Chats in School

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Peter POV

I'm sitting in class totally listening to Mr Harrison talk about whatever he's talking about. Equation Blah blah blah. Something else blah blah blah. Ok so maybe I'm not actually paying attention but he doesn't know that. I feel a buzz in my pocket and discreetly pull my phone out and keep it out of sight of the teacher and any other snooping kids.

Scary Rich Girl:

Super Loser:
Hey What's up

Scary Rich Girl:
Well I got busted for not going to the sessions with the School Therapist and they fricken called my aunt all the at from New Orleans so I'm in trouble

Super Loser:
All the way from New Orleans just for that!?!


Where is the school

Scary Rich Girl:
Far away from New Orleans

Super Loser:

I'd say that's too much

Scary Rich Girl:

It's annoying

Super Loser:
I bet

Scary Rich Girl:
Sorry your probably in class rn and I shouldn't be bothering you with my stupid problems

Super Loser:
No honestly this is a whole lot better than pretending to listen to my teacher


Why your aunt and not your parents

Scary Rich Girl:
Parents are on a vacation

Super Loser:

Well I've heard parents are usually angrier than Aunts and Uncles so there's a plus about it being your Aunt

Scary Rich Girl:
You have no idea

Super Loser:
That sentence Kinda scared me and I think I'll settle for having no idea

Scary Rich Girl:
Wise choice

Can we talk about something other than my family rn

Super Loser:
Sure thing

So what do they teach you guys at that fancy boarding school of yours

Scary Rich Girl:
A bit of everything

Super Loser:
What's your School called

Scary Rich Girl:
Why should I tell you

Super Loser:
So I can see what it looks like online

Scary Rich Girl:
How about I send a picture so that it stays more of a mystery

Super Loser:
I can settle for that I guess

Scary Rich Girl:
Hang on I got to look one up

Super Loser:

Scary Rich Girl:

Super Loser:You must be richer than I thought

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Super Loser:
You must be richer than I thought

Scary Rich Girl:
At least I'm not spoiled

Super Loser:
Thank the gods

Scary Rich Girl:
Thank the ancestors

Super Loser:

Scary Rich Girl:
I thought we were thanking weird mystical things

Besides I live in New Orleans

The dead are kinda it's thing

Super Loser:
Tru dat


My teacher is coming


Scary Rich Girl:

I put my phone away just as the teacher walked by and glanced at my although he tried to make it look like there was no motive for it. When he didn't see anything he went back to the white board and started to write more things on it that I already knew.

*Later at Decathlon Meeting*

Once the team was all sat down MJ started talking. "So as you should all know we have a competition at the end of the month" she started. "Where is it" Cindy asked, stopping MJ from what she was about to say. "Virginia" she answered plainly and with the usual lack of emotion in her features and voice.

"The details are still being worked out but we should know where we are staying in two to three weeks and nobody complain about it" she said. Everyone was quiet for fear that they might complain and I chuckled quietly.

"Now let's start practice" she said and we walked to the auditorium.

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