Chapter 4 - Secret Feelings♡

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I woke up to slight shuffling, and the door opening, then closing. I grumbled silently, and opened my eyes. I looked around, and saw that Adagio was gone from the beanbag chair. I raised an eyebrow, before getting up, and walking quietly towards the door. I quietly creaked it open, and winced after I accidentally hit the rattly ass doorknob. I looked out into the hallway, which I heard serene thuds coming from, earlier. I sighed silently, and closed the door as I walked into the hallway. I creeped down the stairs, and found Adagio in the fridge as I peeked into the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen, and she closed the fridge before focusing on my silhouette. She jumped back, and started panting. "You scared me!" She quietly yelped. "Sorry." I smiled sheepishly, while rubbing the back of my neck.

"So, what are you doing down here-?" Adagio asked me. "I heard you creep down, it woke me up." I responded. "Oh." She looked down. "I'm sorry, I can go back up." She chuckled nervously. "No, don't worry. I do this almost all the time." I assured her. "O-Okay." She replied. She took the glass of water that she got herself, and drank some. "Let's go back up, okay?" I turned to the doorway. "Alright." She sighed. I snuck up the stairs, and she followed. We went back to bed, and I woke up at about 1:42 PM. "Oh,'re awake." Adagio looked over to me. "Yeah. Good morning-!" I smiled. She smiled back, and walked back over to Sonata and Aria. I...I think I have a crush on Adagio... I thought, smiling out the window, watching the sun rise. I felt the bed sink next to me, so I looked over, and I saw Adagio looking out the window as well. She noticed I looked at her, and she looked to me, and smiled, then looked back to the window, sighing with a big grin. Aria and Sonata were fighting, but me and Adagio didn't care, we just ignored. I nervously looked over to Adagio again, smiling, and I blushed violently, looking back to the window, trying to hide my face. I heard her chuckle softly, and she hugged me from the side, then got up and walked to Aria and Sonata. Not a minute later, I heard her telling them to shut up, but they bickered back. I sighed, and laid back down on my side, still looking out the window, hugging my blanket. They finally stopped, and I felt a hand on my side. I looked up to see Adagio looking out the window again, her hand still on my side.

Yeah...I think I like her.

The Dazzlings (Mlp) Adagio Dazzle X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now