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Miranda was sitting at her desk doing some paperwork. She had finished Lisa’s surgery 3 hours ago. It went great and she was in recovery. She snapped her head up when there was a knock at her door.

“Come in.” Miranda called out. She watched as Ben walked into the room.

“I thought I asked you to call me when the surgery was over.” Ben asked.

“Your girlfriend is doing fine. She’s in the recovery wing if you want to go see her.” Miranda responded rolling her eyes.

“She is not my Girlfriend. I don’t have one of those.” He stated walking closer to her handing her roses.

Miranda wanted to smiled the flowers were beautiful, but she was pissed. It was just the principle of it. Was it his thing to pick up women from a damn car accident?

“The flowers are nice.” She shrugged nonchalantly.

“Miranda tell me why you are upset?” Ben said seriously.

“I already told you.” Miranda responded typing.

“Miranda I did not allow her to flirt with me. I didn’t even know she was flirting with me honestly.” He stated.

“So you were unaware that her calling you sexy and handsome while rubbing your stomach and then grabbing your hand and rubbing it was flirting.” She asked looking up at him pushing her chair back.

“Miranda it all happened so quickly and you answered before I could respond. I don’t want her. I probably wasn’t even aware she was flirting because I looked up and saw you. Your my biggest distraction. I can’t even think straight when you’re around. You take my breath away and leave me gasping for air. You make my heart race.” He finished and Miranda looked up smiling at him before taking in his features.

“Hey, why are you wearing a suit?” She questioned.

“Well, I was hoping to come and take the beautiful Chief of Surgery out on a first date.” Ben stated smiling holding up a garment bag. “But she’s jealous right now, so never mind.” He added turning to walk towards the door.

Miranda stood quickly walking to him.

“You know I can’t move fast.” She huffed and he laughed.

“I was not jealous. Just a little ticked, but never jealous.”

“Miranda you marched over and snatched our hands apart.” He laughed.

“Well she shouldn’t have been touching you and rubbing you like that. Together or not.” Miranda responded pursing her lips.

Ben laughed and pulled her in to hug him. She quickly embraced him back laying her head on his chest.

“Where are we going for dinner?” Miranda questioned.

“It’s a surprise.” Ben smiled and handed her the bag with her dress and her shoes.

Miranda walked into her bathroom and shut the door. She cut the water on and grabbed a washcloth and bar of soap that she kept in there and did a quick bowl bath. After drying off and putting on her bra and panties she opened the bag he gave her.

She smiled at the red wrap dress it was new and still had the tag on it. He had excellent taste. She slid the dress on to her body tying the side.

After sliding on one of her flats. She looked in the mirror checking her hair. Finally satisfied she walked out.

Ben looked up and looked over her. “You look absolutely stunning.”

“Thank you and Thank you for this dress.”

“It’s no problem, I thank I need to thank myself as well because gracious you look good Miranda.” Ben said seriously checking her out.

Miranda blushed and went to go grab her purse and flowers before sliding her hand into Ben’s as they walked out of her office.

“Bailey….Warren.” Richard smiled at the both of them as they walked on to the elevator.

“Hey Richard.” Miranda greeted.

“Webber.” Ben said nodding his head at him.

“Special date tonight?” Richard questioned.

“Yeah.” Miranda gleamed.

“Aww where to?” Richard asked, he was really glad that Miranda found love again.

“It’s a surprise.” Miranda answered back looking up at Ben.

“Yeah, I’m keeping my lips sealed on this one.” Ben said smiling.

“Well just tell me tomorrow.” Richard replied laughing 

“Will do.” She smiled and watch him get off.

“Oooh the drop top tonight.” Miranda smiled walking to his car.

He opened the door for her and she slid in buckling her seatbelt. Getting in he put the top down and Miranda leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Ben grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers as he drove to their destination.

“We are here.” Ben said parking.

“Ben a Dinner cruise?”  Miranda asked looking at the yacht as couples walked on.

“Yes. I reserved us a private area on the top deck and inside. I didn’t know what you preferred.”

“Top deck please. I want to see the stars.” She marveled.

“Top deck it is.”

They walked onto the boat and waited to be seated.

“Reservations for Warren.”

“Okay Mr. Warren, you have two reservations do you know which one you’re picking ?”

“We are going to do the top deck.” He replied smiling.

“Okay right this way.” He responded grabbing two menus.

