compunctious ; adjective : characterized by guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad.
rarely, did anyone give a truly compunctious apology to me-- even when they should have.
most people ignore it.
jj, though. it felt like he was truly sorry.
-Logan <3
That's not enough, JJ." I state, while stepping onto the small boat.
He had just told me he was sorry, but I deserved more than that, right? I deserved more than a short "I'm sorry".
"I know." He says before stepping towards the wheel. "Take a seat, Love."
My heart smiles when I hear the words "my love" falling out of his mouth.
I take a seat, and let my short, blonde hair blow as the boat moves faster and faster.
We sit in silence, but soon, JJ stops the boat, and takes a seat beside me.
A brown, glass beer bottle rests in his hands. He takes a sip from it, and my attention turns back to the small and dainty rings on my fingers.
"You deserve more." JJ states.
"Okay? So why do you treat me so horribly?"
"My dad. I know, I shouldn't blame him, but I have an actual reason." JJ begins to explain. "He hits me-- a lot."
"It's not an excuse, and your feelings are completely valid, but I know I need to work on communication. I need to talk to you, but you need to talk to me too."
"I know." I say, while looking to the floor of the boat.
"So, talk to me."
"I just want to understand what's going on with you. I don't need to be apart of whatever you're doing, it could be a treasure hunt for all I know. I want to understand you. I promise, you can trust me."
"I know." He comments, before kissing my temple.
That is what a compunctious apology feels like.
"Maya?" I call out, as I step into the large home. "I brought JJ!"
"Your favorite Pouge is here!" JJ says after me.
I smile, and look up at the boy. His lips press on mine for a moment, until Ben walks through the door.
I laugh, and smile at my younger brother, who was coincidentally taller than me already.
"Hey, man." JJ says to him. JJ messes up his brunette hair, leaving a smile on Ben's face.
It makes me happy that Ben and JJ were comfortable with eachother.
"Have you seen Maya?" I ask.
"Nope. I saw her earlier, but I haven't been home in, like, 3 hours." Ben explains.
"Ah, where have you been then?" JJ questions.
"With a friend."
"A friend?" I joke.
"His name's Parker." Ben states before leaving the room.
I smile, and guide JJ to help me find Maya.
"Maya?" I shout again, only louder.
I walk past the bathroom, and notice the door cracked open.
"Maya?" I whisper.
I push the door open, but it opens slowly. It takes a few moments for me to finally notice Maya laying on the bathroom floor.
Bright, red blood was dripping from her forehead, and pieces of the kitchen counter were broken on her face.

secret logophile | jj x oc
Fanfictionshe was a kook, with a large imagination and vocabulary. he was a pouge, with a sexual scheme up his sleeve. she began as just a logophile. soon, she became his logophile. ❗discontinued❗