"Because i wouldnt stoop that low"

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(Louis' pov)

"Hey ni, do you want a lift??" I said through the phone.
"Yeah if you don't mind, I don't get me car til tomorrow" he said with a sigh.
"Alright I'll be there in 10" I pushed the end call button and buckled my seat belt.

It's Monday morning, so of course that means college. I do like college because yeah it can be alright but some people just piss me off to the limit. And that some people, would go by the name of Harry styles. I seriously don't kno why he's such a bitch to me and it annoys me so much-

The door opened and niall got it,
"Hey mate how ya doin??" He asked throwing his bag in the back seat with mine.
"Yeah good how are you??" I asked turning down another street.
"I'm amazing" he said grinning like a chesire cat.
"Why's that??"
"Well I got a text this morning"
"Oh yeah, from lover boy I take it??" I said with a smirk.
"Yeah he was totally flirting with me"
"What's he say??"
"He said thanks for coming to his party"
I rolled my eyes, "oh yeah ni he's really flirting with you there" I said trying my hardest not to laugh.

Just as I finished speaking I parked the car and got out before he could argue back. I grabbed both our bags and threw his towards him.
"Later mate" he said walking in a different direction to me.


Lunch soon rolled around, and now I'm standing by Niall's locker waiting for him-
"Hey mate" he said patting my back. i gasped in.
"Oh hey you scared me" I said with a small nervous laugh.
"Sorry. Come on let's go eat" he said dragging me down the corridor.

Whilst he was dragging me, my foot got caught over someone else's and I feel into them, dropping my bag and all my papers. I sighed looking up to see who id hit. And o course. Harry fucking styles.

I groaned collecting the many sheets of paper id dropped. i felt a presence beside me, turning me head i seen the mop of curls picking up some of the other papers.

"you know if you wanted to talk to me you should have just said". He smirked.
"I fucking tripped over your foot, I wouldn't talk to you unless I had to" i snarled.
"I know you want me louis" he said next to my ear, feeling his breath on my neck sending shivers down my spin. I pushed him away.
"I would never want you, you arsehole" I spat standing up.
"Don't lie louis. and don't call me an arsehole. Don't let the pretty little head of your get to big" he said pushing me up against the lockers. I gasped in the air.

His lips came close to my ear once more as he nibbled lightly on it. I groaned under the uncomfortable touch.
"Don't mess with me. Your a gay prick and you want my dick inside you. Admit it" he said slamming my shoulder, I winced in pain, trying to push him off me but he's so much stronger than me.
"I don't harry" I said weakly feeling the tears form in my eyes.
"Bullshit" he said kicking my leg so I fell to the ground. He walked away with almost a sad look on his face....weird.

I got up wincing at the pain running through my now bruising leg. I looked around to see niall talking with liam, not noticing what had took place moments before.

I cleared my throat and he turned around. I limped forward.
"What happened lou?!" He aske scanning my body.
"Harry happened" I sighed.
"Why don't you teach him a lesson lou, give em a taste of his own medicine??"
"Because I wouldn't stoop that low" I said looking towards the floor.
"I love Harry to bits but he's a prixk when does this to you louis. I'm sorry for all he does" liam spoke up making me raise my head.
"He's the one to apologise not you liam. But thank you". I said with a small smile.
"Well I gotta go, text you later ni" he said walking away down the corridor.
"Let's get you sat down lou" niall said grabbing my arm and helping my towards the benchs.

Why can't Harry just leave me alone. Just for once..

Uh I'm sorry about Harry being nasty to louis...

Love you all😘nattie💕

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