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In the shadows cast by the garden trees, Zon's heart raced as his back pressed against the wall of his house. His whole body burning up with desire as he pulled Saifah closer to deepen their already passionate kiss. The electrifying heat consuming him whenever their tongues found each other had him clutching the hair at Saifah's nape. Zon closed his eyes and groaned as Saifah kissed down his neck. 

This was the kind of physical intimacy he had been longing for, and yet the stimulation was almost too overwhelming for him to handle. His heart felt it might give out any second, but he still desperately craved for more. Sliding his hands down Saifah's broad back as their lips connected once again, Zon slipped his fingers under the rim of Saifah's shirt. He wanted to feel the warmth of bare skin under his fingertips, but Zon jolted with surprise when his wrists were detained as soon as they made contact, and his action halted. Opening his dark eyes filled with longing and confusion after Saifah pulled back from their kiss, Zon gazed at the handsome face still lingering so close to his and tried to read its expression as he caught his breath. His hands that had snuck under Saifah's shirt were brought out and placed upon Saifah's waist before being released. Zon pouted sulkily at being denied.

"Why?" Zon asked feeling disappointed. He pulled Saifah in by the waist to close the distance between them. "I just wanted to touch you," he added before kissing just underneath the firm jawline lingering before him. Hunger burned within him, and it was screaming to be quelled. He didn't see why there was anything wrong with touching Saifah's back and chest. It wasn't as if he'd slipped his hands down his trousers.

Saifah took hold of the one gently nibbling on his neck and driving him to distraction, and pulled him back so they were face to face. Holding Zon's face in his hands, he looked deep into the beautiful black mirrors reflecting his own image. His heart and body were going crazy because of this gorgeous man, but he couldn't lose himself to want. Not now, and definitely not here. He grinned and kissed Zon's lips.

"Zon," said Saifah under heavy breath once he managed to pull his lips free again. "Where are we right now? Let's try not to get more worked up than we already are, okay?"

Rubbing his hands up and down Saifah's sides, Zon let out a grumble of annoyance. "No one can see us here," he said giving Saifah a pleading look.

Saifah raised his eyebrows with amusement as he stroked Zon's cheeks with his thumbs. "And what if your parents come outside for some fresh air? Hmm? Also, don't think I haven't noticed the security cameras on the walls."

Blushing, Zon averted his eyes unable turn his face away as he sucked on his lips. He had hoped the cameras had gone unnoticed. If only it weren't so early in the evening, then they wouldn't have to worry about being interrupted by his parents. Looking back at Saifah he gulped before letting a dangerous suggestion pass through his lips. "How about we go up to my room then?"

Saifah's small black eyes widened at hearing such temptation. His past self would have jumped at the chance and been dragging Zon to the front door already, but not now. He swallowed back his desire and averted his eyes. Not yet. He wasn't ready. Saifah's insecurities crawled out from the back of his mind and began gnawing at his heart. This is why he should have waited. He shouldn't asked Zon to be his boyfriend until he was in a better state, but he had been so scared of missing his chance with Zon and had chosen to jump in too soon.

"As tempting as that sounds," he said softly while brushing his fingers through Zon's hair. "I don't feel particularly comfortable when your parents will have a pretty good idea of what we are getting up to." He leant in and traced kisses up Zon's neck knowing it would make Zon gasp and moan. It was cruel to tease, but he was desperate to keep his true reasons for refusing hidden. "And you're not exactly one to keep quiet either," he said with a forced chuckle before kissing Zon's lips.

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