Chapter 4: Unspoken

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Another morning had come and as usual Bruce went to wake up Dick. However as he did so Dick moaned painfully not feeling the greatest after what had happened that night. Bruce frantirushedd to his son's side and took his tiny hand in his, squeezing it tightly.

"Does your head hurt baby?" Bruce asked worriedly, looking his son lovingly in the eye.

"Yes daddy but Is ok." Dick said trying to be tough even with the pain.

"No you're not, I can see you're hurting from last night. Maybe you should stay home from school today baby, I wouldn't want to make your pain worse." Bruce tried to convince his son.

The whole thing reminded Bruce why he didn't like Dick fighting. Yes he was happy to have him along, and he really was a great help and fighter. But Dick was also only five years old, he shouldn't be experiencing the kind of hurt and pain he felt. He should be just going to kindergarten, playing with friends, being taken care of, and not worrying about grown up things like Gotham's safety.

"No really daddy, Is ok right now! Please I don't wanna miss school!" Dick begged not wanting to prove to the bullies he couldn't handle them.

Bruce felt conflicted he of course never wanted Dick to unnecessarily miss school but he could tell something was wrong. He kept getting the feeling he should say no and keep Dick home from school but then he saw the eyes. Dicks mesmerizing baby blue eyes, compelling him to just let the adorable boy go to school. He tried to resist them but rarely was Bruce able to say no to Dick but with the eyes to go with it, he knew what he had to do.

"Huh alright you can go to school but if you don't feel well enough, you need to promise that you'll have the school call me. I'll be there straight away to pick you up Ok?" Bruce agreed with the utmost seriousness despite his better judgment.

"Ok daddy! Thank yous!" Dick squealed as he then hugged his daddy's neck tightly.

"You're welcome baby but before you go to school let's get you some medicine for your head pain." Bruce said as he gently scooped Dick up to get medicine for his poor baby's head.

Once Dick was medicated and cared for, the rest of the morning went normal. They got ready, had breakfast, drove off to school, said their goodbyes, and Bruce went off to work. At the moment Dicks kindergarten class was finishing up a spelling test and then the bell for recess went off.

"Alright class it's time to get in line for recess, I'll grade your tests while you're all outside. Then we'll work on our new project to represent Korea today. Now go have fun but remember be safe." Mrs. Altomare said as she started her little line.

"Yes Mrs. Altomare!" Squealed the whole class cheerfully in unison.

They all then quickly marched outside and ran about the playground. Dick and Barbara had decided to play tetherball together both running to the little court with the tetherball pole.

"Yeah we gots it before anybody did!" Barbara shouted excitedly.

"Yeah! I love teder ball, my daddy an I plays it all the time at the park! He always let me throw first, he da bestest. But you can throw first Barbara!" Dick said wanting to be kind to his friend.

"Really! Wow you so nice Dick, yous my bestest friend!" Barbara squealed as she hugged Dick causing the little boy to unknowingly blush.

"Yous my bestest friend too! Now come on let's play!" Dick said as he passed the ball to Barbara.

"Ok then let's play!" Barbara yelled excitedly.

From there the two had a very intense tetherball match, both very good at the game. They were the best in their class if not the whole school when it came to tether ball, even older kids didn't want to go up against them. However as the two little kindergarteners played they were oblivious to the danger lurking by.

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