Just be true

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Always be loyal to yourself
Always keep yourself as who you truly are
Don't let life tear you apart
You are worthy of every right
You are worthy of all love
Don't let them tell you otherwise
"Thanks Cassie"
"Is alright Varian..don't tell anyone I sing or anything about this alright?"
"Alright .You have an amazing voice my'lady"
"Uhm I guess so"Cass said shugging her shoulders 
"I mean it Cassie I -thank you for cheering me up"
"Hey you just came in the right time I guess Just finished my chores and Raps still have some meetings to attend to... 
Wanna do something ?"
"With you everything Cassie"
"Are you hearing yourself Varian?"
"Yes and I mean every word"
"Righ...So to the horses"
"To the horses ..."
"You don't know how to ride do you?"Cass chuckled as he blushed of embarassment.
"Only donkeys and that was a long time a go..with Dad's help
He had never trust me with any of them since I intended to use some of my inventions on them and one got hurt.I felt so bad after that "
"Oh well but you didn't meant to cause trouble "
"Yeah I guess so"
"Sorry I'm not good with this kind of thing  Varian"
"Is alright.It was a great try and you're right I didn't meant it... still I did it"
"Right but at least now you got the chance to make it better " 'oh I'm sounding like Raps '
"Yeah right"
"When did you-I mean I thought you-"
"Yes I'm used to but that doesn't make it hurt less"
"I know that-too well"Cass said loooking away 
"I'm sorry I shouldn't be wasting your time with my silly problems"
"Hey now don't you call them silly boy
Is all alright haven't we been here before talking about our "daddy issues" "
"Yeah but I thought that-"
"You thought wrong. Now let's get going Fidella is waiting on us and I hate making her wait"
"Sure i'm coming with you Cassie"
"Just in private ok"
"Alright.As you wish my'lady"
Cass lead the way to the stables and there was the female horse named Fidella , her beloved one since her father give her for her birthday all those years ago.

"So first you should learn how to climb on him one feet before the other like this" Cass said as she directed Varian up the horse beside Fidella,Lightning Flash, a horse who was older but calmer than her.

Varian stumble upon his feet as he follow her instructions, getting a bit flustered as she acomodate his hands once he got up on the horse.

"And that's all you gotta do to get ready for it and to continue you had to keep your feet like this"she said as she checked on the movements of his feet on the sadle.Varian was a blushing mess and nervousness right beside her but Cass was too focuse on his posture to notice or care.

"And now is all done.Wanna race Varian?"she said as she looked at him a smirk clear on her lips. Vraian just stared for a momment ,just geting lose on her beautiful face..until Cass got worried.

"Varian? Are you alright ?"

"Oh yess Cassie just checking on my mind if i remember all you had taught me now"

"Nerd but good move ..sadly that won't you to the finish Var"Cass smirked once again as she motioned for Fidella to start her ride.

Varian scoffed playfully and smirked defiently at her back his blush still clear as he said"You are a Cheater Cassie "

"No just eager to start a race .."she said palyfully

"Yeah right"he said scowling palyfully from behind

"With you " She smiled at him teasing and sincerity combined on her smile

Varian blush depenned but laught back as he follow her lead.

He couldn't ask for more if she was right there by his side.

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