Part 4

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Sam lay in his bed later that evening but tossing and turning. He couldn't sleep and he couldn't stop thinking about Penny. She had cleaned the mess while he and Esmerelda had gone to the Wholefish Cafe and brought back fish and chips for the crew. He was also troubled to see the schedule had changed and she was once again working the night shift. When had that happened and why were his shifts at the same time as Esmerelda's now? He swore that hadn't been the case earlier in the week, but no one seemed to remember what they had been before.

He had tried to talk to Penny before he headed out for the night, but Esmerelda had appeared again and dragged him away before he had the chance. She had followed him home and wouldn't leave him be. He had once again spent most of his evening with the young woman. Thankfully she should be done in another few days and then she would head back to her own station. Anyone can survive few days right? 

Sam shook his head,  he couldn't believe that she had invited herself inside his house and it was near impossible to get rid of her. They had only watched tv together, but it felt weird. Sam had tried to get her to leave multiple times, but she was oblivious to his discomfort. Leaving only when he kept yawning. He was thankful when she had finally left. 

The weird thing was she had appeared to wave to someone from the fire station as she was leaving late that evening. But the only one on duty was Penny, so why would be be waving at her? Surely Penny hadn't been watching? 

Sam groaned as he tried to quiet his thoughts and rolled over in bed. Maybe tomorrow would be more normal he hoped as he tried to drift off to sleep...


Sam once again opened his door first thing in the morning to find Esmerelda waiting for him with donuts. This time he placed Penny's chocolate bar in his back pocket before exiting. Esmerelda chatted happily while Sam walked next to her, oblivious by her ramblings. He just nodded occasionally. He was tired and didn't feel like listening to her conversation. 

The two checked in with Steele for the start of their shift checking for updates. There was no real news to mention, although he did have the flyer for the annual Firefighter's Ball on his desk. Sam just glared at him before he could say anything about it. Steele smiled and pushed the flyer into the trashcan much to Sam's relief. 

It was quiet at the station so they headed to the kitchen to see who was on duty. They found Ellie, Arnold, and Penny all drinking tea. "Good morning!" Esmerelda said cheerfully to all of them. "Morning, you are in a good mood" replied Ellie. "Of course I am!" Esmerelda giggled "Sam agree to take me to the Firefighter's Ball this weekend!" she said twirling before launching herself at Sam and hugging him briefly. 

"He what?!" the other two exclaimed, Penny was oddly quiet. Sam stared at the young woman with surprise. "What are you talking about? I never go to the ball." he said in horror. "Oh Sam." she giggled. "I mentioned it to you this morning and you agreed to take me. It's so romantic!" she sighed. He realized with horror he must have agreed to it during their walk when he wasn't paying attention. 

Penny stood up quickly and mumbled "time for me to head home so I can sleep" before heading out the door hurriedly. Ellie quickly followed her downstairs. Only Esmerelda didn't seem upset to see her leave. "Penny wait..." Sam called but found himself being dragged to the table instead. "I'll get your tea Sam!" Esmerelda bolted to the kettle and brought back a cuppa a moment later. 

Ellie returned a few moments later, but didn't say a word. She did however give Sam the stink eye, glaring at him. 

It was a fairly quiet day. They managed to get through the trainings and emergency calls without much incident. Even Esmerelda seemed calmer today. Sam actually found a few moments to himself, but unfortunately all he kept thinking about was Penny. She seemed upset when she was leaving, was that the case or was she just tired? Sam was distracted by these questions all day.

Unfortunately for him, Arnold and Ellie's shifts were soon over and he was left with Esmerelda to complete the night shift. Worse yet, it was quiet. There were no emergencies. "Oh Sam?" Esmerelda called, "how about a dance so we can practice for this weekend?" she called out at one point. Sam really wasn't interested. He could dance just fine. In fact, his thoughts drifted to when he and Penny had taught Station Officer Steele how to dance. Thinking of her twirling in his arms sent a smile to his face.

Esmerelda interpreted this as acceptance and grabbed his hand pulling him to his feet. She started the music and he reluctantly waltzed with her. It wasn't so bad he thought actually getting into the music. He did enjoy dancing, until a moment later when he twirled Esmerelda around and saw another blond standing there watching him.

Penny was standing in the door. Food from the Wholefish Cafe in her hand. "Thank you for bringing our dinner to us Penny!" Esmerelda called out sweetly. "We were so busy, we forgot about making it" she said smiling.

Penny's face was white. She set the food down gently on a table without a word. "I'll take it upstairs, see you soon" Esmerelda sang as she seemed to skip away.

"Penny wait!" Sam called out reaching for her. Penny simply side stepped him and continued on her way. "Penny!" he called again this time grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him. "This isn't what it looks like" he said desperately trying to get her to listen to him. Brown eyes refused to meet blue. 

"It's none of my business what you do Sam" Penny said quietly still not meeting his eyes. "I need to head home, I was just delivering this for Bronwyn like you asked." She pulled her arm free from his grasp and headed for the door. Sam noticed the start of tears were brimming in her eyes and rushed to stop her from leaving. He had to explain all the strange events.   

"Come on Sam dinner is getting cold!" Esmerelda called out. He paused distracted for a moment and that was all the other woman needed. "You better go Sam" Penny replied hurrying outside and closing the door quickly behind her. Sam was stunned momentarily and by the time he opened the door Penny had disappeared down the drive.

Sam felt his heart come crashing down. What had just happened? He hadn't thought things could get any worse and yet this was the worse case scenario.

to be continued....

Sorry this one was a little short, but it seemed like an appropriate stopping point ;) 

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