Double Trouble?

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(Hello everyone! I really have grown fond of this story and wanted to continue Mycroft and the reader's story. I hope you all like this chapter. I'm willing to come back and make more chapters when I get more time to do so and or if anyone would like more to read. Anyhow I hope you all enjoy Little Watson's Surprise Chapter 6 Double Trouble? -Zippy)
       "Yes gentleman, unfortunately this doesn't benefit your country's status and I'm afraid that the English crown will not be able to continue to provide assistance." sighes Mycroft setting the light tan file glaring up at the head government officials of the neighboring countries of England. The several men sitting around the conference table gave each other nervous glances when others whispered in their languages. Mycroft was growing tired at the silence and leaned his umbrella against the table, leaning his weight on his hands, lowering his head before looking up slightly at the men. "I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm afraid that I will need an answer."
Just as the words left Mycroft's mouth and the experiensions of the men become more frantic; a young intern came into the room swiftly making her way to Mycroft's side. Mycroft raised an eyebrow at the young intern's presence. "Excuse me sir but you have a phone call from your brother, I know that you did say that you didn't want to be disturbed but he has called five times in a row." Mycroft mentaled scoffed at her words and took the mobile saying words of thanks to the young intern. "This better be important Sherlock, I'm in the middle of an important meeting." Says Mycroft sternly into the phone as he turns his back to the still conversing men. "Well if you would answer on the first time this wouldn't be that important!" scolded Sherlock on the other line making Mycroft pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.
Suddenly the mobile emitted a sound of what sounded like someone taking the mobile from the consulting detective abruptly. "Mycroft, it's (y/n) she suddenly felt like there was something wrong with the baby. We are taking her to the hospital." expressed Greg through the mobile. Mycroft stood in shock at Greg's words before snapping his fingers frantically to the same intern who was standing by the door waiting for her boss to finish his call, motioning her to quickly come over to him. "I'm on my way!" confirms Mycroft hanging up the mobile quickly sliding it in his inner suit jacket pocket. "My dear I need you to reschedule this meeting, I have a personal emergency." He didn't even let the young girl respond before picking up his umbrella and briefcase bounding out of the conference room to one of his shiny black cars as fast as he could.
You never had felt anything like this pain before as you sat in the hospital bed with doctor John frantically checking your vitals. "John, could you please stop doing that? You are making me even more nervous than I am right now." you asked leaning forward when another wave of pain washed over your body. John quickly dropped your chart and went to your side parallel from Sherlock with a worried look but an apologetic smile. "Sorry (y/n), I wouldn't be this stressed if there was a doctor in this hospital!" yells John as he tilted his head towards the hallway. You furrowed your brow in exhaustion and pain. "I'm sure there is a doctor here John...Ugh!" you groan leaning towards Sherlock who was almost practically sitting in the hospital bed with you. "Where is Mycroft?!..Did you get a hold of him? Is he coming?" you asked Sherlock while holding his hand and leaning your head into his chest. Sherlock nods in response, squeezing your hand. "Yes he is on his way...Lestrade is down in the lobby looking out for him right now."
Soon following Sherlock's comment a frantic Mycroft comes running into the room with Greg following carrying his umbrella and briefcase. "(Y/n)! Are you alright, Love?! Is the baby coming?"  Asked Mycroft rushing to your bedside replacing Sherlock. Tears started to roll down your cheeks as you held your arms out for your husband. "Mycroft! I don't know what is happening. I was helping Sherlock and John with their case and all of a sudden the pain came." Mycroft held you in his arms trying to calm you down. "Shh, everything is going to be alright." Mycroft looked up at the three men standing in the room before the two of you. "Has a doctor come yet?" John shook his head in disappointment as you groaned in pain. Sherlock soon had enough and stood storming out of the room in a mission to get a doctor. John followed after him and in a matter of a few minutes Sherlock came back with the head of the OB department. However was reluctantly quickly shooed away along with John and Greg by a nurse that followed the OB doctor in the room closing the door for some privacy for the expecting couple. 
