Chapter. 2

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Roberts .POV

I sat in my Bed as Alex an Magnus came into my room. ,,What du you need?": I asked them Magnus responded :,, You were late for breakfast.". ,,Really": I said I looked at my clock and it was nearly 11 am. Oh, I thought normally I was the first one up from everyone in Floor 19. ,,You okay?": Magnus asked ,,Yes": I answered. I looked at Alex seeing her or him, I don't what she is at the moment, looking around my room. ,,Is my room that interesting?": I asked ,,It looks old.": Alex responded, well she wasn't wrong my room looked like the sleeping room from my castle only with a few gadgets. ,,Who are those guys?": Alex asked pointing at the Picture of Edward the 1 of England ,,Those are all the Kings and Queens from England from William the Conqueror to Queen Elisabeth the 2.": I answered. Alex nodded and kept looking around my room. ,,So why did you come here in the first place?": I asked, ,,Well first you weren't there for breakfast and second we had news we wanted to tell you.": Alex said ,,Well then spill it out.": I said. ,,My Cousin Annabeth invited us to her Camp on Long Island.": Magnus said. ,,Then have fun on your trip.": I said ,,You are going with us.": Magnus said ,,What?" I asked, ,,My Cousin invaded all of us." Magnus said. ,,Oh well then when do we start?" I asked ,,This afternoon at 3 pm you will need to go pack, we meet by the Ship in the cave.": Alex said and then they left my room. I got up staring to pack.

Magnus .POV

,,That was weird.": Alex said, ,,What?" I asked. ,,Robert": Alex said :,,I never saw him sweating so much even with his Armor on or in Battle he was scared too.". She was right, I thought Robert was never that sweatie even by our quest to find the Ship of the Dead he was the one on our team who weren't scared about it like the rest of us. ,,Maybe a bad dream": I said, ,,Then it most be a really bad dream": Alex said. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said :,,Hey it's Robert he will tell us when something bothers him.". Alex nodded. Then she asked :,,What about those scars he has on his Back and Arms?". I looked at her ,, Did you check him out?": I asked, ,,Yes, I never saw him without Armor or his long-sleeved Shirt.". ,,I am your Boyfriend and now you still check out other people.": I tried to sound sad. ,,Oh come on Maggi you know I love you.": she said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.  We went to our rooms to pack our staff, the thing she said still in my mind she is right even after spending one year here in Valhalla from all of my Friends I knew the least about was Robert.

Robert's POV.

I grabbed some of my clothes and packed them into my bag some of my books. What else do I need for a summer camp, I thought then I remembered that they do Archery in summer camps so I took my Longbow and quiver full of Arrows. I started Practicing Archery after I heard of the great Victory of King Edward the 3 by Crecy. I can understand why he used them they are pretty Powerfull on the Battlefield. I then started to put on my Armor Gambeson padded hoses, long sleeved Chainmal, my  Boots and over that mail Leggings and then the Coat of Plates that was always a little hard to put on because the straps for that were on the back but it works. I then thought for second if I should also wear my head Armor. *(The Head Armor of a Knight ist similar to the rest of the body armor a padded cap over that a Brain dome that's a Helmet that was worn over the padded cap then a Chain Hood with a extra part what Protected the chin to the nose and then the Great helm the entire Armor besides the Helmet was tailored for the Knight when he was rich enough poorer Knights simply wore not that much of armor or from poor quality.)*  I decieded against it an packed the Head Armor and Helmet into my bag. Then I took one of the last parts of my Armor out my Coat of Arms it was a gift from King Richard himself as he made me the Commander of his Lifeguard. It was three Golden Lions on red ground the colors of the King. I put it on then I took my sword belt and put it on. I was ready to go I thought, I walked to the door as I realized that I nearly forgot my arming sword. I took my Sword and left my Room ready for a few weeks without dying every day.

Hey Guys that Chapter is boring compert to the first one. But I still hope you like it. Also I am open for critiscism and suggestions for improvement 

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