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Ben went to go wash his hands before waiting in the waiting room. He sat for hour's until he caught the attention of one of her doctors.

"Hey, I'm trying to find out how did the surgery go for Miranda Bailey." Ben asked the doctor that pushed her in.

"Your the guy that brought her in ." Owen acknowledged.

"She is out of surgery and everything is a success. She is expected to make a full recovery and she should be up in a few hours."

"Thank you so much." Ben said thankful for the information. He finally felt like he could breathe.

Ben sat back in the chair and waited a few more hours until visiting hours were over, but he came back the next day before and after his shift. He kept trying to get information but no one was budging.
Ben came back every day and asked for her stats but no one wanted to break policy.

"Can you tell me her status?" Ben questioned more so pleading.

"I can't disclose patient information. I know you brought her in, but I have to follow policy." Webber said sadly.

" I'm not just the guy that brought her in. I'm also... her boyfriend." Ben lied and he watched the man's face widened.

"And I know that it still doesn't make me privy to information, but I just want to know how she's doing." Ben responded laying it on thick.

"You're Bailey's boyfriend?" Richard said in disbelief and Ben nodded.

"We have been seeing each other for a uh while now. "

"I'm sorry, she never told me she had one." Richard said shaking his head.

"She said she didn't want her personal business all over the hospital and she didn't want to share her business with her coworkers." Ben said thinking of things she would probably say.

Richard nodded his head because that did sound like Miranda.

"Well how did you all meet?" Webber asked amused.

"We met at umm... Seattle Press. She had a meeting and I brought a patient in.  I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I bumped into her knocking her paperwork and coffee out of her hand." Ben said slowly making sure he made sense. "She yelled at me and told me to watch where I was going and she mumbled idiot under her breath. I picked up her papers and apologized telling her I didn't see her there. And she thought it was a short joke so she got more pissed off. After I told her It wasn't a joke and let me replace her coffee that I knocked over. We walked to the coffee place on the outside of the hospital and the rest was history." Ben said sweating making this whole story up.

The man was quiet for a moment so Ben didn't know if he believed him or not , but he hoped so.

"Okay come with me." Webber told Ben and he smiled.

"Wait were are we going?" Ben questioned.

"I'm going to let you see her."

"Oh wow really. You didn't have to do that. I know it goes against the policy and I'm not legally her spouse. I just wanted to know how she was doing. I would have sat out here everyday until she woke up." Ben gestured to the lobby.

" I know you would have. You have been out here every day for 4 days." Richard chuckled.

"I'm glad that Bailey has someone, and that you obviously care for her."

Ben nodded his head. "Has Tuck been by?" Ben questioned. He knew he got her message the day in the car because he saw his response back.

"No not yet." Webber informed.

Ben walked and rode the elevator up with Webber and they walked to her room

"She hasn't woke up since the surgery. Everything went well, but she fell into a coma and hasn't woke up. Her body has just been through a lot and is trying to heal."

Ben frowned looking at her through the window of the room. He stared at the monitors checking everything off mentally.

He walked in and stood at the end of her bed studying her face. The tiny scratches healed nicely over the pass few days he noted. Ben walked over and sat in the chair beside her before grabbing her hand and holding it.

He honestly didn't expect to wake up the next morning still in the chair beside her bed.

Every day eventually fell the same way. He visited her before his shift, on his lunch breaks, when he got off or just on his days off period.

The nurses knew him well now. When he came he always talked about his day. Kept her updated on medical and science news. He even started a journal on how to cure fistulas so she would have a head start. He wrote down notes and different procedures that didn't cause fistulas and the ones that did.

He also massaged her hands and feet to pass time.

"Who is that in the room with Bailey?" Meredith asked walking up to Dr. Webber on the outside of Miranda's room. He was watching Ben rub her hands with lotion.

"Her boyfriend." Richard said smiling.

"Bailey has a boyfriend?" Meredith laughed.

"Apparently so. and they have been seeing each other for a while." Webber gossiped.

The next few days Richard was sitting at her bedside when Miranda started coughing. She turned in the bed best she could feeling weight on her leg.

"How you feeling sleepy head?"  Richard asked excitedly as she faced him.

Miranda cleared her throat loudly before speaking.

"Feeling just that sleepy." Miranda responded groggily. "How long was I out?"

Richard handed her a cup of water. "It's been a month and two weeks."

"Who's been running my hospital? " Miranda asked in between sips.

"Who do you think?" Webber laughed and Miranda rolled her eyes.

"I guess I can thank you. Did you call my parents?"

"Yes . They have called everyday and your mother has been praying."

Miranda nodded looking at the time on the clock.

"Your boyfriend came too." Webber said amused.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Miranda said confused.

"It's okay Miranda, you don't have to keep it a secret. I know you don't want your personal business out."

"I really don't know what your talking about. I don't have a boyfriend." Miranda said seriously.

