Chapter 13.

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No one POV.

While our heroes are sailing to the goal of theyr quest on an other Island. We can see a wolf bounded with a golden shining rope to a post. This wolf was the Fenris wolf the creature that's supposed to kill Odin durin Ragnarök. He was gritting his teeth the new rope he was bounded with was mighty and he nearly couldn't move at all and that juniper around him weakened him extremely. 

Fenris :,,Just you wait Magnus Chase I will get you and then I will rip you apart." he said full of anger as he was laying on the ground.

He thought about various ways to kill Magnus as he could hear steps. Thiniking that it was Surt here to free him he boltet up just to see a person he wasn't expecting.

Fenris :,,What are you doing here, you are not supposed to be here?"

??? :,,What can't I come for a visit?"

Fenris :,,A visit? you?2

??? :,,I know I know it's surely not normal but I have a little quest on my own and that sadly includes killing you."

Fenris :,,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA killing me! I can't die I can only die by Ragnarök and you know that so stop with that bad jokes there is no way you can kill me before that."

??? :,,Oh you think that?"

Fenris :,,I don't only think I know that."

??? :,,Sure, sure but how about this then."

Fenris is looking at the weapon reognising the eapon

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Fenris is looking at the weapon reognising the eapon.

Fenris :,,That is the sword of that knight that was here together with Chase what so special about it?"

??? :,,This sword is probably one of the most powerful weapons in all of the nine worlds smithed by human hand of course it can't shoot lightning like Mjölnir but it can do something else and do you want to know what?"

Fenris :,,As if it's just a normal sword nothing special about it I saw him use it to fight Surt he maybe a strong warrior but this weapon is just a normal sword."

??? :,,And that's were you are wrong this sword is touched by 4 mythologie's 4 worlds colliding into one sword it's the only weapon that has that."

Fenris :,,And that does say nothing."

??? :,,Oh it does and you want to see what it does?"

The figure stepped forward the Fenris wolf gathered all his strength and stood up.

Fenris :,,Do you think you can scare me sister!"

The figure just thrusted the sword forward into the neck of the Fenris wolf the wolf howeld in pain and spit up blood.

Fenris :,,H..How?"

The figure raised the sword ready to kill the wolf.

Fenris :,,No no no! do you know what will happen when you do this!"

??? :,,I know and that's why I am doing this."

The figure slashed down with the sword.

Fenris :,,He....."

He didn't go to finish as his head was seperated from his body.

??? :,,No fear Fenris Surt will follow soon and then I achieved my goal."

Thor POV.

What was that? I asked myself I felt something shift but I didn't know what I was to focused on the new Terminator movie. I switched the episode off and concentrated on the shift what happened and then I felt it.

Thor :,,Fenris? someone reached the island but it doesn't feel like surt"

I put on my powered gloves an took Mjölnir I took my two goats (I forgot theyr name) binded them to my chariot and got on my chariot and took off towards the island. 

As I reached the island I looked down and saw the wolf lying there but something was off. I landed near him and as I saw him my eyes widened. The Fenris wolf the wolf whose liberation should start the beginningof Ragnarök lay there dead his head seperated from his body.

Thor :,,I need to call father."

Thalia POV.

I was sitting on deck of the ship besides me Reyna we talked and played pinako while Robert was running around deck looking for something. Reyna then asked.

Reyna :,,Robert what are you looking for?"

Robert :,,My sword I know I layed it down here somewhere but I don't know where."

Thalia I looked around and then saw it was near the dragon figure in the front of the ship.

Thalia :,,Robert it's over there." I pointed at it Robert looked over and saw his sword.

Robert :,,Oh thank you Thalia."

Thalia :,,You are welcome."

We continued our game as Robert was binding his sword to his waist. 

The Knight and the Demigods (Magnus Chase, Pjo, HoO, ToA)Where stories live. Discover now