night sky, he was coming up the cliff to try and get a good view of the town that was next to his new one. He saw the cliff in passing, from a great distance, a few days before he decided to check it out. No one seemed to even know about its existence. Every time he asked about it no one seemed to know what he was talking about, like he was speaking a different language.

That night he decided to park his truck at the bottom of the cliff and walk the rest of the way. The breeze was soft, like the days before, and a warm smile rested on his face. That day had been a good one for him, considering he finally got a job that paid more than ten dollars an hour, and he wanted to see the town below the cliff.

Sure, it was around two in the morning when he decided to go, but for some reason un-known to him, he felt like he had to be at the cliff during this time. He was exhausted from work, yet he continued on with the journey to the edge of the cliff. Maybe the lights would be glowing beautifully at this time in the night, it never was in his hometown, so he hoped it would be here.

When he got closer, he saw a figure standing far too close to the edge, though the shape looked deformed due to the lack of light. Their hair seemed to be in a messy-bun so he assumed it might be a girl, but boys could also have long hair, his brother used to.

He was going to leave the stranger be and pick a different spot, but when they moved a foot to dangle off the edge of the cliff he had to act. That was the day he saved the Broken boy, the day he vowed to visit the cliff everyday even if he were sick, because it would keep the boy alive.

Now, it was six days later, and he hasn't seen the Broken boy for two of them. He hated to admit it, but he was terrified. The boy could have decided to die at home or maybe chose another method somewhere else. He wouldn't know for sure until many more days passed but he hoped it wasn't true. He didn't think he could live with that on his conscience, and he wasn't ready to die this young, at the age of twenty.

Now, at this moment in time, it was two something in the morning and he was sitting at the edge of the cliff, his feet dangling as his phone played some random music. He stays until the sun rises and then goes to work, only taking a short nap before returning to the cliff.

And hopefully the Broken boy.

His thoughts drifted to the boy, his long hair and his slightly crooked nose, then another thought popped up. It wasn't his personal thought but he didn't mind the person it did come from, 'I want to read another book with him, it was nice.'

He hoped the person responsible wouldn't put those words into action, because he was afraid that by him holding onto the smaller boy two days before was what made him move spots, if he did move spots. He prayed he hadn't scared him away with that, because he quite enjoyed the presence of the boy, even if he had wondered why such a boy became broken.

He knew he shouldn't get too involved, he didn't even know the kid's name, but that was easier said then done. Him and the other boy wanted to make the Broken boy happy enough to stay alive, but they weren't sure if it was just a friendly want, or a romantic one.

They hoped it was just friendly, it made things easier, but with who he saw every night around two in the morning, he didn't think easy was the right word to use. A boy that only lived because of a witness and didn't speak more than he had to, was not an easy puzzle to figure out.

'What if we don't figure him out?'

The welcomed second voice asked him, and he thought it to be stupid, though he knew it was the smarter one. Not figuring the boy out would be easier route to take, but that didn't mean it could save the Broken boy, and that was what he wanted to do, save him. He knew that not everyone wanted to be saved, but he hoped that wasn't the case with the Broken boy.

The one thing he didn't do was respond to the voice, and the voice wasn't looking for a response, it was simply asking a rhetorical question.

Though it had no definite answer.

As the night grew into day, he figured that the Broken boy would not show once more, so he stood from his spot and looked out at the small town below. He knew it was bigger than his town, the distance made it look smaller, but that was not why he was studying it so intensely. He hoped his vison would magnify so he could search the town for the Broken boy, but he knew that wasn't possible.

So, after a minute longer, he turned his back on the rising sun and made his way down the cliff. His truck should still be at the bottom of it, the same truck he had let the Broken boy sleep in, waiting for his arrival. He wished that the next time he comes to the cliff the Broken boy would be standing there, his hair down and the wind blowing. It was just his imagination but the image his mind created felt too real, he wanted it to be real.

The second voice was soon joined by another welcomed voice and with the conversation going on he let the breeze sweep over him and the smell in the air filled his senses. It was going to rain soon, he was sure of it, but he was unsure of how soon that rain would come.

He silently hoped he would see the Broken boy before the rain fell, though even if he didn't, he would surly still be sitting down in the pouring rain.


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