The hardest question to ask

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(AN: OK I know that I said that the last chapter might be the last, but I was looking over the story and you guys seem to really like the story so I wanted to keep writing. Now this might not be my best work with the story, but I stayed up all night to write this and most of the school day, and I feel really good with it being a chapter with the story. Heck if you guys want...should I write more? If so what should I continue to write about with the story line. some comments would be helpful because I would love to keep going! -LL) 

4 years has passed since your first date with the notorious Mycroft Holmes. Since then your love life has grown at a remarkable speed almost to the point to where you two are living together. Even though there has been some roadblocks along the way from then to now. Lives, tears, and trust were lost and gained with the many plagued days within the two years when the esteemed Sherlock Holmes died. During your time dating Mycroft Holmes you and Sherlock had gotten extremely close. Every night when you and Mycroft would return from a night out. Sherlock would patiently wait at his flat door to catch up on what happened that night. Once you say your goodbyes and closed the door Sherlock would hand you some sort of food in hand that usually was accompanied with a question.

The last time you and Sherlock spent the night talking and laughing after a date remained engraved into your mind. The night started like the any other, you and Mycroft just got back from your date which this time it was a "business meeting" ball of some sort of gathering. You say that because usually Mycroft only attends this sort of celebration simple because he has too. However this night was special, it was your 2nd year anniversary to when you two became a couple. Mycroft wanted it to be special and the ball just had happen to be on that night. As it always seem to occur your evening with your prince charming was like it was straight out of a story book. The elegant decor lining the ballroom, lead by the classical music brought a warm feeling deep inside your chest. You loved the way you danced with the elder Holmes boy, the sound of his heart that seem to skip a beat as you lay your head on his chest. He is perfect and to you nothing seem to threaten the love between you two.

Later that night once again the terrible moment of saying goodbye interfere in the balance of the beautiful night you two shared. The cool crisp air licked at your redden cheeks as Mycroft's lips traveled down your neck. Pushing you up against the hard black door of 221B you tangle your hands into his soft auburn hair bathing in the simple pleasure of his kisses. Leaving his mark on your (s/t) skin Mycroft pulls away staring into your (e/c) eyes. Leaning forward connecting your lips once more into a deep hungry kiss before breaking apart placing his forehead against yours. "Happy anniversary love, I love you so much." he whispers placing his hand on the side of your face keeping your forehead touching. "I love you to Mycroft" You whisper back lightly kissing his now red lips.

After exchanging small kisses and a hug Mycroft soon retreats to his car leaving you to close the door. With a sigh as you slightly touching your lips lingering with the feeling of his lips to yours a voice broke the silence. "Well it took you long enough, I even had the thought of making a rain check seeing that things could have moved from the doorstep to the bedroom." voiced Sherlock who was standing on the stairs holding two bags of chips, and two unopened bags of sweets in the crook of his arm. Rolling your eyes with a small smile you lightly punch Sherlock's arm snatching the chip bag he held out with a smirk on your way up the narrow stairway.

Kicking off your shoes at the door you plop down on the couch watching Sherlock setting up the movie series you two have been watching. "Where's John?" you ask placing a chip between your teeth. Sherlock flopped down beside you clicking on the movie before digging into his own chip bag. "Out on his so call date also." he mutters munching on a chip leaning back into the couch. "You know every night we would sit on this couch eating sweets and talk about your brother and I..." you began eyes locked on the telly for a second then placing your chip bag on the coffee table you shift to face the young consulting detective. "When are you going to tell him how you feel?" The question made Sherlock choke on his chips as his eyes grew wide with amazement. "I don't know what you are talking about..." he says placing his bag down beside yours keeping his eyes on the floor.

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