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(Louis' pov)

'I'm not a nervous person. But I'm currently pacing back and forth in the hallway waiting for this meeting to start and Liam's starting to notice. 'Alright that's enough. I usually don't ask questions but considering you look like you could pass out at any given moment I thought I should bring it up.' Liam says to me. 'What's wrong with you today?' He says again. I walk over to him and sit down in the chair right next to him. 'Payno you know I don't like to talk about stuff like this but-' I was soon interrupted. 'Lou I know this is about what happened the last time you had an assignment. I promise you nothing like what happened to *her* will happen to me, I've got your back and you've got mine.' The thought of him bringing up *her* made my throat go dry and my stomach drop. I've never had someone confront me about it since the situation happened besides my boss which was mandatory. Everyone has given me my so called 'space' and I didn't think that it would effect me this deeply but hearing it being talked about again just wasn't right. 'Im sorry man..I- I..' I stuttered. 'Im going home. Um tell them I'll be ready to begin the assignment tomorrow. Um I'm not feeling well today.' I tell Liam in a uncertain tone. He sighs as he tells me, 'Alright lad get some rest I'll pick you up tomorrow with the paperwork.' 'Thanks' I whisper as I steadily fast walk to the exit. I'm gonna be sick.'

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