Chapter 6 - Joining their group

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(A/N) This hints to "Sunset's Backstage Pass". You can find it on YouTube. 757 words if you need that info-

We all laughed for a while, and suddenly heard my mom yell at us to shut up, so we did. I yawned, and so did Sonata. Aria and Adagio looked at each other, then back at us. Sonata smiled widely at me, and hugged me tightly. "Join our group!!" She squealed excitedly. "WHAT?!" Aria and Adagio yelled in unison. "Shut up!" I whisper-yelled, thinking of my mom who yelled at us just a few minutes ago. "I might as well get mom some fucking earplugs for Christmas, goddamn!" I sighed, putting a hand to my forehead and leaning against the wall.

"Join. Our. Group." Sonata smiled creepily into my soul. "U-Um..." I stuttered. Adagio sighed, then placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Sonata's being an idiot, but still, from the leader's permission, me, you may join our group." Adagio smiled slightly, then frowned at Sonata. "What?" Sonata asked annoyingly. Adagio facepalmed, and Aria scoffed, rolling her eyes, her arms were crossed, as usual. "S-Sure-! I'll join your group!" I hesitated, smiling.

"Great! Now, I need your opinion on tacos." Sonata rested a hand on my shoulder. I shot a glance over to Adagio, then back at Sonata. "T-They're great...I guess." I smiled, scratching the back of my neck, sheepishly. "YEEESSS!!" Sonata screeched, throwing herself towards me. We both grunted as we collided with the ground after she practically latched herself onto me. I felt a sharp pain jolt through my right arm, and I tried to not cry out in agony. "Sonata! Get off of her!" Adagio rushed over to us, and helped me up. "S-Sorry! Not..." Sonata snickered, and Aria rolled her eyes. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?!" She asked, taking a step back from me. "I-I'm okay..." I whimpered a bit as I rubbed my arm. "You don't seem so." Adagio furrowed her eyebrows, gently taking and holding my hand. "I'm fine." I smiled, catching her gaze. I saw a slight blush appear on her face, and I basically mirrored it before turning away, awkwardly. ", we need your help." Adagio cleared her throat, and scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah?" I looked back up at her to see that she was looking down at her boots. "We um...we have some...uh..foes." Adagio grew a somber expression. "We lost against them. Unfair amount of people." She added, glancing back up at me. "What's in it for me?" I tilted my head, and Adagio looked back down. "We need more help. We..uh...used to be gods. They took our power away from us. We used the power of our voices to make people argue, and we...fed off of that." Adagio sighed admittedly. "Damn. So uh...what does using your voice have to do with power?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's um...complicated." Adagio sighed, letting go of my hand. "I have time." I smiled, gesturing to my bed. "Alright." She gave me a slight smile, and we both walked over to the bed. I sat down, and Adagio sat next to me. "We used to have these pendants. They were red, special, beautiful. But those bitches shattered them with their dumbass 'Magic of Friendship' bullshit." Adagio groaned. "O-Oh. So what do we do about it?" I asked. "I don't know, we could try and loop a vocal track, then perform it for f...ans, I guess?" Adagio shrugged. "Uh...I'm not sure, I uh...I can sing." I smiled. "You can? Without magic?" Adagio's eyes widened as she caught my gaze. "Y-Yeah." I gulped, nervously scratching the back of my neck. Adagio smirked evilly, then looked at Sonata and Aria. They shared an expression, and all looked at me afterwards. I shrugged confusedly, and Aria sighed. "We could really  work with that." Aria's evil smirk faltered as she seemingly groaned internally at my ignorance. "Could you... um...sing for us..? J-Just to clarify!" Adagio asked, blushing. "Uhh...okay.." I gulped, getting my vocals ready after taking a sip of water. (You can choose any song you want just as long as it's not too s3xual. It may mess with the story a bit. Maybe something slow or not too upbeat.)

After I sang, they all clapped in exhilaration and enthusiasm. "That was awesome! You definitely belong in our group." Sonata giggled. Aria nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah." Adagio smiled. She noticed herself slowly leaning towards me, and cleared her throat, sitting back upright. I blushed, looking out the window. It happened to be sunset, after a long while of talking with my new friends.

The Dazzlings (Mlp) Adagio Dazzle X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now