Best Friends - That was Fast

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"Okay so here are your pairings" Dr Saltzman addressed us. This School seemed kinda..... dull. There was like nothing in here.

"Okay so, Eugene Thompson will be paired with..... Marcus Finch" he said and a muscular boy stood up. Flash put a smug look on his face and walked over to Marcus proudly.

"Betty Brant, you get Josette Saltzman" he said and a sweet and pretty brunette stood up and waved her over. Betty seemed happy that she didn't end up with a jerk or someone who thinks their better than everyone (from what we can see). "Edward Leeds will be with MG" he said. MG was standing next to Dr Saltzman so he walked to Ned and sat next to him.

"Peter Parker can be with Kaleb Hawkins. Cindy Moon, Elizabeth Saltzman" he continued pairing the Decathlon team with Salvatore Student until I was only one not paired. "Michelle Jones will be paired with Hope Mikaelson" he said and everyone looked around but no one stood up. "Well, I want you all to check in with your pairs before you go to bed" he said and dismissed us.

"I think I'm just gonna go for a walk by myself" I told the losers. They nodded and after asking if I was sure I wanted it be by myself they left me alone to finally text Rich Girl.


Scary Rich Girl:
What's up

You said we would meet

Scary Rich Girl:
Right umm.... meet my under the bleachers at the football field


Scary Rich Girl:
U know where it is, right?


See ya

Scary Rich Girl:


I clicked my phone off and slid it in my pocket and made my way outside to the football field. I started to look under each of the bleachers.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Maybe.

I walked over to the bleachers where I swear I saw some movement and I was right. I walked under and to my surprise I saw the auburn haired girl named Hope from earlier.

"Queen?" She questioned as she studied me in a way that seemed to be cautious. "Scary Rich Girl" I confirmed. "Have I seen you before, like, recently?" She asked me. "Only at the end of the fight with that Lizzie girl" I said and realization washed over her features.

"Why didn't you tell Dr Saltzman that Lizzie was the one who said that?" I asked her, as I had been wondering trainee it happened. "Lizzie has her own problems and besides, if I told him he would think I'm not over it and send me back to Emma four times a week" she explained, annoyed at the last part. "Emma?" I questioned. "The School Therapist" she told me. "As I'm sure you've heard from the Townes or anything about our School, we are a School for troubled rich kids" she started. "Everyone here has been through something that has affected them wether in a bad or good way or if it was something major or not" she finished. "And you was... your parents?" I questioned sympathetically. "Yeah. I saw my Dad die right through my bedroom window but my mom died while I was passed out" she confided.

"Does your last name happen to be Mikaelson?" I questioned. "Yes..... why?" She asked. "Because Hope Mikaelson is supposed to be my pair for advice or whatever" I told her. "Oooh, did I miss that?" She asked fake-ly, signaling she had indeed missed it on purpose.

"Yeah sorry" she apologized genuinely. "It's no problem" I replied. "Anyway do you want to go do something? it's somehow pretty cheery under these bleachers" I said. "Sure. dark and depressing, I like it" she said with a small smile that I returned. "

We walked back into the School and started to walk down the hallway when "hang on I just need to grab something from this classroom real quick" she told me. I nodded and she walked in while I stayed in the hall.

"Hey lookie here" one of boys in the hall said as he and his friends stalked up to me. "Oh go bother someone else" I told them. "Feisty" he said teasingly. I slapped him as he started to walk closer and he turned the other way, anger already radiating off him.

He whipped around with his hand raised in a fist like he was going to punch but as soon as he faced me Hope was in front of me and he froze before he could do anything. "Back off Allen" she said with a threatening voice that even scared me. He looked scared for a minute before he regained his cool. "And what are you gonna do if I don't Mikaelson? Huh?" He asked her Cooly. "I'm going to stick aconite in your drink" she threatened them all with a calm voice which made it even scarier. I wondered what aconite was but I figured that it was probably and allergy if his.

"Wha-whatever Mikaelson" he stuttered and sauntered off with his friends. Hope turned to face me. "They didn't hurt you, did they? I feel like you could take care of yourself but they needed to be put in their place" she said with a smirk at the last part. "Nah I'm good but seemingly so are you" I praised. "By the way, Losers realized this was your School because of some picture or something" I informed her and her face fell. "But don't worry. I told them you didn't say anything because you were in New Orleans the whole time and you didn't want to disappoint them" I assured her quickly. She sent me a small smile. "Thanks" she said. I nodded and sent her a smile back. "No problem. It's what best friends are for" I said. If the boys as me smiling and saying this I swear they would pass out from shock. "But let's keep our images up. We're obviously both badass woman who dot take shit from anyone and our expressions are usually unreadable" I said. "Actually I show my emotions that are angry or bored or annoyed or things like that" she pointed out. "Great. Deal?" I asked. "Deal" she replied and we both smirked instead of smiled.

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