The Calm Before the Storm (Part 1)

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*The sunrises as Bohai slowly wakes up in a dream*

Bohai: *yawns quietly*

*Voices start to appear in his head*

Bohai: ah!

Voice 1: *whispers* are you scared?

Bohai: scared of what?

Voice 1: scared to be defeated

Bohai: who are you?

Voice 1: your worst enemy

Bohai: I'm not afraid of you

Bohai's Dad: Bohai

Bohai: Dad?

Bohai's Dad: Wake up son

Bohai: What?

Bohai's Dad: Wake up! Or you'll never wake up from the dream you're in.

*Bohai opens his eyes and quickly gets up*

Bohai: Ahh!

Asami: Bohai! Are you alright?

Bohai: I'm fine, Just a bad dream. Can i tell you something?

Asami: Sure. What's up?

Bohai: Last night. I looked at the picture of my parents and it felt like they were here with me. Once I realized that they are always with me in spirit I felt happy and sad at the same time. That's when I laid roses next to the picture.

Asami: Everything's going to be alright Bohai. Don't worry.

*They both hug each other*

Bohai: Thanks Asami. You're a true friend.

*Rohan runs into the room bouncing on the bed as Pema tries to chase after him*

Rohan: Weeee! Haha!

Pema: Come on Rohan let's go.

Rohan: Hi Bohai!

Bohai: Hi Rohan. Do you need any help Pema?

Pema: No. I'm fine. Besides I handled Jinora,Ikki and Meelo when they were kids so handling this one should be fine.

Bohai: Are you sure?

Pema: I'm sure

Bohai: *giggles* okay then. *picks up Rohan and puts him down* okay Rohan it's time to go with your mother

Rohan: Aw, Mom can I play with Bohai?

Pema: Not Right now sweetie

*They leave the room*

*Bohai and Asami look at each other giggling*

*An alarm goes off outside as Bohai looks out the window*

Asami: What's wrong?

Bohai: An Emergency. Tell Pema and the others to get to safety now!

Asami: On it!

*While Asami gets everyone safety Bohai flys to downtown republic city to see what's going on*

Lin: Everyone get into shelter now!

Bohai: Lin What's going on

Lin: There's been an emergency that the fire lord and his troops are here looking for a fight with you

*A huge fireball crashes almost towards Bohai and Lin as they look up and see the firelord*

Bohai: Lin get everyone out of here now!

*Lin gets everyone away from the city as Bohai is standing alone and Lei lands and faces him face to face*

Fire Lord Lei: Finally... After all these lifetimes the avatar is resurrected once again. Fire lord after fire Lord failed defeated your past lives. But now I will be the one to defeat you!

Bohai: You're not winning this battle Lei.

Fire Lord Lei: *chuckles* so be it. Troops split up and find and destroy everything in sight. I'll handle the avatar one on one.

*To be continued*

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