Chapter 2 - Meeting The Dazzlings

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I walked around, looking for a new place to hang out, when I suddenly found what appeared to be three teenage females sitting at the edge of a cliff. They looked nice, so I slowly walked up to them, reassuring myself that they would be nice to me. The blue one pointed at the horizon, while saying something, making the other two groan. The purple one crossed her arms, and the yellow one with orange-ish hair held something around her neck. I had finally gotten close to them, and cleared my throat. The purple and yellow ones turned around with frowns as the blue one looked genuinely curious. As they looked at me, their expressions relaxed a bit. I shyly looked down at them, and smiled. "Hi." I waved with a nervous grin. "Hi?" The yellow one seemed unsure of what to do. "I'm just looking for a new place to hang out. Sorry, I got curious when I saw you guys." I said, as I nervously itched at my nape.

"Okay.." The yellow one looked confused. "I'm (Y/N)." I held out a hand for her to shake. "I'm Adagio." The yellow one shook my hand. There was an awkward silence, before Adagio elbowed the purple one's arm. "I'm Aria." She rolled her eyes as she frowned. "I'm Sonata." The blue one exclaimed with a bubbly smile. "Hi." I said again, smiling. The two waved, and turned back around. "We'll see you around." Adagio said, smiling at me, then turning back to the beautiful horizon. I pouted, then left the area. A few moments later, as I wandered around with my hands in my pockets, and I was humming (F/S), I looked around, and saw I was in an alley. I stared at the ground, and walked out, only to see a dark sky, raining some cold water that splattered in my face. I looked around, to see nobody around. I sighed, and ran back home. Once I got there, I saw a tupper of muffins, sitting on the kitchen table. I sat down, waiting for my mom, but a few minutes later, my dad walked in, panting. He was covered in water. I snickered silently, and turned towards him. "Hey dad. How was work?" I asked. "It was okay." He replied immediately, unsure. I sighed. He took his coat off, hanging it on the rack, while looking at me with a concerned expression. I was just staring at the table. "What's up?" He asked me.

"I'm waiting for mom. Where is she?" I asked. "Oh. She should be upstairs. How long have you been waiting?" He wondered. "A few minutes. I'm gonna go look for her." I replied, standing up. "Okay." He smiled. I walked upstairs, and knocked on my parents' door. "Come in!" I heard a hoarse voice yell. I opened the door slowly, only to see my mom on the bed, a little tray covering her lap, some tea and a bit of herbs, along with a little plate with a muffin on it. She was smiling at me, and I tilted my head. "You okay?" I asked my mother. "Yeah, just a little fever, that's all." She assured me. "Okay then." I scratched my head. "May I have a muffin?" I asked. "Sure." She replied. "Alright. Know how you got sick?" I wondered. "I believe it's from the rain." She told me. "Okay. Sure you'll be fine?" I asked again. "Yes! I'll be fine." She chuckled. "Okay." I giggled. I walked out of the room, closing the door. "She up there?" My dad asked me from downstairs. "Yeah. She's got a cold. Has some tea, herbs, and a muffin." I told him. "Mkay." He yelled back. I walked downstairs, and towards the muffins. "We can have some?" My dad asked. "Yep!" I nodded. He smirked, grabbing the tupper and opening it to get a muffin out, giving one to me, and munching on his. I giggled as I grabbed mine, and bit into it.

Sooner or later, I heard a wary knock on the door. Then, I heard the girls I talked to back when the sun was setting. I walked over, and opened the door. "Oh! Hi..?" I exclaimed, confusedly. Adagio looked me in the eye. "We followed you home, because we don't really have a place to stay." Sonata smiled sheepishly as she scratched the back of her neck. Aria elbowed her, and crossed her arms as she looked back at me. Sonata glared at her, then stared at something in Adagio's hair. "Yeah." Adagio frowned at Sonata, then looked back at me. "We did. May we stay here?" Adagio asked, as Sonata reached to pull something out of Adagio's hair, but fell over. She held a wrapper, while still being on the ground.

Aria grunted, and rolled her eyes, as Adagio sighed, facepalming. "You may. I do have parents though." I smiled down at Sonata, as she nervously smiled at me after lifting her head from the wet ground. I reached to grab her hand, and Adagio slapped it. "She can suffer. She's dumb enough to stay down there." Adagio rested her hands on her hips, while glaring down at Sonata. Sonata stuck her tongue out at Adagio, and shot up from the ground, brushing herself off. "Come in." I motioned, stepping out of the way while smiling awkwardly at Sonata. She glared at the other two, and they all walked in, whilst looking around. "Nice." Adagio complimented with a grin. "It's from the 1970's." I chuckled. "It's slowly falling apart." I stared at the ceiling, then looked back at the girls. A few seconds after that, I looked around to see my dad going upstairs, seeming to have not noticed the three 'strangers' I brought in. "Would anything?" I asked, turning my attention back to them. "I'm alright, I guess." Aria grumbled, avoiding eye contact. I looked to Sonata. "Tacos?" She perked up, while Aria glared at her. "Sure." I smiled, looking to Adagio. "Do you have any water?" She asked, seemingly distracted by her friends, but still looking at me. "Yeah." I smiled politely. Once I got those together, I handed them their orders, and they smiled. "Thank you!" Sonata exclaimed cheerfully. "Thanks." Adagio smiled at me, trying to ignore Sonata. "You're welcome." I smiled back. Not a few minutes later, Adagio looked down, then back up at me. "Can we..stay here?" She asked, mumbling. "Sure." I hesitated to respond. "Great. Thanks." Adagio smirked. "We have, like, no other place to stay." Aria rolled her eyes. I nodded, recalling them saying that before, my gaze wandering to the ground. "Well, let's go to my room." I looked back up, motioning for them to follow me. I then guided them to my room. 

Author's note: I apologize for the changes, I absolutely had to. The wording wasn't so professional to my liking, so I hope you understand. Have a good day :)

The Dazzlings (Mlp) Adagio Dazzle X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now