The Surprize Keeps Going

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(AN: So, here I am once again. I know that in my last part or chapter that I clearly stated that this story was over. However, it has been some years later when I "finished" this story, and throughout my freshman, sophomore, and junior years in college. I watched the love and attention "Little Watson's Surprise" has been getting, and well I just recently reread the last chapter.... I felt like this could be continued... Heck I will make a bonus chapter and if you guys want more I will see what I can do! Anyhow, let's get on with the story yes? Hope you guys like it! :D -LL)

Holidays in London England were very much cherished throughout the years. Whether it was Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even New years. Everyone always made sure to decorate to the fullest, and to show some sort of pride throughout the event. Right now it is a few days till Halloween, and everyone was invited to accompany you and Mycroft to a masquerade held by the British government. With the party in mind you found yourself walking down Baker Street cupping two warm cups of hot chocolate to your chest smiling. Halloween decorations lined every shop, restaurant, and home window setting the mood for the upcoming holiday. Today you were going to see if you could get Sherlock to leave Baker Street for a bit.

Ever since his last case involving a couple of missing guardsmen, and a parrot of some sort he hasn't left the walls of Baker Street. Plus with the date of his and John's wedding quickly approaching you had to get him to reveal himself to the public soon. Finally the familiar black door of 221B came into view making a smile stretch upon your lips. As you climb the stairs, you carefully situate the two large cups of steaming hot chocolate in one hand before knocking. It only took a few seconds before Mrs. Hudson opened the rather large door with a smile. "(Y/n)! How nice to see you dear! How's Mycroft? I'm sorry about the mess...I didn't think anyone was coming over." exclaims Mrs. Hudson motioning to the practically spotless flat as she slowly closed the door after you walked in. "It is very nice seeing you too Mrs. Hudson! Mycroft and I are doing very well...he has been out of town lately for a business trip...something to do with Scotland or something, but he is going to be back in time for the masquerade this Halloween." you said, smiling, setting down the two warm cups you have been carrying for the past two blocks.

Mrs. Hudson's eyes grew at the words that left your mouth. "Oh, a Halloween masquerade, how exciting!" A small giggle escaped your throat as you slowly shrugged off your coat placing it on one of the kitchen chairs. "Yes, I have stopped here to spread my invitation with you, John, Sherlock, Mary, Molly, and Greg have you seen any of them lately?" Mrs. Hudson's smile became even brighter than before as she clasped her hands around yours. "Oh how lovely! I haven't been to a masquerade since my husband, this will be absolutely wonderful!" she says turning towards her stovetop then back to you. "Thank you for the invitation (Y/n)! I am not sure where John went off too...he left early this morning...maybe it was for that interview for the surgery...I'm not sure.." reflects Mrs. Hudson placing her right index finger to her lips thinking back, but instantly places her hand on your shoulder with a slight smile. "Sherlock is as always upstairs...I am sure that you have heard that he hasn't been out since his last case." "Yes, I am aware of the fact." You said glancing up the narrow staircase to 221B.

After saying your goodbyes to Mrs. Hudson you began to ascend the narrow staircase with your coat and the two cups of still warm hot chocolate in hands. Reaching the top you were met with a mess of take out containers, case papers, science experiments, and other things scattered all about the flat. However, your room was untouched compared to the rest of the living space. Carefully you sneak around the corner to get the full view of the living room. Sure enough there was the younger Holmes brother facing the mantle staring at the case file that had a knife stabbed through it. He was still in his dressing gown and pyjamas; his arms at his side, forehead flat against the brown file stabbed to the mantle. You really weren't sure if he was sleeping or just fusterately head butting the unsolved case file, and got tired of smacking his head. So, in the end just decided to stay in place, hoping that the answer would slowly enter his mind through the papers against his forehead.

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