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"Two car accident Hampton Blvd." Miller heard coming through the walkie.

"Warren. It’s a car accident not to far from us."

"We don't have all the necessary supplies we just got off a call." Ben informed him cleaning up the back of the ambulance.

"We could probably help until an aid car and engine arrive." Dean said shrugging his shoulders and Ben nodded.

"Aid car 195. Responding send another aid car and how far is the engine out?" Miller asked.

"Engine is 10 minutes out."

Miller and Ben arrived at the scene and looked around; the car accident looked bad. The two men split up going to each car.

"Hey what's your name?" Ben asked staring at the beautiful woman. She was absolutely stunning even with the smeared blood on her face.

"I’m Miranda, Dr. Miranda Bailey, Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial. There is glass from the window shield in my abdomen, it's in there deep, I'm sure it's penetrating my spleen and liver and its keeping me from bleeding out. My leg is pinned as well. I'm bradycardic I have been counting it an I’m at 40 beats per minute."

Ben frowned hearing that information. He knew that meant that everything was slowing down. Which wasn't a good sign.

"You should really work on your facial expressions. How long have you been on the job and for starters what's your name?" Miranda questioned coughing.

Ben smiled at the beautiful woman who was captivating.

"I'm sorry. I'm Dr. Benjamin Warren firefighter at 19. "He informed her. "I have been doing this job for 4 years now.

"Okay great Dr. Warren. Now start over again. I have never been in a car accident before and you didn't do the whole spill."

"Miranda, my name is Ben. I'm a surgeon/ firefighter you've been in an accident. We are getting you out now; but you need to stay still and listen to what I tell you." Ben said seriously.

Miranda laughed loudly. "That's what I wanted, thanks Ben."

"No problem Miranda."

"Okay I’m going to open your back door and get in to get this neck brace on you.” Ben informed before doing what he told her.
Ben slid her head up slightly, putting it on making sure it was secure.

"You said you were a surgeon, what kind?" Miranda asked.

"I'm a general surgeon." Ben responded coming around to face her again.

"Really, what made you do a career switch?"

"I wanted to do something with all the adrenaline, so firefighting. But it isn't my first career switch." He told her and watched her face contort.

"It isn't? What did you do before surgery?"

"I was an anesthesiologist." Ben smiled.

"You’re not married and  you are single." Miranda stated making an assumption.

"How did you know?" Ben asked hooking up and Iv in her arm.

"Because you would drive them crazy with your career changes. You sound like a man with commitment issues."

"I don't have commitment issues and I just haven't found the one yet."

"You will find her." Miranda said assuredly.

"How do you know?"  Ben asked.

"I just know, and I'm always right about everything." Miranda laughed.

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