A date to remember

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(AN: Hey guys I have been recently been gone for sometime, and I apologize for that. Some stories have been placed on hold for a terribly long time and I tend to fix that. Anyway this story has been loved by many people, and just recently I was asked to make a part 2. I didn't know how long it would take to write this, but I manage to write it in only two days! (I fell really proud of myself BTW) I know that people say that the squeals are never as good as the original stories, but I tried to make Mycroft and the reader the same as the Mycroft and reader in the first part. Well I hope you all really like it. LL) 

"(Y/N)!!!" screamed Sherlock making you jump clear out of your skin almost falling out of bed in the process. Breathing heavy with your heart racing what seemed like 50 miles per hour. You are soon faced with a very aggravated looking Sherlock who comes storming into your bedroom. "Bloody hell Sherlock! You can't just do that so someone--" Sherlock soon cuts you off holding up a rather large flat box with (y/n) signed elegantly on top of it. "Why is my brother sending you a dress!" A little blush covered your face as you take the box from Sherlock holding it almost like it was a very fragile porcelain doll. "He sent me a dress.." you whisper with a small smile spreading across your lips.

Silence filled your bedroom as Sherlock's mind raced with his deductions. "I approve." He finally says in a sweet tone. "What?" you ask looking up into the younger Holmes's eyes still hugging the box your your chest. "I approve....you can date my brother (y/n) Watson." "What...I don't need your appr....thank you Sherlock." you whisper giving him a hug. After a small hug Sherlock walked back into the living room to continue with his recent case file he received from Greg last week. Your smile grew when you went to close your bedroom door setting the box on the bed. Carefully you began to open it revealing a small card gently place on top of white tissue paper. "Hello my dearest, I wish I was with you to tell you this in person, but this little note will have to suffice. I would like to thank you properly for my new pocket watch. I wished I could have given this to you on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas (y/n), see you soon."

Under the neatly placed white paper is a beautiful (f/c) dress. Taking the dress out you hold it up to your chest spinning around with a huge smile as you look into a mirror. The rest of the day seemed to fly by. Sherlock and John went to run the streets and alleyways from some sort of hound of baskerville you guessed but didn't really know. Five minutes till eight shown on your bedside alarm clock, as you finally piece up that last picky strand of hair. "There and with five minutes to spare.." you thought to yourself making some more touch ups to your make up. Standing up you examine your appearance, makeup done, hair finally descent, and Mycroft's beautiful dress. Your smile widen at the thought of the older Holmes boy, and the soon to be amazing night to come.

Three crisp knocks echoed throughout the flat breaking you from your day dream to only realize that the extra fives minutes you gave yourself vanished. With wide eyes you scramble to get your shoes, quickly and carefully descending the stairs to the big black door of 221B. Once down the stairs you pull on your shoes, and take in a few deep breaths straighten your dress before opening the door. You couldn't help but blush at the sight of Mycroft nervously standing at the door step with a single rose between his nimble fingers. Mycroft's eyes grew in shock at the sight of you. You two stand there for a bit eyeing each other's appearances with red flushed faces and sparkling eyes.

Mycroft soon cleared his throat, handing you the rose with small smile. "Good evening (y/n)...you look beautiful tonight..." A giggle escapes from your throat as you gingerly hold the sparkling red rose. "Thank you Mycroft you look very stunning yourself." Mycroft's smile grew a bit as he again takes in your elegant appearance, when the date snapped back in his head. "Oh, we should probably get going.." he says opening the car door of one of his many polished black cars mentally scrunching up his face at his words. "Why am I a blubbering mess when I talk to her face to face, I went through that conversation at least a million times before." thinks Mycroft as he gets into the car. Unbuttoning his suit jacket he reaches for a seat belt to have his hand slides over yours in the same attempt to grab a seat belt. Both of you pull yours hands away, with even more flushed faces. "Oh sorry..." you both say at the same time. "No please go ahead." requests Mycroft as you buckle up. "Wow, she is so beautiful..."

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