Chapter 15.

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No one POV.

Robert :,,You have a fucking shield use it!"

We can see Robert train Magnus on the deck of the ship. They were training with wooden swords since they are not in Valhalla it would be to dangerous.
But Magnus was still getting hurt since Robert was relentlessly in his training, but thanks to that Magnus learned alot about fighting. Right now Magnus was on the ground breathing heavy as he just was punched in the face with a shield.

Robert :,,The block wasn't bad but you always need to look out to not open youre guard to much or atleast try to guard it with youre sword."

Magnus got up :,,I understand."

Robert :,,Ok last round."

Magnus nodded and got into a fighting stance shield in his left hand sword in his right in a thrust position. Robert made the first attack Magnus blocked it and pushed Robert's sword to the side while he thrusted at Robert.

 Robert made the first attack Magnus blocked it and pushed Robert's sword to the side while he thrusted at Robert

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*That is his stance I don't know how to describe it correctly*

Robert blocked the attack with his heater shield and pushed Magnus blade away opening Magnus guard. Robert kicked Magnus in the chest causing Magnus to stumble backwards, Robert attacked again this time with his sword Magnus blocked it with his shield, Robert then attempted ro punch Magnus in the face with his shield but Magnus avoided it by bending down a little. The missed punch opened Robert's right side, Magnus used the opportunity and thrusted at his exposed right side.
Robert was suprised to see Magnus avoiding the punch he tried to recover but before he could do that he felt a sharp pain on his right side but he kept his stance he lifted his arm a little bit to see that Magnus thrusted at his side hitting him.

Robert :,,Deadly hit, congratulations you won."

Robert said as he pulled back his arm, Magnus jumped up arms in the cheering.

Magnus :,,Finally!!"

As Magnus was cheering Jack flew over.

Jack :,,Congratulations Sènor how much is it 300 to 1?"

Magnus pouted :,,Oh come on let me have this one Jack."

Robert :,,Good job Magnus you are getting better and better."

Magnus :,,Thank you Robert but I never would have reached that level without you."

Robert laughed as he patted Magnus shoulder he then walked away towards the others, Magnus was about to join him until he heard.

??? :,,Fenris is dead."

Magnus looked around searching for the source of the voice he saw a crow sitting on the dragonhead.

Magnus :,,What did you say?"

Crow :,,Odin sent me he said that I should tell you."

Magnus :,,Tell me what?"

Crow :,,The Fenris wolf is dead he was killed yesterday."

Magnus :,,WHAT!!"

Magnus screamed in disbelief his friends heard him and run over to him they saw him screaming at a crow the greek part of the group was confused at that.

Thalia :,,Why is he talking to a crow?"

Alex :,,He can talk to animals."

Annabeth :,,Since when he never told me he could do that?"

Robert :,,Since he accidently tasted from a dragon heart."

Leo :,,He ate a dragon!"

Robert :,,No he just tasted it and since then he can talk to animals it's a long story.

Percy :,,Equally what ever the crow just told him must have been pretty bad look at him he is paler then Nico."

Nico :,,Hey!"

Percy :,,Sorry but it's true."

Annabeth and Alex stepped towards Magnus as the crow finished talking to Magnus and started to fly away.

Annabeth :,,Magnus?"

Alex :,,Maggy what happened what did they tell you?"

Magnus slowly turned around wide eyes pale skin and open mouth.

Magnus :,,Fe... Fen....."

Annabeth :,,Magnus calm down take a deep breath in and out."

Magnus did that.

Annabeth :,,Ok now tell us what the crow said."

Magnus :,,He.... he said that.... that... well Fenris was found this morning dead with his head on a pike."

All minus the greeks :,,WHAT FENRIS IS DEAD!!"

Halfborn :,,What is gonna happen now!?"

Jack :,,......."

Mallory :,,What impact has his dead on Ragnarök?"

Leo :,,Ok slow down, slow down who is this Fenris guy?"

Alex :,,The Fenris wolf is a child of Loki my brother his freeing was supposed to be the start of Ragnarök he is also the one who was meant to be the one to kill Odin in battle."

All greek :,,WHAT!?"

Jack :,,I was supposed to be the one to free him."

Annabeth :,,Why would you do that?"

Jack :,,As Frey gave me away for the "love" of his life the prophecy about Ragnarök changed saying that I would be used by Surtur to free Fenris and kill Frey in battle."

Robert :,,And now because Fenris is dead we don't know how it will change."

Reyna :,,Man that is fucked up."

TJ :,,We know."

Magnus :,,But that is not everything."

Everyone looked at Magnus waiting for him to continue.

Magnus :,,Odin thinks that someone tries to destroy Ragnarök meaning...."

Jack :,,I could be a target too."

Meanwhile with Thor:

We can see Thor with his wife dancing around in his house cheering, laughing and drinking.

Thor :,,Who ever did that I should thank him when I meet him or her hahahahahahaha!"

Sif :,,I would love to see Loki's face right now hihihihihihihihihi!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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