Richard clicked his teeth he didn't know why Bailey had to be so difficult.

"Ben has been by everyday to see you." He informed her.

"Wait. Ben was here?" Miranda asked blushing before pausing and thinking about him.

"Yes, everyday since the accident. The first few days he just sat in the waiting room hoping someone would give him an update about you, but on day number five he informed me that he was your boyfriend and he just wanted to see how you were doing."

Miranda smiled Ben lied just to see her. It was crazy and sweet. She wondered how many people saw him in her room and ran with the rumor that the chief has a boyfriend.

"I know I still should have went through with following the policy, but he's your boyfriend and I would hate to be left out if it was me, so I let him up.  He seems like a great man Miranda I have spoken to him a few times while we sat in here together."

"He is." Miranda responded continuing with the lie. "Has he been in today?" She asked hopeful she didn't miss him.

"No He probably had a early shift. Normally if he has a long shift he comes on his lunch break. Or at night."

"Okay." Miranda said softly. "Where is my phone? I need to call Tuck."  She said sitting up.

Richard walked over handing Miranda her phone before walking out to give her some privacy.

Miranda called him on FaceTime and waited for him to answer. It was 3pm on a Saturday she knew he was home and out of practice.

"Mom." Tuck smiled excitedly and brightly.

"Hi my favorite son." She cheesed.

"I'm your only son." He laughed. "I'm so glad you are okay , when did you wake up?"

"An hour ago. How have you been is everything okay?" Miranda smiled.

Miranda listened to Tuck and smiled hearing about this past month. They talked for an hour and she even talked to his father before hanging up. And they told her they will come and see her tomorrow.

Ben walked into Miranda's room carrying rose's he brought her flowers every week. Since he threw the old ones out yesterday. He brought more.

Ben sat in his normal chair beside her bed. "I guess I will tell you about my day. Last night a strip mall burned all the way to the ground. It wasn't that many casualties and that was good. After that we got a call at 2 am. There was an apartment building on fire. We went all the way up to the roof and created holes so the smoke would release. The building was unstable and I stepped off a ladder literally 10 seconds before the whole building collapsed." Ben said smiling enthusiastically.

"Ben that's dangerous." Miranda said  wrinkling her nose and opening her eyes squinting at him.

"Miranda. Your awake." Ben said jumping up. He was so excited he leaned down and quickly captured her lips in a kiss. Ben kissed her lips passionately and Miranda whimpered. His lips felt good against hers. She was glad she thought to put chap stick on earlier.

Meredith, Richard, Owen, and Alex stood outside her door and mouths fell open when Ben and Miranda kissed.

"Wow. I have never seen her even entertain a relationship. The whole time I have known her." Alex commented amused.

"I have." Richard added.

"I haven't." Owen chuckled.

Ben jumped back when the machine started going off because her heart rate increased.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Ben said seriously. "I was just excited. I didn't mean to kiss you."

Miranda didn't see a problem, the only thing she was sorry about is the fact that she didn't kiss him back.  She knew it would have been explosive and even though she had just gotten out of a coma. Her body was reacting quickly.

Ben cleared his throat laughing as Miranda held her finger against her lip.

"No, it's fine Since your my boyfriend and all." Miranda joked.

"About that..." Ben said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"You lied and caused my staff to break hospital policy." She stated raising her eyebrow.

"Yes, but for a good cause. I wanted to see how you were doing and if you were okay. " Ben murmured softly.

"Thank you for coming and sitting with me." Miranda smiled blushing. "You didn't have to do that."

"You're welcome and I wanted too....I got you something." Ben said walking over to his bag he pulled a book out and handed it too her.

Miranda eyes scanned the book before they watered.

"You didn't? She gasped scanning it again and looking up at him.

"I did."

Miranda ran her hand across the title.

DR MIRANDA BAILEY Medical Journal -the start of curing fistulas.

She looked at the symbol in the top left corner. It was a cursive MB intertwined in a microscope. She never had her own symbol before.

"I needed something to pass the time and I knew you were passionate about this, so I helped you get started." Ben said softly.

"Benjamin Warren this is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me." Miranda beamed wiping her eyes.

"There's still a lot more work that needs to be done. Your work needs to be added and you can fix it up how ever you like. Those are just starting notes."

Miranda flipped threw the pages scanning notes, names, different ultrasounds, and scans.

"I even got in touch with doctors over seas. They gave me their charts, when they began to noticed fistulas occur and different notes as well. Its doctors  from Britain, Germany, Spain, Africa and Australia. I’m waiting to here back from doctors in South America and Russia."

"Ben how could I ever repay you?" Miranda asked looking up into his eyes.

"Just let me sit front row when you win your awards." He smiled.

"Done." She beamed.

Ben watched her grab a pencil and began writing in her journal.

"Are you hungry? I already ate because I figured I was still in our one-sided relationship." Ben asked chuckling.