"Alright Mrs. Holmes, I am terribly sorry for the wait. What seems to be the problem?" asked the doctor as he placed his hands on your swollen stomach. "I don't know, I wasn't doing anything really stressful when everything started to hurt." The doctor nodded his head as he did his examination. "How far are you in your pregnancy?" You winced a bit as you thought before looking up at Mycroft. "36 weeks I think." The doctor nods once more as he stands picking up your chart. "Well there is good news you are having a false labor. The pain will go away very soon but we can give you some mild pain medication." You nod in agreement with a sigh of relief falling over your body. "So everything is alright?" you asked, sitting more up in the bed. The doctor smiled and took a needle with some pain meds injecting it in your IV. "Yes ma'am, everything is going perfectly normal, however I would like to get an ultrasound to be extra safe."
Both you and Mycroft nodded at the doctor's request as he left the room with the nurse who went to fetch the machine. "See I told you everything is going to be alright." Whispered Mycroft as he rubbed your shoulders. You sighed happily leaning back into Mycroft's hands with a smile. "I'm so relieved...I really thought that I did something bad." you said placing your hands on your stomach. Mycroft covered your hands with his chin on your shoulder before kissing your neck a bit. "You will be an amazing mother." Tears start to welp up in your eyes when you look up at Mycroft placing a kiss on his lips. "Thank you. I need that and I know that you will be the best father."
"Alright, Mrs Holmes let's get started with the ultrasound?" asked the nurse returning with an ultrasound machine. You nod, signaling the nurse to come inside, making Mycroft slide off the bed to let the nurse get started with the ultrasound. "It is always good to get an ultrasound when expeniseing false labor pains." she commented as she was setting up the machine. "You can do whatever needs to be done to make sure everything is alright, to be honest it was one of the scariest moments of my life...Since I'm not close to my due date." you answered watching her squirt the cold gel on your stomach. The nurse nods with an understanding smile. "I am with you girl. When I was pregnant with my first child I had false labor pains also but it is more normal than you think...there is nothing to worry about.''
Suddenly a small heart beat echoed from the speaker. The room grew quiet but for the small sound. "Here's baby." she says sweetly moving the wand around on the left side of your stomach. Amazement and love filled your heart making a huge smile fill your lips. You glance up at Mycroft to see him astonished. His grip grew a bit tighter as he watched the ultrasound screen listening to the sound. The nurse smiled at your reactions and moved the wand slightly to the right and the sound faded to be replaced with another. "And he is baby number two." she says casually pulling the screen over for the two of you to see better. Shock overcame the room as you and mycroft stared at the screen in disbelief. "Baby number two?" asked Mycroft with his eyes glued to the screen. The nurse looked around in confusion before answering. "Yes sir, see here is the first baby and then this is the second one. You are having twins." she said, turning her attention from Mycroft to you.
The news of twins was hard to believe as you and Mycroft climbed out of the cab at 221 B Baker Street. Sherlock was the first to meet you two at the door. "False labor pains?" You gawked at his words while grabbing his hand to walk up the narrow stairs. "How did you know?" "He stood outside the door of the hospital room." states Mycroft setting his umbrella and briefcase beside the doorstep. You sit in John's chair watching the two Holmes boys with amusement. "So what if I did? I was there first with (y/n) when the false labor started so I should know what is going on with my nephew or niece." Mycroft scoffed at his younger brother's reaction. "What happens to my children is none of your concern, Sherlock."
Sherlock grew quiet at his brother's words making his face fall into his deductions. "Surprise! We are having twins!" you say happily slowly getting up out of John's chair waddling up to the two men grabbing a hold of Mycroft's arm. Sherlock was quiet for a moment when he instantly expressed. "I want to name one." Mycroft's face dropped in shock. "Name one?!.. You can't name one, they are our children?!" Mycroft exclaims throwing up his arms in frustration as if he and Sherlock were children themselves. In result you return to your seat  and pull out your mobile texting Greg and John. "We should all gather up tonight for a small party. Mycroft and I have an announcement. If you don't hear from Sherlock I would like to tell everyone together." Greg was the first to text back. "Sherlock knows already? Must be a really good secret for him to be so interested in it." You laughed at his message before quickly typing out a response. "You have no idea."
