~Down By the Bay~

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Hi hi!! How are you <3 (Wellness Cheakpoint!!)

This is my first TPN fic, so let's hope I'm doing it some justice, lol. The chapters are more then likely going to be short because I have struggled (still struggling) with updating multichapter fics with long chapters, so I'm hoping if I keep it short, I'll have an easier time updating!! Enjoy, hopefully!

Comment on Title/picture/song here!!! :D

When I was four years old, Mama brought in a new baby

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When I was four years old, Mama brought in a new baby. He was a bit on the smaller side and really whiney and his name was Timothy. I stayed away from him because babies are, no offense, really disgusting. All that drool and snot and icky stuff. But he grew on me, and I didn't want to leave him.

I fed him, put him to sleep, changed him, I spent almost every waking minute I could with him. Mama had to drag me away from him kicking and screaming.

Of course, I would sneak back into her room just to lay with him, but we don't talk about that.

In fact, we were so close, his first words to me were....

Well, anyway, it was good while it lasted. And it lasted until he was 6 and I 9.

When he got adopted.

Or so I thought.

*Fact: Y/n has made playlists for the people they're close to, the name referring to an event*

"Y/n... Y/n, wake up, darling."

I groan and cuddle closer to the warmth next to me, slowly falling back to sleep... only for my eyes to snap open and meet amethyst eyes looking back at me.

"Mamaaaaaa." I whine, pulling my sleeping brother closer to my chest.

She smiles and nods towards the door for me to get up.

Pouting, I untangle myself from my bedmate and follow behind her.

Getting out into the hall, Mama giggles a little bit.

"How did you even get in there?"

I grin at her, "Bribery goes far."

Mama frowns subtlety before grabbing my arm and stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"Y/n, have you been hanging around Lee for too long? Like I told you not to."

I lower my head.

Mama sighs and crotches down to my height, putting her hand under my chin and tilting it up.

"You know you can't do that with your condition. I let you hang around Timothy because he can't affect you."

I sniff, "I know, and I love Timmy, but I wanna play with my big siblings! I wanna have fun with the other kids! I miss Norman. I know I have you and Timmy, but! I'm lonely...."

I don't like crying, but all the feelings I've been holding down just came rushing out.

"Aw, Y/n, come here."

Once I calmed down, Mama wiped my tears.

"Okay. Okay okay."

I look up to see Mama's soft look.

Caressing my cheek, she smiles at me.

"How about this, you go up to your room, and when Timothy goes to play, I'll introduce you to someone new."

I gasp, grabbing her hand and hopping a bit.


Mama stands up and holds her hand out to me, humming.

Grabbing it, I skip beside her, harmonizing with her.

'Today's gonna be a good day.'

There we go! Hope you liked it <3

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There we go! Hope you liked it <3

Talk to me??? --->

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