Wait...I think I like Harry styles..and maybe i always have..

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Carrying on in the same day btw..

Love you all😘Nattie💕

(Louis' pov)

Just as I reached my bedroom door my phone buzzed in my pocket. I delved in my pocket and pulled it out.

From: Harry.

I had fun today lou. Should do it again some time??☺️.
-Harry x

I smiled at the message. Typing one back out again.


Yeah me too..I'm free tonight??👌
-louis x

I read over the text wonder whether I was being to forward. But then again if we're gonna be friends we need to see eachother more.

From: Harry.

How bout the park at 5??
-Harry x


Yeah good with me☺️👌
-louis x

From: Harry.

It's a date☺️😉
-Harry x

A date?? I bet he's joking. He doesn't think it's a date..does he??

To: Harry.

A date??..
-Louis x

From: Harry.

I'm joking don't worry. See you soon☺️.
-harry x

Phew. It's not a date. But for some reason there was something inside me wanting it to be a date...


(At the park 1 hour later)

"So me, liam and Zayn have been friends since we were babies"
"Same with me niall really" I said holding myself shivering. Why didn't I bring a bloody coat?!

Me and Harry had been getting to know eachother more and more. And he was really cute and funny the more I spoke to him.

"Lou are you ok??" He asked looking concerned. I blushed at the action.
"Yeah..why??" I asked slightly confused.
"Because your shivering.." He said touching my arm which at first I flinched away from but slowly melted into.

"Yeah I'm just a bit cold" I said sheepishly looking down. Harry didn't say anything but moments later I felt a jacket being put around me. I looked up to be met with a smile on his face.

"That'll keep you warm" i went to take it off but he stopped me.
"But you'll get cold" I protested.
"I'm fine honestly I was getting to hot anyway" yeah you were.. A voice in my head said. No I didn't just think that. I gotta stop that.. I pulled the jacket on tighter and I hand jumper paws.

I smiled at Harry to say thank you.
"Maybe we could go and get some hot chocolate??" Harry asked pointing to the stand across the park. i nodded getting up.

We both walked slowly across the park until we reached it.
"Hi can I help you??" The girl asked.
"Yeah, can I have a hot chocolate please" Harry said beside me.
"And can I have the same please" I asked more quietly.
"Yeah that will be £4.50 please" she said as I reached for my wallet. Harrys had pushed mine down.
"I've got it" he said.
"No Harry my treat" I said pulling out a £5 note.
"Harry it's fine" I said Hanson the girl the money.
"Well I'll pay next time"
"Next time??" I blushed.
"Well I want this to happen again if you do??"
"Yeah I'd really like that" I smiled sheepishly yet again to him. The girl handed us our drinks as we took them and began walking again.

"I should get going" I said looking at the time.
"Are you walking??" He asked.
"Well I'll take you??" He offered.
"It's fine really"
"Please. I don't want you to get cold"
"Well..ok thank you" I said and we both drank our drinks as we made our way to harrys car.

Around 15 minutes later we pulled up infront of my house. I began to take off harrys jacket when he stopped me.
"Keep it. You look cute in it" he said making me blush.
"T-thank you".
"See you later lou"
"Bye harry" I said gettin out of the car.

I waved before entering my house.
"Hey boobear. Have fun??" Mum asked.
"Yeah I did" i said smiling to myself.
"You look tired" she's said kissing my cheek.
"Yeah I am. I'm gonna head to bed"
"Night love"
"Night mum love you" I said before running up the stairs to my room falling onto my bed.
I could smell the linger of Harry on his jacket. I pulled it up to my nose and inhaled it. It made me feel almost..at home. Like he did. Just one of the things that I've grown to like about him..

Wait...I think I like Harry styles..and maybe I always have..

Dun dun dun..

Love you all😘nattie💕

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