That night 221B was filled with smiling faces and lively conversation. You were in the kitchen with Mary and Mrs. Hudson preparing food for dinner. "How are you doing (y/n)?" asked Mary as she was peeling some potatoes. "To be honest, ever since the false labor pains I am feeling really good." You answer by picking up a large bowl of washed peeled potatoes. Mrs. Hudson immediately came to your side, taking the bowl. "Now now (y/n), let me handle this you don't want to be lifting anything you don't have to this far in your pregnancy. Trust me I have learnt this in my last pregnancy it is not good for the back." she smiled, pressing her hand to your back. Shaking your head you sit down at one of the kitchen chairs with a huff. "I just feel bad for not helping."
Molly just then came into the room holding a shopping bag with vegetables and bread. "I'm so sorry for being a bit late. The chip and pin machine wasn't working properly."  She set the bag next to Mary before glancing over to where you are sitting. "(Y/n)! How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time. You are glowing, this pregnancy must be amazing." Her rambling made you giggle with a huge smile. "It is good to see you too Molly. I am doing very well." "How is it going ladies? Do you need any more hands?" asked Greg who popped his head in the kitchen looking incredibly bored. "I'm sure we can find something for you to do. what happened to the others?" Mary asked to peel the last potato before adding milk and butter.
Smiling, Mrs. Hudson handed Greg a cutting board, knife and some carrots. "Here you go love, slice these carrots in thin slices for the casserole." Nodding Greg took the supplies over to the table where you were sitting to begin his task. "How's it going on there?" you asked, leaning back in the kitchen chair watching Greg's knife easily slice through the carrots. Greg snickered at your question. "You could cut the tension with a knife between Sherlock and Mycroft. Whatever this announcement is, it must be something really big to get that much of a reaction between two." His knife struck the board with a soft thud as he stopped looking up at you. You could see the gears in his mind turning behind his eyes with his own deductions.
You just stared back at him with a curious look. "It is about the baby isn't it?" he whispered, squinting his eyes in suspension. You just raised your eyebrows accompanied with a small smile. Setting the knife down Greg leaned back in his chair letting his eyes glance over your body and face. His actions almost mirrored Sherlock as he tried to piece together the puzzle. "Sherlock kept talking about names for the baby overlooking Mycroft's stern warnings." Greg whispers to himself but loud enough for you to hear. "You have grown a bit more in the past few days." The last statement made his eyes grow wide as he held up his hand in an apologetic motion. "Not in a bad way." he apologized before receiving a small nod of understanding from you. You smiled wanting to see if he duduce his way to the twins as Sherlock would have done if Mycroft has not given it away. 
A few minutes went by when Greg's eyes grew ten times their normal size. "(y/n)? Are you having twins?!" he shouted startling everyone in the kitchen including yourself. The whole flat seemed to grow incredibly quiet as everyone stared at you and Greg who was staring at you with an excited shocked expression. Mary was the first to speak. "Don't be silly Greg, (y/n) and Mycroft wouldn't keep a big secret like that from all of us...right?" she says with an innocent smile and a small shy laugh. You bit your bottom lip looking around the room with a guilty expression. "Well to be completely honest, we just found out about them just this morning after the false labor pains." Mrs. Hudson squealed in glee as she clamped her hands together in a prayer position in front of her chest. "Oh twins! I can't wait to meet them! You both are going to be so lucky!"
After Mrs. Hudson's reaction did Mary and Molly join in the compliments and praises over your news. Smiling you look over at Greg who was smiling a smile of excitement and pride. Sherlock, Mycroft, and John soon came into the kitchen curious about the loud exclaims and screaming. "What is going on here?" asked John looking around the many smiling faces in the kitchen. "Greg just deduced that (y/n) is having twins!" exclaimed Molly as she placed her hands on Greg's shoulders squeezing them slightly. John's expression softens at the news as he makes his way to your side. "Am I getting two nephews or nieces?" You laughed nodding your head smiling as your big brother gave you a big hug laughing.