"One-sided relationship?" Miranda questioned putting the journal down laughing.

"Yes, the one where I came and talked to you everyday. Combed your hair, rubbed your hands and feet and bought you flowers." He laughed.

"You did all of that?" Miranda marveled.

"Of course. Are you hungry?"

"I am hungry." She confessed.

"What do you want to eat?" Ben asked.

" It's so late, a grilled chicken salad would be fine." Miranda said sweetly.

"Okay. I will go grab that and then I will be right back." He said smiling.

Miranda smiled and watched him walk away. He looked sexy in his uniform, but seeing him in regular clothes was something entirely different.

She picked up her phone and called Schmitt.

"Chief your up." He commented.

"Yes I am, where are you?" She asked politely.

"I just got off and was on my way out." He informed knowing she didn't care and he was about to be put to work.

"Wait, before you go. Can you go to my office, get my tablet, work laptop, and personal laptop. Also bring me my calendar as well."

"On it chief." He responded before hanging up.

10 minutes later he was bringing her things in and hooking up her laptops and charging her tablet.

"Okay Schmitt one more thing get a table out of the supply closet. So we can set everything up properly. Grab sticky notes and my glasses then that's it. "

Schmitt set everything up and her room started to look like an office.

Miranda began working and looking over documents, signing different things when Ben walked back in. He watched her type while she had glasses on and a pen in her mouth.
The whole look was sexy.

"Here's your food." Ben announced causing her to jump.

"You scared me." She said grabbing her chest.

"I'm sorry. I have been standing in the doorway for a while. What are you working on?"

" work."

"And why is that?"

"I have been down for almost two months there is a lot to do and get done."

"Your in the hospital Miranda. The hospital is to rest and not do work." Ben informed taking her laptop out her hand and replacing it with her food.

"Yes Sir, Dr. Firefighter Benjamin Warren." Miranda said playfully and Ben licked his lips.

Miranda ate her food talking to Ben before he cleaned everything up. Miranda looked towards the door to the bathroom before calculating the distance.

She threw the covers back and place her left leg on the floor before the right one. She took a deep breath before standing wobbly holding onto the bed.

Ben watched her he knew she didn't want to ask for help but there was no way she was going to make it to the bathroom.

He quietly walked over placing a hand on her back and the bottom of her thigh picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom.

"Hey, I was going to get there." she said hitting his shoulder before he sat her down on the toilet.

"Miranda you have a leg injury,  an injury to your ribs, your spleen, and liver. Just because you have been sleep for a month doesn't mean everything is healed completely."

"I know, but I listened to what my ortho specialists said and he informed me to stretch my leg every day and put weight on it as well. He said I could walk a little distance."

"Miranda just let me help you."

"Well I think I can handle it from here." Miranda gestured to around the bathroom.

"Right sorry." Ben blushed.

Miranda used the bathroom and stood to get up.

"Shit." Miranda groaned putting weight on her leg. That shit was excruciating.

"Are you okay?" Ben questioned.

Miranda opened the bathroom door with tears in her eyes. "I just wanted to wash my hands." She huffed tearfully.

Ben wanted to say I told you so but refrained. He picked her up and carried her over to the sink on the outside of the bathroom. And he held her as she washed her hands before walking to grabbed a paper towel.

Richard was coming to say Goodnight and that he would see her tomorrow, but instead he watched their interaction as Ben carried her from the bathroom.

"Not my boyfriend, my ass." He chuckled before leaving.

"Stupid hospital. Who's idea was it to put the sinks on the outside of the bathroom?" Miranda groaned as Ben placed her in the bed.

"Firefighting did you well." She commented.

"Yeah well we carry a lot of people out of burning buildings with a 50 pound uniform on."

"Are you trying to impress me?" Miranda asked doey eyed.

"No, I was literally stating- Ben started.

"I'm impressed." Miranda cut him off and Ben smiled.

"What are your plans for the rest of the night?" Miranda asked looking at the clock it was 15 minutes after 11.

"Well since your up and I know that your okay. I guess I can go home." Ben said sadly. He honestly didn't want to leave.

"You have been staying here while I was out of it this whole time. Another night won't hurt." Miranda said seriously. She didn't want him to go home.

Ben smiled and nodded his head sitting in his chair.

"You can get up here if you want to. Its enough room." Miranda informed boldly.

"Miranda your side. I don't want to hurt you." He said seriously.

"You won't. I promise and I know that you have to be uncomfortable in that chair. Especially for a month."

"Okay." Ben said sliding his shoes off. He climbed on the bed beside her and Miranda lifted the covers.

"Do you watch tv at night or you just sleep in silence." Miranda asked wondering.

"It doesn't matter."

Miranda cut the light off using the remote and Ben turned on his side. She scooted closer until their bodies were pressed together and spooning. Ben wrapped his arm around her waist and Miranda took in his cologne. Finally content she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with Ben not to far behind her.

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