Chapter 1.

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The sound of a war horn was the only warning one got before thousands of arrows fell on the English army. Screams from people and horses could be heard as the arrows hit the English. Robert was just as surprised as the rest of his Comrades, he looked at the King when an arrow hit his head. The arrow ricocheted off his helmet and he rode over to King Richard when another war horn sounded and now thousands of Muslim fighters came over the hill. ,,My King": said Robert :,, Do we have permission to attack?". Richard drew his sword and nodded his head. Robert screamed :,, KNIGHTS MAKE READY!". Robert then got his Lance and Horse ready when Richard's command came :,, All Knights! CHARGE!". 

Robert and his fellow knights charged up the hills, the enemy still Charging down the Hills. When he was 10 meters in front of the enemy, he lowerd his lance and got ready to strike the enemy. The impact came he hit a Muslim Rider with his lance and tore him from his horse, his lance broke on impact. He drew his Sword an started a fight with another Rider the fight ended when Robert cut off the head of the other rider. Robert looked over the battlefield and saw King Richard who was surrounded by enemies alone. Robert tried to get to the King as fast as he could slashing down on the Muslim fighters trying to get him off his horse. He reached the King just in time as the Horse of King Richard was hit by a enemy spear Robert charged at the enemys that tried to capture the King. He slashed at them cutting them down as they tried to reach the King. Soon other Knights came and fought off the nearest enemys, Robert got down from his Horse and helped the King getting up from the ground. ,,My King are you alright?": Robert asked :,,Yes Robert, I'm alright thanks for the help.". Robert bowed lightly with his head and then helped the King getting up Robert's Horse. ,,My King please try not to get Isolated again." Robert said, Richard said :,,Robert, only because you are the Comander of my Lifeguard doesn't mean you have to say to me what I should do on the Battlefield." Robert answered :,, Of course my King but my duty is it to keep you save." 

The King laughed at the answer but then Robert saw some of the Knights fall back. The Muslimick Army started to push them back. Then a Muslim Rider charged at them, Robert picked up a Spear from the ground and killed the Horse of the enemy. ,,My King please retreat": Robert said, Richard answered :,, And let have you all the Glory.". Just then a arrow hitted King Richard and Robert gave his Horse a Slap on the ass and the Horse rode in the direction of the English Army. Robert saw the King reaching friendly lines as he realized that now he was the one standing isolated amongst enemys. He looked around and saw 5 enemy fighters Charging at him. He slashed at the first enemy resching him and beheaded  him in one mighty slash. He blocked the second one with his Heater Shield and blocked the third one with his sword. He slashed the weapon of the third attacker away and Shield bashed the second pushing him away. He slashed at the back stumbling second attacker thrusting his sword into his Shoulder. A fourth attacker came he tried to block him but the Saber of the enemy slashed into his shield breaking it. Robert dodged a new attack of the third attacker swinging his sword at the legs of the fourth one hitting him. He then Half-Sworded and thrusted his sword into the weak point of the Armor from the third attacker. The fourth attacker fall over dead a fifth Attacker came thrusting a Spear at Robert, Robert dodged the thrusts as he was suddenly hit by something heavy by the head his helmet protected him but his whole view was blury. The fifth Attacker thrusted his Spear into Robert's leg, Robert going to his knees the Attacker pulled out his spear and aimed for Robert's head. Robert parried the thrust with his left hand punching the spear away then lunged forward thrusting his sword into the chest of the fifth Attacker. Robert then turned around at the Attacker wo hitted him from behind. It was the Rider from before that tried to Attack King Richard. Robert realized who was before him it was a Mameluk the Elite of the Muslimick Army. The Mameluk holded ah two Handed Mace, so that was the thing that hit me thought Robert. He charged at the Mameluk but the Mameluk lifted his Mace just in time to stop the charge of Robert. Robert needed a Plan to come behind his Mace. His leg hurted blood sickering down his leg his Head felt like it was going to explode and he was out of breath. The Mameluk was also out of breath but he was not wounded at all. Robert lowered his sword pretending like he has not the Power anymore to fight. The Mameluk fall for it and Charged at Robert swinging his massive Mace at him but in the last second Robert stepped aside the big Mace hitting the ground. Robert now took his sword by the blade hitting the Mameluk with the Guard. He striks the Mameluk again and again with the Guard of his sword until the Mameluk fall to the ground not moving anymore. 

Robert filled exhausted leaning on to his sword to not go down he took deep breaths and looked around him seeing more enemies charging at him. Robert stood up taking his sword into two hands and charged at the aproching enemy. He fought his view going more and more blurry, he heard screams from the men he stroke down and from those who were still charging at him. Then everything became dark. Robert woke up in his bed in Hotel Valhalla sweating pretty hard. Again he thought he was dreaming from his dead for quite a while now. Then someone knocked on his door. ,,It's Open": the door swinged open and Alex Fierro and Magnus Chase came in.

Hey Guys this is the First Chapter of my story and also my first story. I'm open for criticism and thankful when someone has suggestions for improvement. But I hope you like my story.

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