001 - Sneak Peak

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"You're so fucking stupid!" I shout as the boy steps over the threshold, pulling along a petite red head with pixie-like features. Her green upturned eyes twinkle in excitement as she swings the door shut behind them.

Of course, they can't hear me, nobody can.

I watch from my favourite spot, the dining rooms feature wall - or what is left of it. It faces the large double doors at the front of the mansion, a perfect spot to stalk the humans - and sometimes others - that waltz through for a peak at the haunted Deboise mansion.

Which is stupid, this house isn't haunted.
Unless you count Maxwell and despite his rather unique looks he couldn't hurt a fly.

The sweet old man only likes cleaning house - he usually gets rid of the bodies if the police haven't disposed of them in a timely fashion.

One thing death has taught me? Humans tend to hide or bury their dead.

The others do no such thing, they have no one to govern them, no one to punish them for their misdeeds.

Except me, I settle for screaming profanities at their stupid faces even though no one can hear me.

So usually they leave their meals behind when they are done with them.

It's unsightly bedside manners to leave your food half eaten, Maxwell always says.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Maxwell floats through the door, his mangled hands curled around his skull, holding the decapitated head under his arm as he follows lazily behind the two giggling teenagers.

I follow behind him, my heels - the ones I died in, silent against the crumbling steps as I float up them.

The pixie faced girl stumbles over a step and the boy catches her, his back slamming into the wall. Dust rains down on them, coating their hair in a thin layer of grime.

I look down at her green snakeskin boots, the peeling leather slithering up her thighs before ending at the black pleated mini skirt.

"I wouldn't be seen dead in those boots." I quickly rush up to stand beside Maxwell, looking down into his eyes while he avoids mine. "Get it, cause nobody can see me?"

No reaction.

"You know, you were more fun when you actually laughed at my jokes."

"You were newly deceased, I was merely making the process easier." He quips in his lilting accent, his hands moving his head to the side so he can stare through his black voids at me.

I mock him, twisting a piece of dark hair in between my fingers and watching the girls boots as they sink into her flesh.

"Ooh, that's a handy trick."

The glittering green scales erupt across her thighs and climb higher, the sight somewhat sickening like a snake slithering beneath her skin as it rolls and pebbles.

The boy is none the wiser as the red head plants her lips against his.

His eyes close but hers stay wide open and I move forward to get a better look.

Slowly I move until I'm directly in front of the snake girl, my body disappearing into the unfortunate prey that is the boy.

"Woah, cool eyes." I murmur as her eyes slit into those of a python, glowing with a rage as her clawed hand lands on his shoulders.

My world tilts as the feeling of the boys body disappears suddenly and I watch in gleeful excitement as the both of them tumble down the stairs.

The girls legs mend together and a large tail whips around, slicing through my stomach as a fuzzy shimmer overcomes my body.

"I feel violated." I murmur but hop down the stairs and watch as they roll around at the bottom.

Leaning on the banister I watch as the girl turns into a giant snake and winds her figure around the boys, sucking the air from his body with her powerful form and the blood from him as her fangs descend into the soft flesh of his neck.

Within seconds a sunken husk remains and the girl transforms back into the sweet innocent creature she was before, strutting swiftly out the door.

"Oi! You forgot you're leftovers!" I yell at her disappearing back.

She doesn't turn around, not that I expected her too but it would've been nice to once be heard in this god forsaken house.

I narrow my eyes and watch Maxwell out of the corner of my eye as he surveys the boys damaged body.

With a gleeful huff, I sprint for the door.

Maybe this time will be different.

My body passes the threshold and an invisible hand squeezes around my neck, wrenching me back into the house with the door slamming shut.

Runes on the walls glow with all my pent up rage and the stairs creak a sad melody.

"I thought you would've learnt by now." Maxwell tuts and floats away.

"I'm experimenting!" I yell at his retreating back, folding my arms over my figure and glaring at the door. "One day I'm going to escape and you won't be able to stop me." I mutter.

The stairs sing louder, a long tortured keening wail in answer.

"Oh, fuck off. You're just lonely. That's why you keep me here isn't it?"

The stairs stop their singing, silence like a drumbeat in my ears.

Always silence when I question why I'm stuck here.

Huffing I float up the stairs, and pass through the wall to the semi-decent room that I spend most of my time in.

Death is a bitch and I'm her prodigy.

I like to think, anyway.

The Awakening [Hellbound Academy]  (sneak peak) slowWhere stories live. Discover now