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The first thing they told you about my life was how I died.

The second thing?

There wasn't a second thing. All I was known for was dying.

The first to be killed by the new wave of monsters plaguing the land.

It was kind of poetic if you looked at it sideways.

I focus back on the conversation continuing in front of me, my eyes flitting between the four bodies perched at the kitchen island.

"Don't look at me, I don't even know who I had for breakfast." The twin on the right mutters, Ash.

"Who?" I shout, floating closer to the table, shoving my face into theirs. "Who?!"

"Well, one of you has to remember?"

I spin around, glaring at Caelum. "Can you please not talk over me, it's quite rude." I turn back to Ash, "Now back to the question, you eat people?"

I throw my hands up when no one answers. Not that I expected them to hear a dead girls pleas. For the whole week since they moved in - which I still don't condone by the way, they haven't heard me, so what would change it?

"You can't go around feeding on the neighbours." Lorcan, suit guy, mutters to the twin that spoke.

"I didn't,"

Monsters. Of course they're monsters.

"I thought you may have been a normie, I don't like being proven wrong. Don't do it again." I say to the four of them.

Caelum's head moves slightly to stare my way, brow furrowed.

"What is it?" Lorcan asks.

Cael shakes his head, "Nothing, thought I heard something."


"I'm a little teapot, short and stout." I say, my eyes latched onto Caels face.

His eyes move back to my position, and I hold my breath, even though I'm a dead girl and have no use for oxygen so I'm not holding onto anything but my own stupidity.

He looks away, not saying a word and the unnamed twin looks to me too, brow furrowed in confusion before he looks back to Cael.

"We're probably haunted." He says jokingly.

"No such thing as ghosts."

My mouth drops, "Wait, he can eat people but I can't exist on the ghostly plane?" I mutter incredulously. "That is a ridiculous notion and you need to do more research if you're going to be living in my mansion."

I huff under my breath, "If you don't leave, we'll be living a long life together of me watching you undress - which I have only done once and it was an accident and of you pretending I don't exist - which is hurtful."

I throw a sigh into the universe and look around for my ghostly buddy.

"And of course he's never here when the weird shit happens." I mutter and float back to my corner of the room, continuing to listen to the conversation from afar.

A body passes through the wall to my left and I snap my head to Maxwell.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," I mutter lowly.

"Pardon miss?"

"Nothing, Maxwell." I say, drifting to face him, my back to our interlopers. "We have visitors."

Maxwell looks over my shoulder to the four monsters. "They look like they have moved in."

"Don't say that, if you say it, it may come true."

A tingle races through my body and I shudder, glancing down quickly before back to Maxwell.

"What was that?"

I jump as the sensation continues.

"Stop that it feels weird." I glare at Maxwell.

"It is not me, miss."

"Well then what is it."

I jump when it happens again.

I turn and stare at the person that just walked through me.


"I believe it is called butterflies, miss."

"I don't get butterflies." I shudder at the thought.

Maxwell only tips his head and floats off, I narrow my gaze on his back.

"I don't get butterflies, it's probably herpes or something." I look back at the man's body, "Yes, definitely herpes."

"Wait. Do monsters get herpes." I mutter to myself.

I look between the monsters in my kitchen and shake my head, "No, of course you guys don't." I look at his face, "Although you should. With a face like that we need to stop you reproducing at a fast rate, we'll be overrun by much too pretty monsters that look harmless."

Caelum continues walking, ignoring the babbling of a dead girl, uncaring of my whims.

Typical living creatures, only caring for themselves.

I huff, turning away from the kitchen and floating up the stairs to the wing of the house I've claimed as my domain in the years since I died here, drifting through the doorway to hover in the middle of the room, above the bed.

I narrow my eyes on the sheets, "These are new."

I look around the room, noticing the furniture sprinkled throughout the usually bare room.

"What is happening?"

Caelum walks through the door, heading for the draws, opening the doors before reaching over his head and pulling his shirt over and off his body.

"Wait a second, you were sleeping in another room. You can't have this one."

He turns, his chest in perfect view and I glance down before back at him. "Put your tits away when I'm speaking, it's distracting. I just want to stare at your nipples."

I can do nothing but watch as the monster undresses, my gaze glued to the skin he exposes with every movement.

I turn, feeling like a peeping Tom.

"I claimed this room two years ago, you can't have it." I stomp a foot like that will get my point across and turn to look over my shoulder at him.

Cael walks over to me and through me, triggering an eruption of shudders.

"Stop doing that."

He stops in the middle of the room, his back tensing as he slowly turns his head to gaze at the four walls boxing us in, his gaze predatory.

I huff, realising I'm participating in a losing game and drift from the room, before pouring over my shoulder at him and delivering a shudder worthy glare. "This isn't over."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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