Chapter 1 - Introduction

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The Dazzlings walked towards the high cliff that is very comforting for them to be at, all the memories they've created together. All the times they've watched the sun go down together, despite the fact that Sonata is very annoying, and continuously points out all of the weird colors in the sky as the sun sets. Aria constantly yells at Sonata, telling her to shut up, almost making her start to yell back. But, if that happens, Adagio might join, and it's likely to ruin their friendship, causing them to drift apart. But they never did. Adagio doesn't join, because Sonata doesn't yell back, she mumbles a few words that makes Aria grunt in annoyance. Adagio sighs, in a relaxed way, her eyes closed, her torso leaning slightly off of the cliff. She opens her eyes, noticing how close she is to plummeting towards the giant valley below them, so she scoots back a bit. Aria and Sonata chuckle in unison, causing Adagio to frown for a few seconds, then look back at the sun with a sad look on her face. Sonata and Aria notice, softening their expressions as well.

 "Are...Are you okay, Adagio?" Aria asked, slightly reaching a hand towards Adagio's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm just..." She trailed off, sighing. "I'm just confused." She replied, rubbing the back of her neck, with a worried expression on her face.

 "What is it?" Sonata asked. "Well, remember the Rainbooms?" Adagio asked rhetorically. "Yeah! They sucked." Sonata crossed her arms, frowning, while sticking her tongue out after she stated her sentence. "That was rhetorical, idiot." Aria groaned. "Would you two just let me finish?!" Adagio yelled. The other two just stared at her. Adagio sighed, then continued. "I just don't get how they beat us! It's just dumb enough for me to think that those stupid princesses, and the 'magic of friendship' defeated us!" Adagio explained. 

They all sat in silence for 2 or 3 minutes. Then, Aria finally thought out loud. "That's honestly just witless." She crossed her arms. "Yeah, pretty much." Sonata agreed. Adagio rolled her eyes, then stood up. "Plus.." Sonata started. "Witless thoughts kind of make me think...that you'll get someone's heart soon." She imprudently predicted. "S-Shut up! All I care about is coming back at the Rainbooms, surprising them. And I suspect..that we try taking their power away, or maybe overpowering them. All I want is for us to succeed!" Adagio planned.

 "I believe that's possible." Aria sarcastically grunted. "Dumbass!" Adagio yowled. "Our power has been destroyed! How are we supposed to rule the world now?!" She added in fury. "Look!" Sonata giggled, pointing at a bird, that was flying in circles. Aria crossed her arms, while Adagio held the cracked gem of the pendant around her neck, gently, and slowly stroking it with her index finger. Aria rolled her eyes, while Sonata kept chortling.

The Dazzlings (Mlp) Adagio Dazzle X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now