Joking with honesty ( Cassarian)

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So this is the Cassarian support convention and as we reunited here we will tell everything good with-
* Hugo enters the place*
OMG Hugo I-we just thought you were bysy-not like we didn't want to invite you.Rapunzel said sheepishly .Nuru at her side moving her head in a disapproving way.
" Nah.It's fine .I actually like those two dork togethwr.Just came to the castle to molest him "
* shocked crowd plus horrified Rapunzel Nuru*
"Cass? How did you get-"
Confused Hugo analyzing what he said .
"OH OH I mean annoy Varian yeah that " * nervous chuckle
' fucking Spanish clases Nuru take me too .Fuck them all They made me said gibberish '
" Don't worry .I myself got trouble with them " said Rapunzel as she and Nuru trying in vain to calm down Cass.

" Next time think before you said anything brat"
" Hey i' m Varian best friend. Show some respect"
"Fine. Anything bratty stupid low -life best friend of Varian wants.You're lucky "
" I may be but so are you.Isn't that right miss ' He is the love of my life and I realize this while I was away from him"
"And that would apply to you .Mister " I wanted to make sure I loved my beloved princess so I kiss my best friend's girl to make sure I didn't love her instead"
" Hey.It's not like I was your first kiss"
" You knew Varian's feeling for me! You selfish brat"
" You are even more selfish! You went away after all that mess you made and Varian was sulking.Yeah you got letters but the poor thing more you everyday on out trip you.Miss bratty pants !"
" I had to go.I din't have another choice I could and I did die.At least I was alive and could send him letters and...ahhI' not putting my heart out with you"
" Yeah yeah I know when I cros a line "
* deadly glare of Cass*
" I mean I get it .I know to how hard is to accept you have fallen for certain someone .Nuru is a princess I hated royalty since u had remember abd the first thing you ever heard from your boyfriend was?"
" That he was dangerous and powerful.Especially the first one and them after the betrayal I told myself i wouldn't fall for his tricks again ...but some part of me still knew he was at leat being a bit genuine and it wasn't right or so i though" She looked down a sad smile on her face.
" Hey like i said for me royalty werr just a bunch of fake people so I understand"
" Alchemy wasn't that appreciated appart Demanitus throught legends so yeah that and actually everyone asume he was a wizard.That's how i got to him in the first place "
" Why would a princess and a maid-I eman lady in -waiting want from a wizard?"
" Isn't it obvious?"
" I thought she was birn with that golden hair or so the stories say "
" Yeah but it was brown and powerlles when she came back but after I took her out castle walls well shit happened and after an attack during the corronation well we were left to deal with it.What else we had to lose anyway.The wizard was dangerous and a risk but it was our only option "
" It beacame your only one" he chucked.
" It was not as simple"
" So i have heard"
" Oh do i remind you and your beloved princess hated each other at one point? "
" Didn't you and Varian fight in opposite directions more than once ?"
" Yeah but at least we fighted on the same side too"
" So did Nuru and I ..see lady Cassandra.I 'm not planning in hurting yoour boyfriend and my best frond so i think we are done for now"
" I wouldn't be that sure.You can threaten me all you want but Varian?that's a whole another case you silly young man.
And all that could be hearwere the fast footsteps of a bolnde alchemist in trouble and a adventurous lady and her madness on his tail.
" This is really a day to remember"Rapunzel said chuckling.
" Brings back some many memories.Wow woe wow Eugene you are still young don't think like an old man"
"Euegene you are not old at all "
" Thank you Sunshine "
" Serves hin right .He did cross the line now "
" Arent you supposed to support him Nuru ?"
" Yeah Yong maybe i am meant to but honestly i want him to learn this lesson"she said while looking attentive to them.
" Yeah I agree Nuru.But maybe Cassie may go too far? But he -Cassie is not Cassie without her brute ways .So amazing " ' I should prepare to heal the wounds the he would probably get thought ...well good thing i had time'

And like this Varian went to gather his things .Her girlfirend may be the jealous type and extreme measures type but he was sure he could discuss the matter with her when the mood swings had finally moved her into more calm watters .With care and love of course.Just as asways and forever it would be'

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