Chapter - 1

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“Ssh, go away, mischief ball, before you ruin anything else.”  The male shushed away a stray looking cat roaming around the window before that dirt covered fur ball made her way out of the window.

He then looked around to see his lover’s figure, he heard her footsteps the room next to the hall he was using. He quickly wrapped a broken CD held by a colorful fancy paper before keeping it deep inside a fancy box on the table.

He then shut that window as told by the lady earlier.

“Maybe years later, or maybe a few months later, let’s be together forever, maybe we will visit here again in our secret rendezvous and relive all of this again without anyone knowing about this place.” That same male in a white T-shirt wrote a last sticky note before opening that pretty box nearby on the same table he just used to write that note.

“Yes, let’s be together forever.” The girl in the back who had just arrived read it slowly like a faint breeze, almost like a vulnerable whisper, but she was right behind him so he heard it all, before sticking that note at the bottom of the box inside.

“Stop crying.” He giggled, almost like honey, a comforting one, or that’s how the girl felt about it all.
“We need to hurry, the other two will be there soon picked up by her.” He hugged the girl gently who was sniffing.

“This was like a dream come true, how did you even think of it? The idea of staying here. This place is perfect.” She couldn’t even look him in the eyes, just crying on his chest, making sure the eye makeup won’t smudge, keeping his white shirt perfectly fine.

“My grandparents were talking about this place recently and it turns out because of its location, not many people know about it, only some lucky couples have been here in this place. I guess we’re one of them.” He made gentle circles on her back from his palm to pat her.


The weather was beautiful, perfect for a vacation like this, perfect for a break. Perfect to escape the city life and just do nothing. This place, unusually, seemed perfect; it had that homely feeling.

The mountainous view from this open balcony with marble flooring, the sun hiding behind the shy dark clouds sending breezes.

‘The happiness was familiar, I couldn’t say why or how but it was familiar and beautiful. Maybe because it reminded her of her childhood upbringing.’

She was rooming with Seulgi, who was out there meeting everyone in the room next door. Sooyoung already met them all so she was here checking the room out. Not too big but enough for two to stay for a week. The room, the furniture seemed old fashioned but classy, there was a warmth about it.

“Sooyoung, are you happy with this room? I mean are you sure you’re going to go with this one out of all of the rooms available? Me and Johnny will sure adjust, just let us know. This room is too full of paintings."

“I’m doing good Yong! I’m already enjoying this place and no I wouldn’t want to change it unless you people really want me to! These paintings are nowhere near creepy so I’m doing fine.” She requested Taeyong who seemed to be taking charge of the responsibilities. His usual self, he treated his friends more like his kids anyways.

“Oh, and these paintings, they’re nowhere near creepy so I’m doing fine.” She added as she saw Taeyong for her full answer while pointing at the paintings.

It’s not like that it was  the only room with paintings, but the interior of the room made it look messy a little.

“Ok! As you wish.” He sighed a little, he was tired after all.

He needed rest too, but fortunately, everyone was settled by now so he really had nothing to worry about now at that point. Or that was what everyone chose to believe after hearing him.

After everyone shifted in their room and had their rest time to themselves, Sooyoung was busy exploring the small cozy room she was assigned with her roommate.

There were some old paintings rumored to be left by an old accommodation. They were beautiful, there was a slight hint of romance in all of them.

“Must be left by a couple.” She whispered to herself.

“Hmm what?”

“These paintings! They look like someone painted these for their lover. I bet he loved his lady the most.” Never getting her eyes off the little paintings hanging around the wall.

“For sure!” Seulgi joined her friend in awe exploring the paintings. ‘They look familiar!’ she moved her eyes to take a look at every single one of them. They were familiar but how and why?
She took one painting out to find any signature or initials to know who the painting belonged. Sadly, there was nothing, no claims.

Only the person who painted this could tell, or maybe even the person it was painted for


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