Part 5

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Sam still felt horrible the next morning. He found himself watching the clock waiting for Penny to arrive. Arnold and Ellie had already clocked in, but Penny was late. Esmerelda's perkiness was gone this morning. As they discovered she did not do well with long shifts. 

Sam suggested she go lie down while it was quiet and she agreed. Which is why he found himself hanging around the vehicle hanger waiting for Penny to arrive for her shift. The problem was, she hadn't shown yet. It wasn't like her. Sam was pacing, all he wanted to do was talk to her. He wanted her to know that she was the only woman he was interested in, his brother was right. He should have said something earlier. 

A few minutes later he heard footsteps approach and was shocked to discover Boyce and JerryLee enter the station. "Sir what are you doing here?" Sam asked as he greeted them both. "Ahh morning Sam" they both replied. 

"JerryLee is going to be on duty with you today as we borrowed Firefighter Morris for a last minute training" Boyce said. Sam's heart sank. Penny wasn't going to be in today. Great, that was the last thing he wanted to hear. He forced himself to smile and accompanied the two upstairs. They sent Esmerelda home early since she was still tired and couldn't seem to focus despite the small nap. It was a relief.

Instructions were given and Sam was thankful for the calls that continued to come through. He saved Norman twice that day and for once he didn't scold the boy. He almost wanted to encourage him to continue with his troubled ways. It was the best distraction he could hope for. 

Later in the day he was surprised when Ellie joined him at the table. "So. You and Esmerelda going to the ball?" she questioned. Sam groaned. "I seriously do not know how I got roped into this mess," he grumbled resting his forehead on the table. 

"What do you mean?" Ellie questioned, eyebrow raised and suddenly interested in the conversation. "I mean, Esmerelda wouldn't stop talking, I wasn't paying attention and was just nodding along to the conversation. You know like we something do with Elvis when he talks about rock and roll. Only half listening. I swear I never heard anything about a ball, I don't go and if I did I would have asked Pe..." Sam broke off suddenly blushing as he realized what he was about to confess.

Ellie's smile grew triumphant. "I knew it! You do like Penny!" she exclaimed leaning towards Sam. "Fine, yes I admit it," Sam said "But I don't think Penny will ever speak with me again after yesterday" he said sighing. 

"It was a misunderstanding" Ellie said waving her hand. "We can explain that and Penny will be fine with it. Oh I know, text her!" Sam looked at Ellie. "Send her a message! Then she will know you are thinking about her" said Ellie.

Sam was going to refuse, but he realized why not? He missed talking and flirting with Penny.  Plus he really wanted her to know that there was nothing going on with Esmerelda. He headed down to his locker to retrieve his phone with Ellie following closely behind. 

He pulled up Penny's number and was surprised to see a message that read "Hey Pen can you do me a huge favor? Bronwyn is making dinner can you bring it to the station for me?" Of course her response was a moment later that simply read "Sure Sam!" No wonder she had shown up last night.

I don't understand, I never sent that message thought Sam, how could this have happened? He gripped the phone tightly, and leaned against the locker. He felt sick and angry. "Sam what's wrong?" Ellie said. Sam simply passed the phone to her. Ellie looked back at Sam puzzled as he explained the events from the previous evening. 

"Sam this isn't your fault!" Ellie exclaimed. "It has to be that vile woman!" Sam looked at Ellie. "But how?' he said, "I left it in my locker this whole time." "Sam, it isn't hard to get into someone else's locker" Ellie said.

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