Chapter 4 - The Hunter Exam

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As they arrived at the Zaban City, the ace was crowded by people walking around, the sound of footsteps and chatting doesn't seem to end. Mizuki and the others was walking around the crowds, being lead by the navigator.

"As navigators, our job is to identify worthy hunters applicants, and send them to the exam place was held. In other words, it would be very difficult for a person to reach the exam site without the assistance of the Navigator." The navigator explain as he walked in front of them, while reading a paper on his hand.

The stalls seem to be selling frogs as food, bros from the underground city of Zaban and other stuff.

In the vast sky, the sun shines through the clouds, seeming like a painting, as the crow flies through the bright blue sky. Mizuki walks around the crowd with Gon, her attention was on the sky, staring a the crow. Wondering why does it look familiar.

Meanwhile, Kurapika and Leorio was looking around while following the navigator's lead. Gon seem to be exited, couldn't control his expression. Be visit all the stalls one by one, while Mizuki being dragged, with a bored look.

"Waaaahhh... Mizuki-kun, look at that!" Gon said, pointing to a some kind of weird stuff inside the stall.

Mizuki hummed in replied, her thoughts somewhere else, doesn't seem to be interested.

"Gon, Mizuki! What are you guys doing? Let's go!" Leorio called their name, far from the crowds.

"Okay! Come on, Mizuki!" Gon said, turning his heads towards Leorio while holding Mizuki's hand, catching up with the others.

After a few minutes walk, the navigator assist them as they arrived in front of a tall building, seemed to be reaching the skies.

"I'm sure the building is over there." the navigator mumbled.

The four look in front of them, eyes wouldn't blinking. Their gaze was focus on it.

Gon look at the building, his brown eyes gleamed with excitement as his mouth gaping. "It's so tall! They have a nice building, huh!" He exclaimed.

"So this is the place where the exam was held." Leorio said, lifting his head to get a closer look.

"This is what is called the place of hunter participants from all over the world." Kurapika said, his grey eyes were scanning the building.

"I feel a strong sense that the exam was held on that place." Mizuki said, her gaze turn to other place, pointing towards a small restaurant.

"Huh." the three of them look at her.

"Are you sure, Mizuki?" Leorio ask her.

"Guys! Over here!" Suddenly, the voice of the navigator was heard. They turn around, to see that he was standing in front of the restaurant that Mizuki pointed.

"Oi, oi, this isn't funny. This is just a normal restaurant, right? Why would the hunter applicants from all over the world would be gathered here?" Leorio exclaimed.

"Probably." the navigator replied. "Cause no one would ever thought that the hunter exam that has a millions of applicants joining would be place in here, right?" He said.

"Well, that's true." Leorio said, seeming to realize.

The five of them entered the restaurant, following the navigator's steps. They were greeted by a chef, cooking in the kitchen. The navigator gives his order, which Kurapika a enough for the four of them to sit down all together.

"I can't wait for the stick combo!" Gon exclaimed.

"Gon, that was just a key to bring us to this room." Kurapika said to him.

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