Sherlock was quiet as he walked over to Greg looking at him with suspiciousness. "You deduced that (y/n) is having twins?" Greg glanced up at Sherlock with a confused look. "Uh, yeah I did. Why is that so surprising to you?" Sherlock scoffed looking around and back at his brother who was watching in the background quietly. " You're ordinary, you need my help all the time.." The room was suddenly quiet with all eyes on Sherlock. Greg sneeder a small irrorated smile before standing up to face Sherlock. "I am a detective inspector, Sherlock. I do have the ability to solve a puzzle." Sherlock smiled a small smirk of disbelief as he turned his head slightly down at Greg, but before he could say anything else you stood up waddling up standing between the two men. "Alright that's enough. Sherlock you are a very smart detective but Greg is an incredible detective also. You need to accept that." Sherlock instantly turns to you looking down at you as he didnt at Greg.
Mycroft placed his hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "Sherlock (y/n) is right. Even ordinary people can do something as simple as deducing." The room once again grew quiet but for the boiling water on the stove and the city sounds outside the flat. You place your hand against your forehead, rubbing it down to pinch the bridge of your nose. "Alright we are not going to let this ruin tonight. Sherlock, what you said to Greg was really harsh and you need to apologize and Mycroft you need to also." "What?! Why do I need to?" asked Mycroft, genuinely confused. "I know you were trying to be nice, but love your words matched Sherlock's." Mycroft's stunned look changed to a slightly confused expression as he straightened his stance, turning his attention to Greg. "Apologies Gregory." he says softly, smiling a small apologetic smile. Greg nods in acceptance with a small smile matching Mycroft's. "Thank you Mycroft." Sherlock groaned in annoyance as you glanced in his direction. "I'm sorry Lestrade, you are a good detective in your own way." he whispered, looking down at our feet.
Greg smiled and placed his hand on Sherlock's shoulder. "Thank you Sherlock, I really appreciate your apology." The rest of the night went fairly well as everyone ate and celebrated the news of the twins. Soon after eating and small conversation it is time to go home. Saying your goodbyes accompanied with hugs and kisses from Sherlock, John and Mrs. Hudson, you and Mycroft climbed into the car. "Well I think that tonight went well besides the little trouble before dinner." you commented while buckling your seatbelt. Mycroft looked down at your stomach with a sad smile. "What if I say something smart like I did tonight to our children?" Glancing back at Mycroft you give him a confused look mixed with sadness. "Hey, you are the smartest and kindest man I have ever known." You say placing your hand against the side of his face making him look up into your eyes. "Our children will be amazing and you will be amazing also and if you did say something "smart" they will not care because you are their father and they will love you with all of their hearts." A single tear fell from Mycroft's eyes as he leans forward and captures your lips in a deep hungry kiss.
The rest of the trip back to the Holmes estate seemed to fly by as you and Mycroft scrambled out of the cab quickly paying the cabbie to race up the stairs to the front door. Mycroft swiftly opens the door, dropping his umbrella to the floor before  pulling you into his arms. Pressing his lips to yours, Mycroft slowly backs you up against the wall placing his hand on the wall beside where you stood. The other wrapped around your waist holding you gently against his own body. You grab a hold of his suit jacket slowly unbuttoning the buttons sliding it off his shoulders. Breaking apart, Mycroft lifts you up bridal style carrying you up the stairs to the master bedroom. Setting you down on the bed, Mycroft removes his suit jacket and waistcoat before climbing up on the bed hovering over you with lust filling his eyes. "You are absolutely breathtaking love." he whispers, pressing a soft kiss against your neck. "I'm so lucky to have you as my wife...I love you so much." whispered Mycroft against the crook of your neck.
Slowly Mycroft slides off your shirt placing small kisses on your warm flushed skin. The feeling of his lips traveling down your body sent chills down your spine making your fingers tangle themselves in the sheets under the two of you. Your body quivered underneath your husband driving you crazy as his lips hungrily explored your body. Mycroft's hands slowly made their way to the hem of your pants when you gasped at a feeling of sudden release. Your eyes widened at the feeling as Mycroft looked up at you with a concerned look. "(y/n), did your water just break?"  looking down at your husband with a scared and embarrassed look etched on your features you slowly nodded. "I think so." Mycroft jumped up off the bed revealing  his soaked shirt and pants before holding out his hands for you. "Come on, we need to get back to the hospital then."

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