Part 8

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"Oh but it is" Esmerelda cried, "I have proof" she reached into her clutch as Sam fell to his knees. This was it. His life was over. Penny simply stood there crossing her arms looking at Esmerelda as she frantically looked in her clutch.

Esmerelda looked at Penny with pure hatred. She threw the clutch at Penny, "this isn't my bag!" she shrieked! "What do you mean?" Penny asked smiling. "It's the same bag you've been carrying all night."

The younger woman screamed and launched herself at Penny. Sam sensing the danger jumped to his feet and threw himself in front of the two. He felt Esmerelda's blows land and her nails raked his face but he refused to move even when he felt his blood begin to drip. He was terrified that Esmerelda would kill Penny if given the chance.

"It doesn't matter. I will tell my story. Everyone will believe me, after all I am the victim!" Esmerelda shrieked shaking with rage. "Victim of what? Causing chaos and drugging Sam?" Penny asked stepping from behind Sam and punched the woman as hard as she could.  Esmerelda went flying. "That was for taking advantage of Sam and all the people of Pontypandy" Penny said calmly.

Sam and Esmerelda both looked at Penny with their mouths open. Esmerelda recovered grasping her cheek in disbelief.   "You dare to strike me? I'll burn you next time instead of your house!" She spat out.

"I think that sounds like a confession, wouldn't you agree Malcolm?" Penny said looking at the officer as he approached them. "I would definitely agree," he said winking at Sam and Penny.

"You can't prove anything of the sort. It's my word against yours and who do you think they will believe?" Esmerelda yelled. "I always get my way, you can't do anything to me!" the woman shrieked as she attempted to pull herself free from Malcolm. "Sam will be mine! He loves me, just ask him" Esmerelda locked  eyes with Sam. He felt himself shudder.

"You technically could be correct, although your locker does contain traces of poison in it" Malcolm said as he snapped the handcuffs on Esmerelda. "However arson is illegal and you are charged with that in connection to Penny's cottage" he said walking up to her with handcuffs. "We found your fingerprints all over Penny's cottage along with the materials used to start the fire and have a dozen witnesses that placed you in her cottage without her consent." "Oh not to mention it's actually your words against your own" Penny said pulling out a small recorder and passing it to Malcolm.  Sam stared at his friends in amazement. 

 "Time to go" Malcolm said as he led the struggling woman out of the dance as she shrieked with rage. "Sam," Malcolm said calmly pausing just before the exit, "I should mention we found some doctored photos of you and her in her locker when we found the poison. Not to mention her journal where she wrote down about her entire endeavor. None of this was your fault" with that he led Esmerelda away.

The commotion had caused quite a scene and onlookers continued to pour into the area. Sam felt himself crumble as his adrenaline drained and he closed his eyes. He was once again on his knees.  Soft hands pressed a soft cloth to his cheek and he opened his eyes and looked up, surprised to see Penny applying pressure to his wound. 

The area quieted as Bryce and other friends shuffled people out of the area. Penny and Sam found themselves alone. Sam opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. Instead he felt himself shaking and dizzy from the entire evening. He closed his eyes again, but opened them instantly when he felt a soft pair of warm lips gently pressing against his forehead. Penny was kissing him!

His eyes flew open as he realized the proximity of Penny. He felt himself pulled to his feet by the blond woman in front of him and he surrendered completely as her lips met his. His arms slid around Penny pulling her closer. He was drowning, but this time he didn't want to come up for air. They pulled apart slowly, Sam's brain spinning.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that ." Penny whispered looking away from red haired man still holding her in his arms. "Are...are you ok, Sam?" Penny asked blushing. "Please don't apologize Penny, everything is my fault..." Sam clung to Penny afraid to let her go, but not looking at her. "Esmerelda said she did this because she wanted me. Just because of my name, the stupid movie. It was a joke. All the pain she caused you, it was my fault. I couldn't stop it, I was so busy following orders, I just..." Sam stopped as Penny placed her hand gently on Sam's lips. 

"You aren't responsible for her actions Sam." Penny said as she shifted and gently placed both hands on his cheeks drawing his eyes to her own. "How can you say that?" Sam asked releasing Penny and pulling away suddenly. He turned away from the blond woman, "She destroyed your cottage, just to send me a message. How can you not blame me?"

Penny snorted and placed her hand on Sam's shoulder. "I will be honest" she said softly looking away, "I had no problem with Esmerelda's actions those were her own. But I...I was jealous when I heard you were going to take Esmerelda to the dance and worse when I saw the two of you dancing together. I...I always wanted that to be me" her face flushed with embarrassment.

Sam turned to Penny his eyes wide. "You," he faltered for a moment before throwing his arms around Penny and pulling her in for a hug. "You are the only one I have ever wanted. I love you Penny. It's always been you." With those words Sam pulled Penny in for a deep kiss. They lost themselves in that kiss.

"I love you too" Penny whispered as they pulled apart. She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against Sam's.  "So, since Malcolm left to charge Esmerelda care to give me one dance before it ends?" Penny asked shyly.

Sam's smiled widely. "I would love to do that and afterwards I can even take you home" he said with a wink. Penny's smile faltered. "Actually I don't have a place currently" she replied uneasily. Sam wanted to smack himself for not thinking. He took Penny's chin and lifted her face up to his own "Stay with me. Let's start our life together " he calmly stated. 

Penny's eyes widened and she took a deep breath. She looked at Sam's eyes but saw he was serious. She smiled before replying, "I think I would like that" and leaned in to kiss Sam. Both broke apart with huge smiles. 

Sam took her hand and led her to the dance floor. It was about time he showed her just how important she was to him. He never thought she would have been the one rescuing him tonight, but he was determined to return that favor for the rest of their lives. As much as he hated Esmerelda, at the moment he was almost thankful to her for helping Penny and him realize their true feelings for one another. 

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