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"This house gives me the creeps. I swear there's a ghost." The girl mutters, walking cautiously through the kitchen.

I float behind her, humming under my breath and roll my eyes before replying, fixing a twist.

"Yeah I used to be scared of this place when I was alive too, but then I died." I say, continuing to follow her, "That shit ain't that scary. You know what is scary, humans." I nod to myself.

She turns to me with wide eyes and I stop, floating in midair.

"Oh shit. Do you hear me? MAXWELL WE HAVE A CODE RED." My yell echoes off the walls but the man refuses to answer my heed.

I blink back at the girl when a noise sounds from behind me.

"Where the hell have you been?" A man mutters, tone dripping with desire.

I look behind me at the man that walks through the door, already beginning to remove his shirt.

"Never mind, it's just a code sex." I roll my eyes and huff, walking through the closest wall, ignoring the sounds behind me as another couple desecrates my resting ground.

Heathens, I tell you.

Her screams start not long after I leave, whimpers leaving her lips.

I float back towards the kitchen, finding the guy feasting on her at the kitchen island.

"That is not sanitary." I mutter before seeing the large incisor's protruding from his mouth and entering her neck, her body slowly shrinking to a husk as he drains her blood and life from her, his appearance gradually getting younger the more he consumes.

"Is this going to be a recurring thing with your kind?" His kind - which I deemed vampires on acid - had recently decided to make my mansion their feeding ground.

"This is the third time this week." I mutter underneath my breath, dejected. "And your brethren didn't clean up last time, Maxwell was most unhappy." I continue, floating closer to the now shrivelled girl and youthful guy, a glow fighting to escape from under his skin.

"Poor stupid girl." I mutter, glancing over her once youthful and lively appearance, now wrinkled and sunken. "You and I are one in the same." I sigh, wishing I could send her off to the other world but sadly, I have been locked out.

Well, I mean. I assume I've been locked out since I'm still haunting the fucking world that destroyed me.

Which could only mean I'm too good for the other world and everyone would be scared of my greatness, it's the only logical explanation.

Maxwell floats through the wall, his head hanging from his hands, fingers grasped in his hair, "Does that not hurt?" I ask him, glancing at the strands he's pulling.

"I am dead, miss."

"Still, does the thought of it not hurt you, just imagining someone touching mine-" I full body shiver runs through me and I look to him with raised brows, asking silently if he understands.

"I am dead, miss. I do not have the luxury of thoughts anymore."

"What a sad existence." I mutter.

He doesn't reply, floating closer to the dead girl, hissing disapprovingly at the boy as he replaces his shirt and walks out.

"Oi, you left something on your plate." I yell at his back.

"Miss-" Maxwell interrupts, miming for me to keep it down.

I give him a reproachful look, "We're dead, Maxwell. Nobody can hear us."

"The dead can."

"So?" I cock a hip like I have the physical body to show attitude and lift a brow, "They're dead, they have no more room to complain than we do."

The Awakening [Hellbound Academy]  (sneak peak) slowWhere stories live. Discover now