Chapter 3: Family of the Night

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4:00 PM Wayne Tower

A long boring meeting was droning on and Bruce Wayne couldn't have hated it more. Since Ten AM that day their meeting on company progress, public relations, and all things Wayne Corp. related had been going on and Bruce was not happy. Not only was the meeting way too long, but it had made Bruce miss picking up his son and taking him to lunch as was tradition. Bruce just kept looking at the clock wanting nothing more than to see his baby boy and spend time with him. Sure they had patrol later that night but that wasn't really quality time with his son.

"Mr. Wayne what are your thoughts?" A business associate asked Bruce.

"Have we ever thought of focusing on our charity foundation?" Bruce suggested still paying attention as boring as it was.

"Interesting why do you ask Mr. Wayne?"

"Well I don't believe business is typically a way to win people's hearts but our charity foundation should help our public relations considerably. I was thinking we could help the poorer families and children here in Gotham, raise money to help them lead better lives and find jobs for the fathers." Bruce suggested having become very family oriented since Dicks adoption.

"I think that's just a grand idea, a family focused charity would make us more relatable to more people. Plus could really do some good for this city." One of the female heads of the board added.

The group then became more engaged spending more than an hour discussing details and more ways to apply their idea. However soon Bruce saw the clock and that it was 5:15 already!

"Well ladies and gentlemen I believe that should conclude our meeting but thank you for all of your suggestions and help. Now I must be going." Bruce said as he quickly packed his briefcase and stormed out before anyone could stop him.

Like a flash of lightning Bruce was out of the building and in his car driving home. He sped down the road till at last he was back at Wayne Manor ready to see his little boy again. He entered the manor and put his hat and coat on the rack only to then have Alfred enter.

"You are quite late Master Bruce." Alfred said with a rather unhappy tone.

"I know Alfred but the meeting droned on for hours, but we do have an idea for a new charity now. But I'll discuss that later, where is Dick?" Bruce asked, wanting his baby bird.

"Just in the living room playing with his toys sir." Alfred said with a cheeky smile knowing that being away from his son for long periods of time was stressful for Bruce.

Bruce immediately rushed into the living room where he saw Dick playing with some toy action figures on the floor. Not soon after his entrance did Dick notice Bruce standing there causing him to smile widely.

"Daddy you're home! Dick squealed as he got up and tried to run to his daddy.

However while his leg had recovered greatly Dick still had a bit of a limp. This greatly concerned Bruce as he then picked up his poor limping baby and cradled him in his arms.

"Baby what happened to your knee?!" Bruce asked with great concern as he ever so gently observed and fiddled with the bandage to see the damage.

Dick then suddenly got quite tense remembering the bullies threat if he were to tell his daddy the truth. But never had Dick lied to his daddy before, but he saw for himself how busy his daddy was and he didn't want to add to his worries. So Dick decided he would stick to the same story he had used all day.

"Uuh.. uhh... I tripped daddy. I fells durin recess." Dick said his heart pounding and guilt consuming him as he lied to his daddy.

Bruce immediately felt something was wrong, what wasn't his baby telling him.

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