He led them upstairs to a table that was lit with candles, roses and champagne on ice in the center.

Ben pulled out Miranda’s chair and she sat down. She looked at the perfect view of the water and the moonlight casting down on it. It was absolutely stunning.

“You reserved the whole top deck?” Miranda questioned looking around. It was just them.

“Yes. I just wanted it to be us tonight.”

“This is really sweet Ben Warren, thank you.”

“Anything for you.” Ben replied.

Miranda wondered how did she get so lucky to meet him. She wanted him and wanted to be with him. She didn’t mind spending forever and that was scary. It scared her more than ever that she could feel this way for him and fast. Partially the reason she was so pissed with him earlier today.  She didn’t want other woman to flirt with him and vice versa. He was hers.

“Tell me what you are thinking Miranda?” Ben asked he could tell her mind was racing after she went silent.

“I just like you… there that’s it.” She stammered.

“Care to elaborate?” He asked probing her.

“It’s just I’m scared Ben. I like you a lot and honestly I have never felt this way before. It’s scary, it’s new and it happened so fast.” Miranda expressed looking over into his eyes.

“Miranda I understand what you mean. I feel the same way. I like you too.  Remember when I asked if you believed in love at first sight?

Miranda nodded her head before he started again.

“I have never believed in love at first sight… that we are able to give our hearts anyway upon one view or that after one glance we are in love, but the second I saw your eyes, I loved them. The moment I saw your smile, I loved it and the instant I heard your laugh I fell in love with the sound.  I have never believed in love at first sight but I do believe after one glance in your direction that I belonged to you completely. It was the most bizarre and craziest thing I had ever experienced in my life. To instantly be drawn to or connected to someone.

So I’m not going to tell you that I love you right now because that would freak you out, but what I will say is Dr. Miranda Bailey I like you a lot and I care for you beyond measure.” Ben expressed.

Miranda wiped her watering eyes trying not to full blown cry and ruin her makeup.

Miranda stood to her feet and walked around the table she sat down on his lap and kissed his lips hard and rough. She moaned into his mouth as he took control of the kiss. It was intense and made her want to drag him home.

Breaking the kiss Miranda stood and walked back to her side just in time as the waiter came back.

They ordered their food and talked waiting for it to come back. After getting their food they ate and talked a little more.

“Any dessert for you two?” The waiter asked glancing between them.

“Do you want dessert?” Ben asked.

“Yeah I think I’ll have a slice of cheese cake what about you?” Miranda asked looking up from the dessert menu.

“Devils food cake.” Ben stated handing him their dessert menus.

“I will be right back with that.”

True to his word he came back with two square plates sitting Ben’s down first.

“That looks good. Let me have a piece.” Miranda asked picking up her fork.

The waiter set her plate in front of her and Miranda glanced over it multiple times.

“Benjamin.” Miranda beamed smiling up at him.

On her plate written In chocolate was “ Will you be my Girlfriend?”

“Well?” He questioned

“Of course I will be your Girlfriend.” She cheesed.

“Ben this was a perfect date and I had a great time.” Miranda said grasping his hand as he parked beside his car in her driveway.

“I always have a good time when I’m with or around you.” Ben smiled before pecking her lips.

“I don’t think I will ever get tired of that.”

“Tired of what?”

“You being Mine and your lips.”

“Ditto.” He smiled before getting out the car and coming around to help her out.

The two walked to the door and Miranda unlocked it and noticed Ben didn’t move to come inside.

She whipped around to face him. “Are you coming in?”

“No.” He responded shaking his head. “I am going to go home, take a shower and call it a night.”
Ben really was just trying to keep his self control.

Miranda eyes widened and she stepped out onto the porch.

“Why aren’t you staying?”

“Miranda people who are dating, don’t stay together.”

“I don’t care what other people do. I want to sleep beside you and for you to hold me at night.” Miranda huffed.

Ben sighed looking up at her.

“Fine if you don’t want to.” Miranda said with an attitude. “I’m just going to be here by myself all alone…. Anything could happen.” She added drawing it out.

“Okay Miranda… I will stay with you tonight.”

“The rest of the week too.”

“And the rest of the week.” Ben confirmed

“And the rest of the month.”

Ben looked up smiling. “I’m beginning to think you want forever with me.”

“Mmm let’s not get too far ahead.” She laughed.

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