Chapter 14.

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No one POV.

Odin :,,WHO DID THIS?!"

Thor :,,I don't know father, I found him like this."

Several gods came and looked at the scene before their eyes, the Fenris wolf dead his head impaled on a stick. Frey walked over to the corpse of the wolf and looked at it, he kneeled down as if he was searching for something.

Frey :,,One cut."

Freya :,,What did you say brother?"

Frey :,,The head was cut off in one clean cut, the sword that did that must have a really sharp edge but it isn't Sumarbrander."

Odin :,,It would have been impossible for Sumarbrander to kill the Fenris without freeing him and as we can see the rope with what he was binded wasn't cut, maybe Skofnung?"

Freya :,,The sword was destroyed as it was used to free Loki even when it still exists we don't know were it is."

Odin :,,hmmmm"

Tyr :,,What will happen now, Ragnarök will change with the death of Fenris."

Odin :,,We can only wait until a new prophecy comes but his dead will have a major impact on Ragnarök."

Frey :,,What is when the one who did that is aiming to destroy Ragnarök?"

Frigg :,,Then it must be someone who isn't happy about their fate and tries to deny it."

Odin :,,Frigg, fate isn't a mountain it is a raging river you can change it but it isn't easy."

Freya :,,True Odin but still Fenris was the one destined to kill you in battle....... what is when the next target is the one who was supposed to start Ragnarök and kill Frey?"

Thor :,,Surt is strong the person who would try to kill him must be either stronger then him or must know a way to kill him."

Odin :,,Even so I don't like it." in mind 'I really like that idea'

Odin :,,We should continue our work if someone finds out who the murderer could be inform me ok."

All the gods nodded and then went back to their work, even so Odin needed to keep a serious face, he can't deny it he liked the idea of Ragnarök never happening because that would mean that his family would survive.

*back to our heroes*

Leo :,,Hey Robert!"

Robert :,,hmm?"

Leo :,,Can you tell me something about bonesteal?"

Robert :,,Bonesteal is the steal we use in Valhalla to make our weapons, the sword I made for Magnus is made out of it, it can kill humans and monsters, like the name says it is made out of bones from monsters, when the bonesteal is smithed into a weapon then that weapon will kill the monster much easier from which the bones are."

Leo :,,Wow, so the monster from which the bones are coming will be much easier to kill with it?"

Robert :,,Yes"

Leo :,,Then from which monster are the bones that you used for Magnus sword?"

Robert :,,Oh they are from a dragon."

Leo :,,A DRAGON!"

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