Chapter 7 - Marshmallows

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"So...wanna go get some jumbo marshmallows and roast them on my big candle?" I asked everyone while fidgeting with my blanket underneath me. "Y E S ." Sonata rushed over to me and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "O...k..ay.." I grunted, oxygen quickly escaping my lungs. I weakly patted her back, and Adagio pried Sonata off of me. Sonata huffed, and crossed her arms. Aria scoffed, rolling her eyes, and Adagio looked at me, concern flooding her expression. I caught my breath, slowly, but surely, and looked at her. "I...I'm fine..." I panted, my breathing finally settling. "Good." Adagio sighed, then scowled at Sonata. "What?" Sonata shrugged, a piercing high tone in her voice. Adagio rolled her eyes, and sat back down next to me. "Marshmallows." Aria reminded. "Right." I snapped my fingers, and got up, walking to the door. "Stay here. I also have to tell my mom so she won't freak out." I informed them. "Okay!" Sonata squealed excitedly, rocking on her heels.

My door squeaked quietly as I pushed it out of my way, and put it back where it was. The stairs creaked individually as I put my weight on each one of them, and I finally got down to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, and got the marshmallows. I got a few clips for the unopened bags. I went to the art closet and got out skewers, and returned to the stairs. Once I got back upstairs, I headed to my mom's room. I knocked on the door, and I heard a soft voice emanating from inside the room. "Come in." My mother's voice identified itself as I gently opened the door. "Hello, mother." I smiled slightly. "What did you need, sweetheart?" She asked once I closed the door behind me. "Okay, first, where's father? And second, I'm going to roast marshmallows with my friends on my big candle." I asked, then informed. "Your father will be here momentarily, he's getting home in the strong rain. Have fun and be careful with the fire." Mother instructed. "Yes ma'am." I nodded, and went back to my room with the bag of marshmallows gently swaying from the movement in my hand. I got to my door, and heard murmuring. I pulled my hand back away from the knob, and listened closely. "You know why. You forgot thdhdnf.." The words weren't clear, but it was definitely Aria speaking. Then Adagio. "Shut up! It's about time we..ffmfm." She yelled, then quieted down. "Aww!! But I wanna keep talking!" Sonata whined loudly. I giggled, and opened the door. "I got the marshmallows." I smiled, closing the door behind me. "Hi, (Y/N)!" Sonata waved ecstatically. I walked over to the desk in the corner in the opposing corner of my bed, and picked up a big lavender candle. It was new, and I really liked it. I got it from my father last Christmas. I set it on my hardwood floor (because yes, carpets are more dangerous, sorry-), and everyone else crowded around it. I got my lighter, and sat down between Adagio and Aria. I opened the lid and set it underneath the candle. I lit the wick, and opened the bags. We all put a marshmallow on each of our own individual skewers, and held them over the candle. We concentrated, trying not to burn the marshmallows, and I turned mine to evenly roast it. It was golden and beautiful, so I took it away from the candle. I waited to eat it because it seemed too hot, so I glanced at everyone's marshmallows. Sonata's looked a bit darker than mine, Aria's still looked white. Adagio's was almost like mine, it was just roasted unevenly. I giggled, and she blushed. "How did you get yours to look like that? AH!!" Sonata screamed, looking at her marshmallow, which was now on fire. I quickly blew it out for her before it burnt all the way, and she frowned at it. "WHY DID IT DO THAT?!" She screamed angrily. "Shut the hell up, Sonata!" Aria yelled, slapping Sonata. Adagio sighed with a slight growl, and ate her marshmallow. Her eyes lit up, and she motioned for Aria and Sonata to eat theirs. Sonata ate hers, waiting for a disgusting taste to fill her taste buds, but she got the exact opposite. "I need another." She licked her lips, and quickly got another from the bag. She held it close to the fire, and it lit on fire almost immediately. She blew it out, and before she quickly shoved it in her mouth, I stopped her by holding her hand back. "It'll hurt. If you don't want to burn yourself, I suppose you wait a bit." I sat back down. "Aw...okay." She pouted. After a few hours of marshmallow facts and just random conversations, we decided we were full, and I went back downstairs to put them away after blowing out the candle and putting that away. 

The Dazzlings (Mlp) Adagio Dazzle X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now