Bohai Alone

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*Bohai travels through the southern water tribe in slience*

*Flashbacks to Bohai's last time republic city*

*Bohai gets his stuff packed before leaving to go to zaofu*

Tenzin: Going somewhere?

Bohai: Oh hey, Tenzin.

Tenzin: Where are you going?

Bohai: I'm going back to zaofu to at least rest and take this healing process day by day.

Tenzin: Do you need an airship to take you there?

Bohai: that would be helpful. Thanks Tenzin.

*outside the air temple*

Bohai: *sighs* I'll miss you guys

Asami: we'll miss you too. write to us as soon as you can.

Bohai: I will.

Tenzin: I'll radio Su and let her know that you are on your way there.

*Bohai aboards the airship*

Everyone: Bye! See you soon! Feel better!

*Bohai waves goodbye at everyone*

*Flashback ends as Bohai looks up and sees a village up ahead and puts his hood up*

*Bohai strolls around and looks around and sees kids playing and smiles*

Kid: Hello Stranger

Bohai: H-Hi

Kid: Are you from around here?

Bohai: Uhh.. No... I traveled from the Northern Water Tribe.

Kid: Oh. Why are you in a wheelchair?

Bohai: I was badly hurt. I thought come here to search for an healer at least

Kid: if you're looking for a healer. Katara is a excellent healer. She healed my dads leg once. Come on I'll show where she lives

*Bohai has a surprised look on his face as follows the kid to see Katara*

Kid: Master Katara someone wants to see you and thought they might need help with healing them

Katara: Who is he. Or her.

Kid: It's okay you can come in

*Bohai comes in as Katara doesn't know who the person is*

Katara: Hello. And who you might be?

Bohai: I-I'd rather not reveal myself.

Katara: it's okay it's not anyone is going to know.

Bohai: Fine....

*Bohai slowly lifts his hood up as Katara is shocked and surprised it's him*

Katara: Bohai? What are you doing here? And why are you in a wheelchair and how'd you get here?

Bohai: *sigh* 4 years ago I had snake venom ejected into me by this evil mastermind named Jia. She wanted me gone and her only plan was to destroy the spirit portal in republic city. I felt weak battling her. But once I defeated her I noticed a bomb she planted and I took it and threw it far away and it exploded. I passed out knowing that I was still feeling the effects of the venom. I couldn't recover as much. So I went back to zaofu and Su told to just rest and heal. But I wanted to travel to find who I am as a person. That's when I noticed i was here.

Katara: My goodness. Are you feeling okay now?

Bohai: Not really. I can feel my arms again. But I can't feel my legs as much.

Katara: Well we have to get you better this instant. Just try and sit in the pool of water and I'll do the rest okay?

Bohai: Alright.

*A few moments later*

*Katara is trying her best to heal Bohai's legs*

Katara: I can feel little bits of the venom in both legs it's going take a little while unless someone can try to bend the rest of the venom out

Bohai: Is there a way?

Katara: I don't know. But once you find someone you can bend that venom out of you, you will be able to back to your original self. Korra had this same experience when she was poisoned and almost killed by a man named Zaheer. She wanted to be back to normal and she was a little tired of being stuck. But once she learned how to walk again she felt like she was ready and then the rest was history.

Bohai: So what do I need to do in order to feel better?

Katara: I don't know. But the journey you are taking to heal is an interesting one.

*A day later Bohai was ready to leave to continue his journey as he looked on a map and set his sights on his original home*

*At his old home Bohai finds his old place and looks to see if anyone lived there but turned out to be empty as Bohai went inside*

*Bohai unlocks the door to his old room*

Bohai: *sighs* well... home sweet home......

*Bohai then goes to the restroom and decides to cut the sides of his hair as pieces of his hair falls to the ground*

*The end*

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