Chapter - 6

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Trigger warning: Mentions of blood and an attempt of murder

“Be quick honey!” The girl called as she was standing next to the uber they called.

“Coming Sooya” He replied while wrapping a mini SD card before hiding it inside a one hidden section of the box.

Since the CD broke, he was hurt, the symbol of their memories shattering was something he wasn’t willing to leave behind, so he decided to have a secret backup inside a tiny memory card.

He ran to the room they were staying in, the one which was their favorite one among all. The one where he painted most of the moments. In the room they made love. He kept that box inside one of the drawers near the bed where they made love. It was their favorite room.

He quickly left that beautiful place to join his lover waiting for him near the cab.

They both kissed for the last time in that place, outside of that house and then sat in the cab.

The girl tried her best not to cry but it was hard for her, even the male was feeling glum about it,but in the end they were together and that’s what mattered them the most.

The girl’s mind went straight to the box which when she opened for the last time to keep her necklace wrapped in a box before finding a CD wrapped roughly, she just wanted to have a last look at it but it was broken, right where the male told her the words were written and what exactly they meant.

That CD with most if not all of the memories saved was just another CD that would’ve been discarded anyways if it wasn’t his idea, of the guy who chose to keep it that way.

It was the only way for anyone else to see what they wanted to keep alive as memories to reminisce after years of maybe a sudden visit? Like an open book of memories you’re leaving out open in the hiding.

Seeing that CD broken from the inside gave her a bad feeling, she wasn’t supposed to be seeing or feeling anything like that.

Was only that place and their brains supposed to have those memories? Was the promise of ‘Together, Forever’ written on the CD right above the crack supposed to be affected too? It was scary.

She laid her head on the shoulder of the male closing her eyes as he patted her head in the backseat.

The few days they spent in that place were like heaven to both of them so it was an obvious thing that they felt glum.

“Seulgi texted me that she had picked Yeri and Xuxi. We’ll join them soon.” The male whispered next to her ears. She smiled.

“Tell me honestly, whose idea it was, the plan of going to a secret place on a date of a few days without letting anyone know anything about the location?” The girl questioned looking at the male’s face.

“Believe it or not, it was my idea.” He chuckled softly.

“The idea of having one secret name in the relationship without telling anyone was Yeri’s idea. I bet she has gotten one for Xuxi that we probably aren’t going to find.” He added.

“So this is where the name ‘Joy’ came for Sooyoung right?” She nudged him with a smile, trying to get rid of all the negative thoughts she acquired leaving that place.

“But I liked this idea of having a name, the word Joy is always going to bring me all of these best memories we made here, Yeri told me that this was the reason behind the idea. I wonder what name she has gotten for that dumb giant that is going to remind them of all of the beautiful memories they made in their own secret location.” He wondered out loud.

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